Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1699: Root of all evil! Who is the source of all evil?

"This evil sky is an epoch overlord, haven't you heard the name of this horoscope, you dare to ignore this seat so much, don't you really take this seat seriously, this seat is an epoch overlord!"

  The old man in black robe is roaring again!

   It's a pity!

   is ignored again!


The creatures in the pale blue light below, such as Man Zun and Kui Que ancestors, have never followed Chen Zheng, so the face was full of surprises at the moment, and the ancestors in the dark even ignored the creatures above the ancestor. This is really not what the average person can do!

   But people like Chen Huang, Heavenly Dragon Emperor, Valkyrie, Ji Yuwei, Xiu Zhao Beast and others who have followed Chen Zheng feel reasonable, after all, they have seen this scene more than once when they followed Chen Zu! From the beginning, Chen Zu obviously didn't regard the old black robe transformed by this evil beast as an opponent!

"You don't believe me, do you still want to continue to wait, do you want to wait for the return of Hongmeng Nao? Since Nao abandoned this place, he will definitely not come back, and Nao is now sleeping, waiting for Nao to wake up, That fellow will carry out a major cleansing of the heavens and the worlds. If you do not seize this opportunity, I am afraid that you will not even have the opportunity to leave this abandoned nine days later."

  Chen Zheng said casually on the stone chair.

   "You bastard, Laozi... Laozi... Pooh!"

   The old man in black robe stared at Chen Zheng, sprayed with his mouth open, but sprayed and sprayed blood!

   Many creatures are silent!

  To tell the truth, I didn't expect an era overlord to be spurted by blood!

"Master respects her...can't do this...if this one can really suppress this evil beast today, I can still go out alive, after returning to Taixu Wanshou Mountain, I want to Ask your master to ask if you know this young man."

  The ape secretly said.



   A cold hum rang!

   Broken and abandoned in the void chaos below nine days!

   A purple mango emerges!

   "Everyday Purple Emperor!"

  Tianlong Emperor glanced at it, and recognized the person who appeared. This was the purple man who had invaded the ancestral dragon court, and he called himself the Purple Emperor of the World!

   "This is the purple awn before..."

Manzun thought of a Zimang pouring into the ancient stone gate nine days before it was abandoned. However, after he and others came in with Chen Zu, they never saw the figure of Zimang. Now Zimang is reappearing. There is no doubt that it was the previous one. Dao Zimang.

"This person......"

  Ji Yuwei frowned slightly.

   "This is just a evil."

   The Valkyrie glanced and said a word softly.


   is just a evil?

   Is Ziyi the same kind of creature as those evil thoughts?

  Just as if the Ziyi people still have a clear self-will?

   listened to the people around him and showed doubt.

"The murderer ancestor, you actually dared to sit on this throne, you are really bold!" Wan Shi Zi Huang stared at Chen Zheng, and said indifferently: "This seat knows who you want to see, but the one is sleeping, Outsiders can't wake up that one at all, but this seat can wake up that one. Since you want to see that one, then this seat will wake up that one and let you know what is supreme master!"


   Everyone's face sank!

   all stared at the Purple Emperor of All Time!

   "Please the source of all evil!"


  Eternal Emperor Purple Emperor smiles strangely!



  Destroy the abandoned nine-day shock!

   A huge black shadow emerged from the chaos of nothingness below!


  Huge shadow!


  Footstep chaos down now!

   stands in this ruined nine days!

Although the face is still twisting and changing, although he can't see his face clearly, he is only looking at this huge black shadow at this moment, even if he is an old man in a black robe who claims to be evil, even if he has returned to the era of prince, he can't help trembling at this moment. !

   "You... who are you!"

   Old man in black robe shouted!

"Root of all evil......"

   On the side of the stone platform, Zuo Wang shouted dumbly. He was a half-step overlord. He was trembling at the moment. He knew that he had no power to fight back in front of this huge shadow!

   This huge black shadow is the most terrifying creature in the abandoned nine days. The murderer ancestor should have dealt with this horror shadow, so the murderer ancestor was at least the level of epoch overlord, even stronger than the epoch overlord!


   These are thoroughly understood!

  Why is the murderer ancestor Na so crazy?

  Because Na Zuo once stood at the top!


   That fellow is now just a golden fairy!

   And this horror shadow is the pinnacle!

   So today, that guy is probably not the opponent of this horror shadow!

   is also good!

   The murderer ancestor is best suppressed!

   In the first thought, countless thoughts flashed. At this moment, forgetting only expects a little, that is, watching Chen Zheng on the throne is suppressed by the horror shadow!

"The source of all terrible...but...but so terrible that it should be able to suppress the murderer's ancestor..." At the thought, he whispered and then looked up at Chen Zheng, who was sitting on the throne of the Lord of the Sky, and gritted his teeth. "The murderer ancestor, and the source of all evil, you are really beyond your control! Although Macross Roulette recognizes you as the master, Qi Ling has just said that it can’t help. It can send you out for up to nine days! If you are a coward, you can escape now!”

   It's a pity!

  Chen Zheng is too lazy to look at him!


   This is direct disregard!

But the Emperor Shishi showed a smile instead. He was actually instigating Chen Zheng. He was afraid that Chen Zheng would be sent out through the gods outside the heavens. Now Chen Zheng ignored him. In his opinion, he was successful. He thought that Chen Zheng In order to save face, stay with the horror shadow!

bring it on!

let's start!

   Let's start the last battle in the abandoned nine days!

Root of all evil!

   Suppress the murderer ancestor!

  Crazy shouts in the hearts of the gods of the world!

   "Why don't you dare even show your face, are you afraid that I know who you are?"

   On the main seat of the robbery, Chen Zheng looked at the terrifying black shadow and the changing face of the horror black asked with a smile at the moment.

   "Hum! You are not qualified to see the true face of the source of all evil!"

  Eternal Emperor Zi Huang sneered, in fact, he has never seen the true appearance of the horror shadow!

   "Golden fairy really only have gold fairy mana left, then this time is indeed my best opportunity. After missing this opportunity, there will be no chance to devour you."

   It was just that the Emperor Shi Zi was beaten at the next moment, and the horrible black shadow fickle face became clear. When the abandoned creatures within nine days saw the face of the source of all evil at the moment, they were dull for a moment!

  No matter which side of the force, no matter which group of creatures, even those evil thoughts that only know about killing are stunned!

   " is it possible!"

  Eternal Emperor Zi Huang's throat agitated, trembling shouted out!


  The stone ape is silent, wondering in both eyes!

   "Teacher... It was really evil to laugh before."

  The Valkyrie was silent for a moment, then smiled.

  Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei, Heavenly Dragon Emperor, Manzun, Xiongzhao Beast, etc., recalled the previous scene, did not feel before, but at the moment suddenly felt that the smile of Chen Zu before seemed suddenly evil!

   Is it!

This is because!

   and others saw the same face of Chen Zu as the source of all evil!

   Only had the thought at this moment!

  Chen Zu!

Root of all evil!

   has exactly the same face!

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