Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1736: Everlasting Magic Mountain

Is it!

The souls of the Taoist realm recognize the Lord!

Will this guy look good!


At this time!

Ye Qingcheng opened his eyes!

An invisible breath is released!


The main monks of the main roads of the Divine Eagle Palace shook their hearts at this moment. At this moment, they finally understood that it seemed that there was no special woman before. The original cultivation was so terrible!


This is sword repair!

Peerless Religion was really annihilated by this woman 100,000 miles away!

"Shen Jiu is willing to recognize the girl as the main!

The Divine Eagle Master thought for a moment, and bowed to Ye Qingcheng.

"Acknowledge the Lord?" Ye Qingcheng stunned slightly, looking at Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng nodded lightly, Ye Qingcheng nodded to the Lord Shenji Palace "Get up, my name is Ye Qingcheng, Qingyun Realm Lord."

"Ye Qingcheng Qingyun Realm Master"

Shen Jiu Gong whispered and retreated to the side of Ye Qingcheng.

"Qingyun Realm Lord?"

"Which sector is Qingyun Realm?"

"It turns out that we are not our eternal monks in the evergreen world. It turns out that they are also outsiders like the purple pupil demon boy! In recent days, why have external monks entered the eternal world of the eternal world, and the power of God has also appeared in the recent world.

The monks of each avenue whispered!

"I'll take it for you, the Condor Palace."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved to the Shenjiu Palace below, and it turned into a fine dust as soon as he grasped it.


The condor was stunned, and some did not understand.


Fairy light flashes!

Chen Zheng took a few people away!


Take a look at me, monks of all avenues, I look at you, and finally look at the top of the empty Condor Mountain, all silent!

Everlasting Magic Mountain.

Located in the east of Changqing Road.

Wanmo Demon Mountain was once called the Everlasting Immortal Mountain, and it was the holy land of the Evergreen Daoyu. Later, the outer demons invaded and the Immortal Mountain became the Magic Mountain. The first line of the Evergreen Daoyu also disappeared.

But in the eyes of the world, that Taoism still exists, but all the original immortals have become demons, and they are all terrible demons. The weakest is also the ancestor level.

There are many creatures outside the Magic Mountain, more than 90% of them are local creatures in the Evergreen Daoyu, and very few are from other Daoyu. Although they are only very few, the local monks in the Evergreen Daoyu dare not provoke them because they can pass through The monks in the turbulent flow between the avenues must be the top creatures in the evergreen world.

"Those outsiders have all gone into the Magic Mountain of the ancients. You said it was for the first line of the Evergreen Daoyu. It didn't make sense. No matter how powerful that line is, it's far worse than the power of God! A few came before. The female nuns seem to have robbed the power of the gods, and feel that one is stronger than the other, especially the woman with a long snow-colored sword, feeling that it is the strongest of those women! It is too cold, a little bit more than her The snow-colored long knife is still cold! But one thing is very strange, her spiritual pet is actually a rabbit!"

"A female sword repairer is also powerful. Just now the messenger of the imperial palace wanted to ask the female sword repairer, and was forced to retreat by the female sword repairer!"

"Anyway, the monk Tiantian I have seen so far is still the strongest female sword repairer. I feel that I can cut the trail ancestors in half with a single knife. I don't know which disciple of the tyrannical and terrible creature!"

The argument began to lie down. These creatures all stared at Vanguard Mountain. Although they wanted to enter Vanguard Mountain to see what was happening, they just came up with ideas and dared not put them into action.

Everlasting Magic Mountain is too dangerous!

One of the weakest demons is also the ancestral realm!

What's more, there is no need to verify and there is definitely a demon who is more powerful than the ancestor!

"Holy Emperor's Fate? Huh! I want to make a decision!"


A voice appeared without warning!

This is a boy in white!

The creatures outside the Magic Mountain of Everlasting God haven't recovered yet. The boy in white stepped out and stepped into the Magic Mountain of Everlasting One Step! Rumbling, the devil qi suddenly boiled in a moment, and the next howling came from the eternal magic mountain!

I heard it!

That is the devilish howl!

"what's the situation?"

"Who is that boy? It feels that this boy is stronger than that female sword repair!"

"Holy Emperor's Fate? Did you notice that the teenager mentioned the holy Emperor's fate! Although we can't leave the Everlasting Evergreen Realm, we should know what the Holy Emperor is! These monks from outside the world come to the Everlasting Evergreen Realm and land. In the domain of the Nine Avenues, robbed the power of the gods in this world, and now all have entered the eternal magic! So these guys are here to fight for something, is that thing the Holy Emperor's destiny!"

Silence briefly!

A cry of exclamation soon sounded!

At first, I thought that mighty magical instruments or mysteries might be sealed in the Magic Mountain. The foreign monks came for magical instruments and mysteries. Now I understand that these foreign monks are here to fight for their lives!



Holy Emperor's Fate!

These foreign monks are here to fight for the destiny of the Holy Emperor!

"Can those of us everlasting native creatures also compete for the destiny of the Holy Emperor?"

Someone asked!

"Not to mention the young man in white, nor the female sword repair, have you ever played that female sword repair?"

Someone responded!


Ask the person to be silent!

Can't beat it!

Can't beat it all!

Not to mention those foreign monks!

It's just that a demon in the Everlasting Demon Mountain can't beat itself!


A sigh!

The person who asked asked fell into silence!



Someone still went in!

"Lord Evergreen Palace Lord!"

"The ten masters have also entered!"

"There are other top monks from other regions!"

A blink!

At least seven or eight figures have entered the Eternal Magic Mountain!

It is certain that these people are native creatures of the evergreen world!

After they learned that foreign monks were fighting for the destiny of the Holy Emperor in the Magic Mountain!

One by one!

Not only the heart but also the action!

"Unfortunately, the ancient magic mountain is shrouded in devil qi, and Shennian peeped into the outermost things at most. I don’t know what the situation is inside! Even if I don’t get the order of the Holy Emperor, let me take a look at the war inside. OK!"

"You said there are no creatures, can disperse this thick devil qi, so that we can see clearly the situation in the ancient magic mountain!"

"The Lord of the Evergreen Immortal Palace cannot be so strong. No one should be able to do it. Although the foreign monks are also tyrannical, but none of them can dispel the magic energy, they should not be able to do it! I think unless Heaven comes , Otherwise no one should be able to dispel this evil spirit!"

Sigh and emotion!

These creatures are not all know that if they don’t have the cultivation of the Evergreen Immortal Palace Master, even if they enter the Eternal Magic Mountain, they are just cannon fodder, not to mention fighting for the Holy Emperor’s destiny. !

I want to see the situation inside, but I have no choice but to sigh and sigh!


At this time!

Someone is here again!


All the exogenous spirits of the ancient Magic Mountain have seen it!


"What a weird group of four!"

"A female sword repairer who doesn't know much about cultivation behavior, a golden fairy kid, a fairy fairy kid, and another eh? How does it feel like the owner of the Divine Vulture Palace! Palace Master, how does she feel that she is qualified as the maidservant of the female sword repair at this moment?"


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