Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1723: She has the potential to be a creator

in fact!

   Chen Zheng didn't say anything!

That is Ye Qingcheng’s second awakening sacred sword body. If you can learn something from the secret code of the eradicating era, then its strongest sword, even if it can’t cut the Dao ancestor, can threaten the first one. Daozu!

Seeing the ghost ghost and the ghost fox old woman had fainted, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, seeing that the Qingyun Realm had stabilized, a force of fortune poured into Ye Qingcheng's body, and the Yinyue Dynasty was slowly ascending into a fairy He thought for a moment, and the seven colors in his eyebrows lighted up, sweeping through the new world.

"It has increased by three points, as expected. The details of the Qingyun Realm are still a little bit worse. Although there is a heaven and earth holy place, it is not born. It is equivalent to forcibly raising a Chinese world to a large world. This is not like the Heavenly Palace. Means, like a certain way out of the heavenly way controlled by the heavenly palace."

   This sweep, the cantilever of the universe has grown by three points, already sixty-seven. It is also this sweep that Chen Zheng knew why the Qingyun Realm would suddenly be promoted. It has nothing to do with the Heavenly Dao Palace, it has nothing to do with the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord, and it has something to do with the Heavenly Dao separated from the Heavenly Dao Palace. If the Master of the Heavenly Palace is not dare to dare, then the second elder of the Heavenly Palace cannot wait for that Heavenly Path.

"This young lady has broken through the border again. Now it's Heavenly Emperor's Realm and has become the master of an immortal dynasty! The Yinyue dynasty can be changed into the Yinyue immortal dynasty, just... just how it feels Not as good as the Yinyue Dynasty?"

   Longhuang Battle Banner shouted at the moment.

"Emperor Realm... This sister should be able to slash the ancestor sage or whatever. The ancestor sage with no details was cut off by the younger sister at once, Jianxiu... really chic. What."

  The light in the eyes of Zhengyue's girl flashed. At the moment, she secretly said that when she grows up later, she wants to learn the dress and temperament of her sister. Although Sister Shuanghua said that she would mix with her in the future, but the ultimate shape of Sister Shuanghua was ten times colder than the sister in front of her.

   "Well? This is... what is this..."

   Ye Qingcheng opened her eyes and frowned slightly. At this moment, a blue shadow suddenly appeared in front of her. Although she had no face, she seemed to be her shadow!

   "Heavenly Way?"

   Longhuang Battle Banner was surprised!

   "Heavenly Way?"

  The black eyes flashed in the double pupils of Zhengyue girl, and she looked at Qingying like she looked at her prey!

   "You are the heavenly way to promote Qingyun Realm?"

  Chen Zheng looked over and asked a little.

   "See the former palace master!"

   Qingying shuddered and greeted Chen Zheng quickly!

   "I know what you are thinking, you will follow the allure in the future."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

   "Thank you Qiangong!"

   Qingying was shaking again, and worshiped Chen Zheng again, and then fell into Ye Qingcheng's eyebrows.


   Zhengyue girl blinked, her face puzzled.


   is also at this time!

  Chen Zhengmei's heart flew out!

   "Lying trough! What a terrible weapon!"

The Longhuang Battle Banner glanced involuntarily and exclaimed involuntarily. It was a unique Taoist weapon, a complete body or a treasure. It carried the luck of the ancient wasteland of the Eight Wastelands, so its perception was far more than the ordinary Taoist weapon. When it came out, this simple green lantern-like instrument in Chen Zumei's heart was terrible!

   This thing is more terrible than treasure!


  Ye Qingcheng's Wushuang Sword, which is already a treasure, suddenly shuddered!



   A blue light in a simple blue light-like instrument!

   Qingguang swept across Ye Qingcheng instantly!

   "This girl...has the potential to be a creator. Does the master want to give this girl some brand of the road of reincarnation."

