Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1728: I just restarted it

Queen Yu Xiao!

  What is this woman, the goddess of jade flute in the eternal mountain!

   Wait a minute!

   This woman said that the young man of Jinxian was impersonating the emperor!

  Who is Tai Huang!

   Everyone is more puzzled!

   "Queen of Yu Xiao... Yu Xiao... Isn't that good at blowing jade..."

Qi Hao, a monk in the foundation period, spoke unconsciously, but suddenly responded and shut up quickly. In the face of the creatures of this level, she should not talk nonsense. Although the woman only came in will, she can kill herself by just looking at herself. !

   "Queen, God, your title is not enough, and the title of Yu Xiao is too common."

   But Chen Zheng beside the Longhuang Battle Banner is not afraid, hehe smiled.


  Yu Xiao God's later incarnation stared at him with indifferent eyes!


  Longhuang Battle Banner hid behind Chen Zheng!

"Huh?" Yuxiao God's will incarnation frowned, revealing an unexpected color, a flash of light flashed in her eyes, and then stared at Chen Zheng with cold eyes: "You're a bit capable, no wonder you dare to impersonate Taihuang, But fakes are fakes after all!"


   A wave of horror and supernatural power broke out!

   Everyone trembled!

   trembling daring not to have any movement!


   The horror supernatural powers rolled towards Chen Zheng but nothing happened!

   " flesh..."

   Yuxiao God's brow frowned again, staring closely at Chen Zheng!

"Fake imperial emperor? Do you think too much." Chen Zheng smiled lightly, and looked at Yu Xiao God after counting his eyes: "Do you know why I know that you are from the ancient God Mountain, because you have met a guy who claimed to be the god-killer before, you There is a similar breath. As you said earlier that the emperor was frustrated and self-confessed in chaos, I had seen the volition of the will a few days ago."


  The appearance of Yuxiao God’s will-incarnation changed, maybe others didn’t understand it, but she understood it instantly! In front of this guy who has the same face as Taihuang, the potential meaning of the sentence just now is that Taihuang was frustrated a few days ago because of him!

Do not believe!


  How could the Emperor Tai frustrate because of the kid in front of him!

   "Will this palace be bluffed by you!"

  The queen Yu Xiao will incarnate indifferently and relentlessly!


  Chen Zheng is too lazy to glance at Yuxiao God!

   His eyes moved, looking at the phantom of the will of the time stop: "Give you ten breaths, cut off the contact with this woman, and restore the time stop to the previous state."

   "Haha! Are you threatening me!"

  Veiling laughed again!

   "Although your physical body is special, you can still see the golden fairy mana, you can't make it!"

   Queen Yu Xiao sneered!

   The rest are silent!

   Because they all know that this is not the game they can dabble in!

   It is better to remain silent at this moment!

   There is a saying that the fairy fights mortal victims!

   Although others and others are considered fairies in the eyes of mortals!

   can only be regarded as a mortal in front of Yu Xiao, the involuntary incarnation of this place, and the mysterious Jinxianxiu as a young man! So wait, you should be able to tell the difference soon!

   "Are you still obsessed with obsession? I used to give you a face, but now it doesn't seem to be necessary."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

   "Can you help me!"

  The ghost shouted!

   "Although the time sea is just the will to stop, there is no real body, but it can be compared with the common era overlord, you can not have any impact on the time sea!"

  The goddess of Yu Xiao will be disdainful incarnation!



   Next second!

  The color of Yuxiao God has changed!


  Chen Zheng is easy to wipe!

   The place where it stopped at this moment was shattered!

   At that time, the phantom of the will in the place where it stopped was also broken!

   Everyone showed a terrified look!


   Immediately after the divine light flashed!

  Scattered time to reproduce!

  The place where the ghost of will will reappear!


   It seems that the ghost of will will be different from before!

   Looks dull!

   What is the situation!

  What did this man just do!

   "You...what did you do, why did the connection between the main palace and Shi Hai disappear, what did you do just now!"

   briefly silenced, the queen of Yu Xiao howled like a shrew!

   "I don't have to panic, I just restarted this place, restarted the will of the place where it stopped, and just restored the place where it stopped to the original state. You can rest assured to practice in the future, there will be no more defects."

  Chen Zheng said with a smile.


   As soon as this sentence was said, the **** Yu Xiao opened her mouth and screamed, and the will incarnation turned into a magnificent divine light, bumping towards Chen Zheng!



   You mang flash!

   The magnificent divine light transformed by Yu Xiaoshen's will will be swallowed!


   Everyone is dumbfounded!

   didn't see clearly at all!

   At that moment, there seemed to be something flying out of the pocket of this young golden fairy!

   And then devoured the incarnation of Yuxiao God!

   That should be a terrible magic weapon!


   It seems that no matter how powerful the weapon is, it is not as good as this man's method!

   Where to stop when restarting!

   lying trough!

   A young man with golden fairy mana restarted and stopped!

  Fixed the defect of the place where it stopped!

   This is too bad!

   Logically speaking!

   Stop where you want to restart!

   must be in the same state as the creature who created the place where it stopped!


   But the young man in front of him really only has Jinxian mana!

   "I don't have time to practice!"

   This time!

   a cold and ruthless sound!

   Everyone looked at it sounded shocked again!

   That is the phantom of the will of the time stop!

   seems normal now!

   It’s just that it’s not normal before!

   Instead, it returned to its original normal state!


   This time the will will restart again!


   The shadow disappears!

"This one......"

   "Let's continue to practice..."

   "Hurry up to practice, don't waste this big opportunity..."

  Everyone, look at me, look at Whisper to Chen Zheng in a whisper, then sit down one by one and continue to practice in situ.


   Before the old man opened his mouth, his face was full of shame at the moment, and after a sigh, he bowed deeply to Chen Zheng, and then left the place where he left.

   "Humph! It's a bit of a bone!"

  Longhuang Battle Banner snorted softly.

"That... Brother Chen, do you still accept the younger brother? Although the younger is very talented in practice, the younger brother's brain turns fast enough. He doesn't ask Brother Chen to pass on the supreme secret to the younger brother. A plug-in, so that the younger brother can still enter the place where he stopped now!

  Qi Hao's eyes moved, and he bit his teeth and knelt against Chen Zheng!

   "You guy is smart enough."

  Longhuang Battle Banner commented.

   "Your chance is not here."

   Chen Zheng casually said.


   Qi Hao raised his head and looked puzzled.

   "I can build the place where I stopped. I don't need to stay here anymore. Go back to Qingyun Realm."

   Chen Zheng gave Ye Qingcheng a glance.


   Ye Qingcheng responded.


   A flash of fairy light!

  Chen Zheng several people sent out!

   Qi Hao was shocked!

   Then cry out without tears!

   "Brother Chen, don't leave, give the younger a chance, this younger brother finally traveled to the world of Xianxia, ​​and the younger really wanted to become a fairy!"

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