Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1704: The moment you took the sword, you lost

"Which terrible creature is the ancestor similar to?"

  Xingcha, the little girl Shui Bingyue showed curiosity.

   "It should be an extremely tyrannical era overlord."

   The Goddess of Warrior whispered, and then glanced at the ancient stone tower over there, felt it for a moment, and frowned slightly. She had lived in the ancient stone tower for the past 800 years. Following the practice of Jing Nu, she could feel that Jing Nu was injured, and the injury was very serious. However, the cultivation of the Jingnv is the only way to overcome the arrogant ways.

   "Brother Chonghuang, don't waste time with this kid, just kill him with a sword!"

   "This kid pretends to be a ghost and wants to disturb Brother Dao's heart. Brother Brother quickly cut him to avenge Brother Tianshen!"

   "Brother, behead him!"

   A few people behind Chonghuang Daozi, drink coldly! Just now, Master Yantian’s brother was too strange to fall. Brother Yantian’s brother is the pinnacle ancestor. Several of his own are similar to those of Brother Tianshen. If the kid in front of him uses the strange methods just now, several of them are in danger! In addition to Brother Chonghuang, only another brother of Taoist Realm can ignore that kid's strange means!

and so!

   First strangle the danger in the cradle!

  No matter who this kid is!

   Kill him first!

   "Finally give you a chance to report your name, this Daozi does not cut the unknown!"

Chonghuang Daozi pointed at Chen Zheng's Excalibur, the tip of the sword shook slightly, and a breath of terror killing burst out at this moment. This is the power of the killing avenue, and Chen Zheng has been locked to death, as long as he casually, killing power Will devour Chen Zheng!

   "You don't deserve to know who I am."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


   "Look for death!"

   "Too mad, so **** crazy, Brother cut him!"

   A few people behind Chonghuang Daozi heard this sentence instantly angry!

"Good! A good one is not worthy! Since this Daozi is not worthy, then this Daozi will take you the strongest sword to the road, let this Daozi see if this Daozi is unworthy!" Chonghuang Daozi's eyes flashed coldly, and the mouth opened. Boom: "The Ten Swords Realm Begins!"


  Sword Changming!

   The brilliant swordman's burst!

   A force of killing sprang up wildly!

   "This sword skill... can hurt me!"

  Xingcha on the longevity **** ape saw this scene, his brow furrowed instantly!

   "That Chen Zu..."

  Shui Qingyi was surprised!

   "Will Patriarch be in danger, this is not the abandoned nine days before, Patriarch Xiu fell back to the golden fairyland, not the peak state more than two thousand years ago..."

   Little girl Shui Bingyue's little face is full of worry!

   "This noble path is dead."

  The Valkyrie said softly.


  Shui Qingyi, Shui Bingyue, Tianlong Emperor, Xiu Zhao Beast, Ji Yuwei, Yin Xiaodie, etc., all stunned slightly, but Chen Huang also nodded gently, as if he had the same ability to predict the future.


The longevity **** ape showed doubts, and within nine days of being abandoned, Chen Zu returned to the peak as soon as he sat down on the master of the robbery, and he could kill the era overlord with a snap of his fingers. If it is also terrible at this moment, don’t worry. Chen Zu will be injured by Chonghuang Daozi, but now Chen Zu only has the power of Jinxian, why has the Valkyrie so restrained that Chonghuang Daozi has been defeated?

   Could it be!

  Chen Zu has any other unparalleled means!

   That is a method I have never seen before!

   "Finally, I will give you another chance to sign up!"


  Chonghuang Daozi Ten Swordsman Realm has condensed to the extreme!

   At this moment, Chen Zheng was screaming again!


   "Cut him off!"

   "Cut this ignorant boy!"

   Several people behind him snarled sternly!

   "You think about it, you have cut me off with this sword, and it is definitely not me who died."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


  In an instant!

   Chonghuangdao Zi cold drink!

   The strongest sword was cut!


   "Cut him off!"

   "The boy is going to die!"

   Several people roar behind him!


   The dazzling Jianmang engulfed Chen Zheng instantly!

   "Haha! Unbearable! A ant, dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of Brother Chonghuang, really treat yourself as a person, this one, you ants are not yet...!"

  A monk saw this scene behind Chonghuang Daozi, and immediately laughed loudly, but the laughter stopped abruptly, and a face suddenly froze! Not only him, but also the others and Chonghuang Daozi, their faces have frozen.


   That horrible sword that devoured Chen Zheng!

   bounced back suddenly!

   instantly pierced the eyes of Chonghuang Daozi!

this moment!

   The air also froze!



   "This noble path...was counter-killed!"

Xingcha had the ominous beast, the female omen of the ominous beast Hongyue, Yin Xiaodie, the five prisoners Guizhuling Ling, Shui Qingyi and Shui Bingyue, all with wide eyes, and their faces were all confused. !

   What is the situation!

   Why did he kill him suddenly!

   What is this means of Chen Zu!

"Anti-anti-anti-kill... I didn't dare to say that the sword could be completely taken just now. Chen Zu stood still without a shot, and then killed. ..... is this mystery or..."

   The eyes of the longevity **** ape are so wide that it looks silly!

did not expect!

   I did not expect it!

   thought that Chen Zu would sacrifice a powerful weapon to suppress this noble way!

  Unexpectedly, Chen Zu was killed without moving Chonghuangdao from beginning to end!

   "Why...why... what!"

   Chonghuang Daozi came back to God, staring at each word and spitting out three words, and as soon as he opened his pierced eyebrows, blood beads appeared!


   Yes, why?

   Several people behind him also recovered!

   looks terrified at Chen Zheng at this moment!

   This moment is also anxious to know the truth!

   "The moment you pointed your sword at me was defeated."

  Chen Zheng said lightly.


What does this mean?

   What does it mean to point a sword and have lost it at the moment?



  The spirits present, except the Valkyrie and Chen Huang, all showed incomprehensible colors!

   "This Daozi...I want to die to understand!"

   Chonghuang Dao Zi stared at Chen Zheng as if he had exhausted his last energy and roared out!

"You are sword repair, sword repair from Taixu's immortal Taoism, and you are still a Taoist. Didn't your master mention it to There is a sword body in this world that can ignore any Does the sword skill rebound any sword skills."

  Chen Zheng smiled.


  How could there be such a sword body!

   There is no such sword body!

   Chonghuang Daozi several people dumbfounded!


   at this moment!

   Chonghuang Daozi suddenly released his hand, and his sword fell to the ground as soon as his hand fell, and the Yuanshen shattered in his eyebrows, and the whole person fell from the air, smashing to the ground! Apart from splashing some dust, there is no longer any interest!


   A few disciples from the Taishang Reincarnation Hall looked at Chen Zheng with horror, and the whole body trembled uncontrollably and wanted to say something, as if asking for forgiveness, but they couldn’t say a word, and they all turned to ashes!


   Xingcha Shang!

   Everyone is silent!

   as strong as the longevity **** ape is also silent at this moment!


   Know a sword body!

   It turns out there is such a terrible sword between heaven and earth!

   The enemy of Jianxiu!

   Chen Zu is the enemy of all sword repairs in the world!

   thousands of enemies?

   is not an enemy!

   is the enemy of hundreds of millions of sword repairs between heaven and earth!

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