  Donghuang Battle Banner, Zhengyue girl, and Ye Qingcheng had some doubts, a woman's voice sounded in Chen Zheng's mind, this voice is the sound of the Great Reincarnation Holy Lamp.

"Being not."

  Chen Zhengyuan responded.

   "This... slave slave understands." The Great Reincarnation Holy Lamp murmured: "The slave slave recovered some energy and was able to steal some mana from outside Yu. At this moment, the master steals mana."



   Next second!

   Ye Qingcheng, Zhengyue girl and Longhuang Battle Banner showed a shocking color, because at the moment above the Yinyue Imperial City, there was a magnificent amount of mana falling! The sky above the Yinyue Imperial City is at least a heavenly emperor's real luck real dragon now, a face is full of horror, it is scared!


  Mammoth infinite mana instantly poured into Chen Zheng's body!



   "Second order golden fairy!"

   The horror sounded!

   "The Great Reincarnation Holy Light, you are much more useful than Macro Roulette."

  Chen Zheng said with a smile.

   "The slave-servant withdrew."

   The sound of the Great Reincarnation Holy Lamp Spirit sounded in Chen Zheng’s mind, and then the ancient simple green lamp disappeared into Chen Zhengyuan God.

   "Master, I am also very useful, okay!"

   It was also at this moment that a mechanical voice sounded, and another magical instrument flew out in Chen Zhengmei's heart, it was Macross Roulette.

   "Lying trough! Another horror weapon!"

   Longhuang Battle Banner was immediately exclaimed!


   Zhengyue girl and Ye Qingcheng are silent.


   The flash of the seven colors of the roulette!

"Master, I have also recovered some energy. In addition to helping the owner to recover the past, I can also help the owner to go to any place I want to go. Even Yuwai is okay! But it is not possible now, just some energy has been restored, However, I can send the host to a good place. The time flow is very slow, which can basically be regarded as a stop. It is convenient for the host and the small host to practice, and the host can rest assured that it will not affect the time and space of the outside world such as Qingyun Realm!"


  The sound of the organ spirit has not fallen!

  Chen Zheng was sent a few people at once!


   The big dark sky.

   Deep in the colorless sea.

"Qingyun Realm Promoted? There is a peerless sword repair sword that cuts off the monks of the Yan Mo clan and the gods sent to Qingyun Realm? The people of the Yan Mo clan asked me if I want to go to Qingyun Realm? Qingyun Realm, that's Miss Qingcheng The site, Miss Qingcheng is half of the master's disciple, aren't these guys running to death? The Yan Mo clan don't care, this king disdains to be with them!"

   Metallic form of small bones responded indifferently.


   Wing Demon Patriarch retreated Zu? Where did Chen Zu leave before? "

  The metal cat hanging in the hall opened his eyes at this moment.

"Master, he got a powerful magic weapon, which sweeps through all the heavens and earth and can make a thing called a cosmic bomb. The master should come to the dark sky soon, so Teacher Ding Dang Mao will meet again soon. It's time to master."

   Xiao Gu nodded.

"Cosmic Bomb... This... how did it seem to have been mentioned by my former master... It seems that my former master also... Then I still wait for Chen Zu to come over Well, I have recently sensed something strange, that seems to be the time-space beacon left by my former master. When Chen Zu arrives, I will tell Chen Zu again."

   When the metal cat heard it, his eyes flashed differently, thinking a word, and closed his eyes again.

   "That... Sister Bone, can I go to Qingyun Realm to find Uncle?"

  Chu Hongyi is also in the main hall, at this moment the eyeball turns.

   "You still stay here to practice well. Before the master arrives, if you haven't stepped into Heaven Emperor Realm, be careful that the master will punish you."

  Bone metal double pupil swept over.


   Chu Hongyi sighed. She missed the days when she was with Chen Zheng. When she encountered anything, she had an uncle to get it done. You don’t have to worry about it. You just need to be quiet as a scumbag beside you.


  Is there a way!

   can make yourself an invincible bastard!

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