Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1721: The Secret Code of the Eradication Era


   Sure enough!

   The man with the disheveled hair and this golden fairy are not enemies for young people!

   is old knowledge!


   Yunji Taoist Yuan Shen shuddered, opened his mouth and suddenly disappeared completely, this is also the heart of Tao broken! If it is normal, a Taoist ancestor's fall must be a shock to the eternal sword world, but at the moment everyone just looked at this side, and did not feel much, as if a Taoist decayed and fell, it was nothing, their eyes were fast Refocus on Chen Zheng!

  Chen Zhengyuan God has returned to the flesh, he looked at the eternal sword master and asked casually: "What is your Master's name."

"Ah? This..." Sword Master Immortal froze for a moment, but quickly reacted, knowing that the master's deceased person was not the one from that year, and had forgotten all the past, so he bowed his head slightly back. Tao: "His old man is called Jian Cang. He used to have a title called the Second Sword Master of Vanguard. He was the best friend with the First Sword Master of Vanguard. It was just that year, my first Sword Master suddenly disappeared."

   Jian Cang!

  Second Sword Master!

   Isn't that the first sword master!

  Sanzun and the Golden Sword Emperor show their surprise!

   "Jiancang...the second in ancient times...but it fits his sword body."

  Chen Zheng nodded with a smile.


   This time!

   Beside him, another sword sounded inside Ye Qingcheng!


   The brilliant sword lighted up at the next moment!

   Epoch Sword Palace feels!

   After a long time, Yu Mang flew out and fell into Ye Qingcheng's eyebrows!


  What happened?

  Is this the inheritance of the Supreme Sword Art from the Epoch Sword Palace?

   Everyone showed curiosity.

   "She... is your disciple of this lifetime?"

   Frost Frost glanced at Ye Qingcheng, and asked, the voice was a little softer than before, but there was still an indescribable coldness.

   "Half a disciple."

   Chen Zheng replied.

   "Half a disciple?"

"It means that it is not a real disciple, it is just equivalent to a named disciple. This... This girl is a secluded sword body. It seems that this is not the first time to awaken, and now I have a sense of the sword tactics with Jiyuan Jiangong. Inheritance, isn’t it qualified to be...your personal disciple?"


   Everyone heard the words of half a disciple, and they were surprised again.

   "Half a disciple..."

   The frost woman whispered, it seemed to be thinking back to the past.

   "You have forgotten the past and don't remember Sister Bingyou. Sister Bingyou has learned the sword for three days with you. It should be half of your disciples."

  Eternal Life Sword Master murmured at the moment.

"is it."

  Chen Zheng also smiled.

   "It is not important anymore, after all, you have forgotten."

   The frost woman shook her head gently, said deeply to Chen Zheng, and then turned into a blue ice sword light back to the era of sword palace.

"This...Sister Sister had something special for you...this...ah." Immortal Sword Master only shook his head when he saw this, and paused: "The teacher said However, you once left a secret code in the Epoch Sword Palace, but it’s a pity that from ancient times to the extreme, only the master respected his old man to learn the secret code. Neither my sister nor I could learn that secret code. We can’t move the secret code. If you want to take it, take it."

   Secret Code!

  Is there a supreme mystery that the eternal sword master can't learn in the era sword palace!

   That's too strong!

   "Can't learn... well."

  Chen Zheng nodded slightly, grabbed at the era sword palace, a pure white sword in the era sword palace flew out of the moment, and turned into a sword shadow floating in front of him.


  Sanzun and Jin Jian made the subconscious sense!

   Faces are instantly white!

very scary!

   This sword shadow is terrible!

   Just feel it for a while and feel like his soul is about to collapse!

"This secret code... is too tyrannical. Staying in the Epoch Sword Palace actually suppresses the eternal sword world. The eternal life sword world has been suppressed in this special time and space. Today you take this secret code, the eternal life sword The world can leave this place and go to where it should go."

  Longsheng Jianzhu looked at the shadow, his face filled with emotion, and said that he paid a respect to Chen Zhengxing.


   The voice just fell!

  The fairy light in the era sword palace lights up!

  Repair the sky dome that had been chopped off by the person who circulated before!

   "You Juejian's second awakening is still inferior to Jiancang's second sword in the world, but if you can awaken for the second time, you can awaken for the third time. You should be able to catch up with Jiancang's sword body."

  Chen Zheng grabbed Jianying and slammed Jianying into Ye Qingcheng's eyebrows.


   Ye Qingcheng inside the body!

   The bright sword light is on again!

   Then all turned dark!

  In an instant!

   The whole immortal sword world has turned into darkness!




   Billions of swordsmen!

   seems to welcome the birth of a new swordsman!

   "It's okay to borrow some materials from the refiner."

  Chen Zheng felt, and looked at the land of the northwest of the eternal sword world. He asked the eternal sword master casually, but when he asked the question, his hand was already raised against the land of the northwest of the eternal life.

   "This...just borrow!"

  Eternal Life Sword Master slightly stunned, then smiled back.

However, both the three statues and the golden sword envoy saw it, and there was a flicker of pain in Master Sword Master’s eyes. It seemed that the land of the northwest of the immortal sword world had a **** iron. There was no known for thousands of years. It is said that Master Sword Master I haven't mined the God Iron, I am waiting for a chance. That piece of God Iron hopes to become a sword soldier more powerful than the treasure!

   "Come here."

  Chen Zheng grabbed the northwest land, and a torrent of blue water was pouring in. It was a divine iron ore vein. At this moment, the breath was extremely ancient, and there was an inexplicable divine power among the ancients!


  Eternal Life Sword advocated opening mouth, said nothing.


   Ye Qingcheng inside the body!

   A sword soldier flew out!

   This is exactly the masterpiece Wushuang Sword that Chen used to create in a different world with the initial fire and the materials of the outer battleship!


  The veins of God's iron ore turned into powder!

   all poured into Musou Sword!


   Everyone was shocked, Chen Zheng hit a magic fire, and the fire instantly swallowed the Wushuang sword!


  Is this a refiner!

  What's the trick?

   Everyone showed curiosity!



  The time of three interest is not enough!

  God of fire annihilation!

   A swordsman was born!



   Thunder rolling above the sky!

   "Sky Tribulation!"


   "This... why is this so scary!"

  Everyone looked saw the terrifying **** thunder, one after another, as if it was weighed down by thousands of weights, one by one!

"go with!"

  Chen Zheng has no fluctuations, he points at Wushuangjian a bit, and Wushuangjian rises into the sky, and a face-to-face **** is swallowed by Wushuangjian!


   Above the sky!

   There is a sword soldier floating at the moment!

  Mainly the color of Qingxuan!

   The rhythm of thunder and fire around the sword!

   In addition there is an ancient supernatural power!

   At this moment Wushuang Sword stands there, the terror turbulence in the mixed-wheel time and space seems to be shocked at once, that terror turbulence is frozen in the chaotic time and space!

   "Not bad." Chen Zheng nodded lightly, grabbed Wushuang Sword and turned it into a sword, and poured into Ye Qingcheng's body. Before the people came back, they heard Chen Zheng say to the immortal sword master: "Good luck."



  The ninth week, a man and a woman disappear on the sky sword platform!


  Everyone was stunned and looked at the eternal sword master!

   "Don't ask, don't think about it, you can't learn how to ask him, and I can't learn."

  Eternal Life Sword Master said with emotion.

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