Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1673: Mysterious telegraph

"very scary!"

"Why am I also the Taoist ancestor of the second realm, and I just touched that God's thought that I said just now was destroyed, what a terrible creature was born in Linghuang, is it the so-called Yuan Ling, the main body, returning to Linghuang? Yet!"

"The undercurrent is surging, it seems that the gods and gods outside the heavens and gods want everyone to get it, in addition to the secrets in the heavens!"

"The secret in the heavens...that should not be the ultimate secret of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. The ultimate secret of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands is what these returning creatures want!"

"Did you say that the murderer's ancestor has returned? Will Linghuang's change today be related to that murderer's ancestor?"

"The murderer's ancestor... but got some news about him, although he suppressed the eight wildernesses more than two thousand years ago, and one person killed the ancient wasteland, but his time has passed, even if he Returning to his fierce prestige will no longer be able to sweep the Eight Wastelands tribes. The times have changed, and the Eight Wastelands ancient land has changed. Once there were no Dao ancestors in the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands. Now all races have Dao ancestors. "

Outside of Linghuang, there is another Taoist thought emerging, but these spiritual thoughts are only a brief exchange, and then each hides. As for the army of barrens who had attacked Linghuang before, all of them were scared at the moment when Linghuang turned into chaos.


After half an hour.

Linghuang ten spirit hall of holy mountain spirit venerable.

"Chen Zu..."

Shui Ling Dazun, Ji Yuwei, bowed to Chen Zheng.

"Wake up, let's take control of this spirit shortage in the future."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Yu Wei got it."

Ji Yuwei thought a little, but nodded quickly.

"Niangqinqinqin, is this Shui Lingzun, so young!"

Little girl Shui Bingyue is also there, whispering at the moment.

"Great respect."

Shui Qingyi glared at the little girl, and then gave a gift to Ji Yuwei. She was the head of the water spirit patriarch of Nanmeng Xianling Lake. She was under the jurisdiction of Shui Ling Da Zun, although she knew that Shui Ling Da Zun would not blame the little girl, but basically she was humble. Still have to.

This girl met the ancestor's method today. Before that, she got the ancestral secret in Nanmeng Xianling Lake. If you really consider yourself as an ancestor's disciple, even if your heart expands, you will definitely suffer a big loss in the future, so it is still It's better to press this girl in advance.

Ji Yuwei smiled and handed a magical tool to the little girl, then looked at Chen Zheng and groaned a little: "On the same day, Yu Wei and Tianlong Emperor returned to the ancient land of Eight Wastelands, and Yu Wei had reminded the fire Ling Dazun and others did not expect to emerge from the spiritual tributes that had never been seen before, such as Hei Ling Da Zun, Bai Ling Da Zun, etc. Later, because of the gods outside the heaven, the spirits of the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands recovered, and the entire Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands were upgraded, Fire Lingzun became a Taoist ancestor by chance. Without any respect for Chen Zu, he had what happened today. However, Fire Lingzun and others were also responsible for themselves."

"They are an ancestor. The realm fell and they didn't take the ancestors into their eyes, but they didn't know that the ancestors, even if they only had Xuanxian mana, were still fierce and powerful. Now the mana is restored to the level of the golden fairy. The first ancestor Dao, the remaining wastelands, especially those gods who hate the old ancestors of Shenhuang most, don't know this yet, and they will definitely suffer bad luck later.

Shui Qingyi said with a smile.

"Shenhuang...The gods of Shenhuang got the supernatural beings, and they cultivated into a skyrocket, and learned the news of the return of the Dragon Emperor. Long Ting was not captured, and the rest were all captured. I don’t know if the Dragon Emperor is now..."

Ji Yuwei frowned.

"Huangzu Dragon Court has the formation I left behind. As long as the Dragon Emperor is not stupid hiding in the Dragon Court, it will be fine."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"That's all right." Ji Yuwei frowned and opened his head, thinking for a moment and thinking about something again, so he said again: "About the five spirit clan masters of black and white time and space soul, they came quite strangely, as if they came out of thin air. But When Yu Wei was suppressed under the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain, he found something. These five great lords did not come out of thin air, but were sent through a one-way teleportation array."

As Ji Yuwei's eyebrows flashed, a stone tablet flew out.


Not a stone tablet!

It's half a stone tablet!

"What is this?"

Shui Qingyi glanced, revealing surprise.

The half of the stone tablet seems to be only the upper half, with an ancient mark etched on it. At the level of her heavenly emperor level, she can't even understand a mark, but you can only feel it. There is the power of the space of time and space above it, that should be Ji Yuwei Mentioned one-way teleport.


Did the five great black and white souls of time and space really come out of this half stone tablet!

Wouldn’t it be a bit weird!

"One-way transmission..."

Chen Zheng glanced at the stele.



The ancient mark on the stone monument rises!

At this moment, it becomes a teleportation array with a surging light!

"Be careful!"

Shui Qingyi exclaimed, staring at this teleportation extremely cautiously!

"Once you get out of the restrictions, something will come to you."

Ji Yuwei whispered.

"No monsters will teleport?"

The little girl Shui Bingyue showed her fear.



Something came out of the teleportation array!

Except for Chen Zheng, several women in the hall were very vigilant and ready to play secret methods at any time, but after seeing the transmitted things clearly, they were stunned one by one!


What is this!

What a metal ball!



The metal ball has changed!

Turned into a strange metal beast that looks like a cat!


This guy seems a bit human again!

A cat person!


The little girl screamed!

"Humph! The weak!!" The metal beast glanced coldly at the girls in the hall. He sat cross-legged in the air at the moment and snorted with great disdain. Then he closed his eyes, but then he closed his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes again. Then he turned around and stared at Chen Zheng. After staring at Chen Zheng for a few times, he suddenly made a slam shot and fell to Chen Zheng's feet, then started rubbing Chen Zheng's legs with his head: "A very powerful flesh~www. What a terrible primordial spirit, you will be my master in the future! By introducing myself, I call the key, I can help the master to open any door, even the door of the woman's atrium!"


What happened to this metal beast?

Its name is actually called the key?

Also said that it can open a woman's atrium?

What exactly is this stuff?

Ji Yuwei's daughters blinked and her face was full of doubts. Chen Zheng kicked the metal cat away and said lightly: "You are also something with identity, so don't be stupid in front of me."

"Eh..." Although the metal cat was kicked away, it stabilized in the air for a while, then stared at Chen Zheng for a few moments, then sighed softly: "Sure enough, I can't lie to you, then I I don’t hide my identity anymore. I’m from a broken samsara. I should be the only cat out of all samsaras. My real name is called Ding Dang. You can call me Ding Dang Cat."

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