Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1713: So weak so weak

"get out!"

   "Mom won't get out anymore, I will kill all the creatures in this world!"

"Then what is the master of the Qingyun Realm, wasn't it very powerful before? Didn't the sword seriously injure our younger brother, Mo Shenglian, Shenmuya, where did the prestige and domineering go before? Now Yunyi comes to this realm, you Qingyun Realm Did the Lord hide! What else did the first formation of the Master Ghost Divine, don’t you want to lay the twelve gods in a big formation? You, a third-order true immortal, dare to blow like this, and the person who passed your formation is still alive Well, if that guy knows what is happening today, I’m afraid it’s not about to die in shame! Hum! Before Qingyun Realm, it was just a middle-thousand world. In the last few days, there will be a sign of promotion before the majestic spirit of the spirit comes, otherwise you will Not a fairy!"

   Qingyun Realm!

  Yueyue Dynasty outside the imperial city!

   A warship at least one-fifth the size of Chaoge City hangs in the air!

  The warship is covered with demon patterns!

   Many people on the deck of the warship covered with demon patterns stared at the Chaoge City shrouded by the sword realm!

"Ye Qingcheng, the master of Qingyun Realm, it's not really a big deal for you to hurt my teacher and nephew. You, Qingyun Realm, are now in a critical period. Originally, my monk like the pinnacle of the Dao monarch could not have been a deity, but it was precisely because Qingyun Realm was in extreme In the critical period, Tiandao will unlock some restrictions, but this limitation is only to the level of Daojun, and the creatures above Daojun can’t be deity. So you have good luck, met me, I’m Hongmeng. The ancestor under the ancestor Yun Yun, if you take the initiative to surrender, then I, Shenmuya and even the black ancestor will help you through this critical period. Once this critical period is passed, you will have the heavenly emperors in the heaven. The life spirit is also envious of the life. The Lord of the Thousand Worlds is equivalent to the Lord of Heaven in the Heavens, but it is the Emperor of the Three Realms recognized by the ancestor of Hongjun, the Master of Zixiao Palace."

  A middle-aged demon man, standing at the moment in the air, a great voice resounded in the Qingyun Realm.

   "Withdraw the sword world quickly!"

   "I haven't come out quickly to worship the ancestral god!"

   "You have our Shenmuya as a backer, and you can at least become an ancestor in the future!"

  The monster on the battleship looks extremely proud at the moment!

"Ye Qingcheng, depending on your possession of the sword body, as long as you surrender to Shenmuya, then you will be cancelled for the matter of hurting your son! But what a ghost, a third-order true fairy dare to look down on him , You must give your son a hundred bangs! Huh! Why is this son also a person of identity, what the **** is that!"

   At this time, a young demon clan flew out, and every time the young demon clan took a step, a black lotus vision appeared under his feet, which looked quite divine.

   "Little Brother!"

   "Master Mo!"

   "Mo Shao woke up!"

   The rest of the demon clan shouted with joy when they saw this young demon clan!

   "Mo Shi's nephew."

  The middle-aged demon man standing in the air also shouted.

   "Uncle Yunyi."

   The young demon tribute to the middle-aged man.

"Although the nephew of Mo Shi was severely wounded by the Lord of this realm this time, he discovered the immortal world in which he was about to be promoted. The nephew of Mo Shi should be the first to be credited. When we get this Qingyun Realm from Shenmuya, we will go back Merit reward. The magic weapon obtained by Mo Shi's nephew is really amazing, not only can it weaken the limitations of Heavenly Dao, but also help Mo Shi's nephew find a chance. It is a legendary fate weapon."

   Middle-aged demon man smiled and nodded.

"That thing is really powerful, it directly sent me from Taishangtian to this Qingyun Realm, and it also weakened the restriction of Heavenly Dao on me. If it weren’t for Ye Ye Qingcheng’s sword body, and there was a unique Taoist weapon, she couldn’t hurt me at all. Few cents. This Ye Qingcheng has a very high talent for spiritual practice, and also has a unique Taoist weapon. It is captured and sent back to the ancestors.

