Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1680: Scare them

"Your girl is a little weird. Anyway, I'm not a ding-dong cat in your cognition. I'm only here to teach my life's combat experience. Well, let's start directly. If you don't understand anything, you can wake me up at any time. "

The metal cat frowned slightly and looked at Chu Hongyi, then the cat's paws were lifted up, and he hit a light beam of energy. He said to the small bone in the form of a metal man, and he suspended his legs and closed his eyes, as if he fell asleep. .

"This guy......"

Chu Hongyi looked at the metal cat a few more times, but also reached out and poked a few times on the metal cat, and found that it was indeed metal, so he couldn't help being more curious.

"The cat that once reached the detachment... Where did the owner find this strange creature?"

The small bone whispered, the metal double pupil looked at the energy beam, and Shen Nian penetrated directly into it. This penetration penetrated into revealing an astonishment, because the cat did not lie, and this fellow was really really strong and fighting The style really suits her non-life spirit.

"Metal addition to the flange, is there another universe dominated by metal creatures?"

The voice of the creator spirit **** sounded in the small bones.

"Since the host is called by the host, then absorb the combat experience of the host first, and strive for further progress before the host comes. There are some problems in the practice of Sister Gaishi, and the old things are becoming more and more unreliable. , You need to suppress it."

The flash of light flashed through the small bone metal eyes and began to absorb combat experience.


Chu Hongyi looked at the metal cat, and then looked at the small bone. He could only shake his head gently. The dark road was now surging under the dark days. Although his own cultivation is not bad, it is really far from those old monsters. , I will not go to the mother for the time being, so as not to cause trouble to the little bone sister.

"When will the uncle come? The uncle is coming. Then what devil, corpse god, and dark family, should the uncle be able to shoot to death? He ran out of danger and was safe with him. "

Chu Hongyi sighed and began to practice.


Eight wild ancient places.

Ancestral Dragon Court.



Thunder concussion!

The gloomy thundercloud enveloped the entire Longhuang!

The Dragon Clan and the Dragon Man almost all looked at the sky dome!

That horrible lightning burst in the air!

Shocked people trembling!

"This is not Dao Zu Tribulation, but also the half-step Dao Zu Tribulation, how could it be so terrible! If it wasn't for Chen Zu who gave the power of the Avenue, Lord Tianlong Emperor might not be able to withstand it! It stands to reason that Lord Tianlong Emperor's reincarnation came back, relying on His bloodline and the opportunity to upgrade this ancient land of eight wastelands should be able to easily cross the robbery and become a half-track ancestor. Why is it so difficult?"

The Longhuang Battle Banner looked at the Heavenly Dragon Emperor who was crossing the robbery above the Dragon Court, and asked at this moment.

"It has something to do with the Ten Thousand Purple Emperor. The ancestor of the Ancestral Dragon Remains in the air of that fellow. Heavenly Dao perceives the breath of the fellow, and Thunder Tribulation is so violent.

Chen Zheng said indifferently, and wiped it away, erasing the breath of the ten thousand purple emperor remaining in the ancestral dragon court.



Emperor Tianlong shouted!

The body of the heavenly dragon rises into the sky!

The thunderous cloud that was so heavy was rushed away in one click!


Thundercloud burst!

Pure white light blooms!

At this moment, the dragon is hanging!

There is an indescribable sacred!

"Successful!" The Longhuang Battle Banner exclaimed, but quickly calmed down, and couldn't help but ask: "Chen Zu Chen Zu, what is that Ten Thousand Purple Emperor?"

"Evil kind."

Chen Zheng said casually.


Longhuang Battle Banner whispered, some did not understand.

"There are a lot of guys who are spying on Longhuang, you are going to scare them on the first month."

Chen Zheng glanced outside Longhuang and said to Zhengyue girl who was yawning beside her.

"Are there any regrets to do?"

Zhengyue girl yawned again, and at the moment when the Dragon Emperor's body became human, she shook her head, her body flashed, her eyes disappeared after blinking!

"Huh? What about the little master?"

Longhuang Battle Banner asked curiously.



A roar suddenly sounded!


"That's not the Dragon Emperor!"

"Who is that!"

This roar!

Shocked Dragon Famine!

Dragon Clan Dragons and dragons and other creatures looked at the sky above the Dragon Crazy!


Another giant dragon appeared!


Different from the sacred aspect of the Dragon Emperor!

At this moment, this vast dragon gives a sense of chaotic evil!

Magic dragon!

This is a magic dragon!

This is a scary dragon that I have never seen before!


Why is there such a magic dragon!

The natives of Longhuang are ignorant!


"There is such a magic dragon hidden in the dragon wasteland, why has never heard it before! This magic dragon roared, and my magical idea of ​​spying on the dragon wasteland could not bear it!"

"First of all, there was a terrifying change in Linghuang, and now Dragon Wild has another terrifying magic dragon, which is no coincidence!"

"I heard that some ghosts, monsters, and human wastes have also happened recently. The Emperor Swallowing Ghost seems to have fallen. The North Moon royal family, one of the four royal families of human wastes, has been destroyed. Is it really the guy who came back?"

"The murderer ancestor...what about that guy coming back, I don't believe that guy can kill the swallowing ghost emperor! Huh? This roar! Damn! This magic dragon has the blood power of a terrible extreme creature!"

Beyond Longhuang!

Those spying thoughts were also shocked!

And suddenly the sound of curse rang out between the rapid exchange of Shennian!

Because the second dragon roar is coming!

These prying thoughts burst in an instant!

"Is the little master... so strong? How can this scary dragon look, this roaring dragon roar, scare ordinary Dao Zu?"

In the Dragon Court of the Ancestral Dragons of Tianlong Mountain, the Longhuang Battle Banner passed the dragon court with the dome wide open, looking at the huge magic dragon in the sky, and couldn't help but marvel.



The magic dragon disappeared at once!

Almost at the same time there was a little girl in Longting!

"It’s too late to talk with the ghosts of the turbid world recently. I don’t have much rest. I’ll go back to rest first."

Zhengyue girl yawned and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart after a word.


Emperor Tianlong didn't know what to could only sigh in his heart, what did that sentence say, what was the back wave pushing the front wave, the front wave died on the beach. This dragon princess from other worlds may not be able to keep up with her achievements in the future, even if she is practicing X.

"Chen Zu... The little master has communicated with His Royal Highness Demon Lotus more recently. To be honest, the little master is really afraid that the little master will bring badness to His Royal Highness Demon Lotus. I don’t pay much attention to the little master, but after a period of communication, now... Now the Highness of the Monster Lotus often swears..."

Longhuang Battle Banner pondered for a moment, lowering his voice.

"Let them go."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The Longhuang Battle Banner shook and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.

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