Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1657: The truth about Haotian Shenyu!

? "Old Ancestor!"


Break the calm!

Prince Yan is shaking all over!

Although Prince Yin and other people of the Northern Moon Clan did not tremble, his face was full of panic, and he never expected such a scene! The young man on the altar altar grabbed the ancestor, and the ancestor's flesh was destroyed!


A mystery!

How can ruin the body of a Taoist ancestor!

Taoist flesh!

Unbreakable flesh!

What is Xuan Xian in front of Dao Zu!


The Vice-President of the People's Palace shook his mouth and moved what he wanted to say, but suddenly found nothing to say!

"Your Excellency does not seem to be the heir of the first generation of King, your physical body seems to be the body of the immortal Taoist ancestor.

In the twin pupils of the main hall of the human king, the gods flashed through, and at this moment something was found, staring at Chen Zheng's voice so low that it was the ultimate question. 35xs


Indestructible Taoist level flesh?

This young man has the flesh of Taoist realm?

What's going on?

Everyone was ashamed again!


Chu Xian was also shocked among the crowd on the ground, but more of it was worship, it was the worship of Chen Zheng. Although the identity of Chen Zheng has been guessed in Qinghe Town before, Xuanxian mana is still not as horrible as the legend, but just saw that Chen Zheng destroyed the Taoist ancestor of the North Moon royal ancestor. Only worship is left!

If you are so arrogant!

Why not be bullied by competitors in the sect!

"Does Lord Manzun know something?"

The Kui Que ancestor of the Eight Wild Ancient Gates asked dumbly at this moment. 35xs


The venerable animal hide said nothing!

Still silent at the moment!

"I had given Er and other opportunities before, and asked Er and others to release the people of the Chen family of the Yingtian royal family, and let the major royal candidate candidate Wang Gulai play a fair battle. Who can overpower the others and who is the new generation? Wang, you don’t want this opportunity, and I’m just starting.”

Chen Zheng smiled.

The faces of the major royal families of all avenues have changed again!

"Is that still too late? I am a candidate for the King of Kings, one of the four royal royal families. My name is Ji Shendu, can you give me a chance to be a king of the king?"

On the side of the Dongyu royal family, a young man gritted his teeth and asked!

"What do you say?"

Chen Zheng's eyes moved, and he looked at the Lord of the Palace.

"I'm going to invite the people of the Chen family, the royal family of Yingtian!" Shen Yin responded with a sigh, turning into a fairy light and swept towards the ancestral prison. With less than three breaths, he brought a group of people back and then looked at Chen Zhengdao. : "People have been released. Next, should I invite Wang Gulai, the candidate of the major royal families, right?"

"the Lord"


The group of people brought by the Lord of the King's Palace was a bit ignorant. When they saw Chen Zheng on the King's Altar, they showed a lot of excitement. These are the people of the Chen family from the universe universe, among them Chen Huang, Chen Conglong, Chen Luo Luo is there, and Chen Huang is the descendant of Chen's bloodline, the four royal royal families of the original Huanghuang!



What these people who claim to be descendants of the blood of the royal family of Yingtian shout!


The young man on the altar is also named Chen!

He could be an old monster of the royal family!

The Master of the Palace of Kings of Man and others noticed something, the thought flashed at this moment, but it was not certain. The Yuanshen, the ancestor of the North Moon royal ancestor who had sheltered the Yuanshen from the spirit of imperialism, looked at the moment changing, staring at Chen Zheng coldly, saying: "People have been released, and the physical destruction of this body will not be mentioned for now. Next, proceed according to the rules. Everyone, the candidate of the king, the king, Wang Gulai, competes for the position of king! Both the superior and the decisive are determined! The prince Yin, the master Wang Gulai!"


The prince Yin replied with a deep voice, and flew onto the ancient platform of the king of the king, and a breath of majestic breath was released. At this moment, there was a sharp edge!

"Old Ancestor Realm!"

"Peak Patriarch!"

"Prince Yin turned out to be the pinnacle ancestor!"

"Prince Yin must be first!"

"The other royal candidates couldn't beat the Yin prince!"


"I abstain from this!"

The gods of the Dongyu royal family glanced at each other, and gritted their teeth and retreated!


Was this abstention?

But it is also a wise move!

Isn't it looking for abuse?

Everyone froze and nodded one by one!

"We, the Qitian Royal Family, also abstained." The Qitian Royal Party also came out of the Temple of the King of People. At this moment, everyone glanced at the Prince Yin on the Wang Gulai, and could not help sighing: "If it is not the Hao of my family Tianshenyu is still there, and it’s not awkward to say that it’s useless."

"Haotian Shenyu"

"Prince Yan did not say that Haotian Shenyu is here"


Many people heard the Haotian Divine Feather, and suddenly thought of the previous scene, the prince Yan said that the young man at the King's Altar had a Haotian Divine Feather!

Then the question is coming!

Is Haotian Shenyu really in that young man!

"Haotian Shenyu"

The ground Chuxian thoughtfully.

"Haotian Shenyu hum? Your Haotian Shenyu of the Qitian Royal Family could have been stolen by someone!"

The prince Yan stared at Chen Zheng, and at this moment Yin Yang sneered with a sneer!

"It was indeed stolen by someone."

Chen Zheng looked at Prince Yan with a smile.


The prince Yan suddenly lost his face and secretly transmitted a message to the prince Yin on Wang Gulai. He said that this guy, no matter how strange and powerful, must also follow the ancient rules. When the candidate of the Chen family of the Yingtian royal family came to the ring, , You must kill the candidate of the Ying family, the Chen family, this guy can't retaliate!

"The Emperor Yinghuang of the Heavenly Emperor Chen Huang today competes for the master of the shortage!"

On the side of the Chen family, Chen Huang stepped up to Wang Gulai in one step!

come yet!

Everyone's eyes moved to Wang Gulai, who was moving!

"Old Ancestor Chen Huang, you are at least two thousand years older than me, but you are not as good as me, so why bother to get rid of it!"

The prince Yin smiled faintly, and only half of the words came to an abrupt end. The bright sword light was reflected in his pupils. At this moment, he felt the threat of death, regardless of the horror, and directly sacrificed the magic weapon of life!


A flash of light!

One thing flew out of Yin Yin's eyebrows!

Dissolve the brilliant sword light!


Everyone is stupid!

Not because of Chen Huang's sword skills!

Nor is it because the Prince Yin dissolves his sword skills!

It is because of the magic weapon sacrificed by the Yin prince!


Why is that magic weapon familiar?

How is that magic weapon like the legendary Haotian God Feather!

"Haotian Shenyu!"

Patriarch Qitian shouted with a tremble!

"Haotian Shenyu!"

"My mother, why is Haotian Divine Feather in the hands of Prince Yin? It seems that it is still the magic weapon of Prince Yin!"

"Lying trough! The fact that the Qitian royal family lost the Haotian Shenyu was not self-directed, but was robbed by the Northern Moon royal family! Lying trough, how could the Northern Moon royal family do this kind of thing!"


Countless surprises sounded in the ancestral city!

The faces of the major royal families of all avenues have also changed!

The face of the North Moon royal family became extremely ugly!

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