  The young demon clan also smiled.

   "Ah... Peerless Taoist?"

   The middle-aged demon man listened, slightly stunned, then frowned.

"Uncle Shi is worried that Ye Qingcheng is a powerful heir? Uncle Shi does not need to worry about this, and the unique Taoist device is not a rare thing, not to mention the recent changes in Heaven, I believe that Uncle Shi should also be aware of it, Not only is the sword combat power soaring, but the spirit combat power of our sword repair is basically stronger than before! Uncle Shi is the pinnacle of Daojun, in this Qingyun world that is about to be promoted, how can there be a sixth-order Heavenly Emperor? Fighting power!"

Seeing the middle-aged man frowning suddenly, the young demon clan immediately guessed what the middle-aged man was thinking, and said with a chuckle: "What's more, we still have black ancestors behind Shenmuya, and black ancestors were pinnacles before Ancestor, it can be said that it is already a half-walk ancestor. Is it possible to be afraid of a great world monk passed to Ye Qingcheng's unique Taoist weapon! By the way, there is one thing. We are too heavenly monks to match the rest of the world monks, even if they are the same. Cultivation is now, because of the change of the heaven, it is also stronger than the rest of the world’s monks by at least half of the big realm! So unless it is the saintly orthodox in the heaven to fight for this realm, otherwise the ancestors of other big thousand worlds, even if it is The sage cannot beat the black ancestor!"

"Yes, I think too much. Since the destiny tool sent Mo Shi nephew to this world, then this world must be the chance of Mo Shi nephew. When the master of Qingyun Realm surrenders, and this world is promoted to a large world, then The power of fortune based on the special physique of Mo Shi's nephew will surely be able to absorb all of it. At that time, I hope that Mo Shi's nephew can give me a little of the power of fortune to give me this uncle.

   The middle-aged man opened his brows and smiled again, and said that he raised his hand and slammed into the Yinyue Imperial City guarded by Jianjie!


   The Imperial City oscillated!

   Sword world shock!

   The shrieks and screams in the imperial city lay down!

   "Ye Qingcheng still has ghost divination. One of you is a sixth-order true immortal, and the other is a third-order heavenly immortal. In front of me, the pinnacle of the sixth-tier heavenly emperor Daojun, can you really hold it!"

  Middle-aged demon man sneers!

   Inside the Imperial City!

   In front of the palace!

   Two figures stand!

   is the old ghost ghost and ghost fox!

   At the moment, their faces fell!

"I can't help it. The realm suddenly fell into a deep sleep, leaving only a sword realm to protect the imperial city. In addition to the sudden changes in the Qingyun realm, now I am the only one who is forcibly urging the twelve capital gods to go out! Although I know It is impossible to urge the real twelve capitals to fight against God, but it can only be a blog, I hope it can be dragged to the master of the world to wake up! Alas! Everything is done, but it has not been counted that Qingyun Realm suddenly produced such a change. It’s only been a year, how could the Qingyun Realm be promoted again!"

  Gui Bu sighed and swooped up with a sudden rush, as soon as he flew out of the sword just meditation to secretly urge the large array!



   A cold hum!

  The middle-aged demon man raised his hand!

  The formation urged by Guibu was destroyed!


   The ghost mortal flesh instantly shattered!


   Guibu is silent!


"National Division!"


  The creatures in the imperial city are horrified!

National Division!

   The first mage!

   Was one photo taken out!

   "Chen Zuruo is..."

Before the palace, the old ghost fox sighed.

"Haha! A true immortal, dare to call himself the first group of mages, and the twelve gods are in a big formation. You can urge you to try everything else! You want to live, now kneel down to Master Ben With a hundred bells and whistles, Master Ben will leave you a dog!"

  The young demon clan laughs wildly!

   "It's so weak."

   Also at this moment, an illusory voice sounded, and a figure suddenly appeared beside the ghost bu!


  The creatures inside and outside the Imperial City stared at it!

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