Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1653: Altar of the Kings

? The city has lived for billions of years



Surrounded the audience ignorant!

Chicken Dao people are ignorant!

The fairy on Chu string is also ignorant!

Gui Yizi!

An ancestor!

Actually scared to death!

What identity is this young man!

I didn't even do it at all, and even Xuan Xian Xiu Wei scared Gui Yizi to death!

"There are more than dead!"

The mottled old face on the trunk of the spirit tree was cleared!

"Master, my master is the ancestral realm. My master has also turned into the supreme mystery of ghost races. How can my master be scared to death"

The chicken Daoren kneels softly on the knees, and his face is dull and confused!



Mo Xin, who had never spoken or made any moves, raised his hand to the chicken Daoist, and a huge force instantly rushed to the Chicken Daoist, and the Chicken Daoist disappeared on the spot!


The people around the audience shuddered and stared at them suddenly, filled with amazement in their eyes. This little girl who didn't seem to be too powerful, directly killed the monks of the same rank!

This little girl is a mystery!


What is this young man and this little girl doing!

The most critical point!

Still the identity of this young man!

Just now Gui Yizi seemed to recognize his identity and was scared to death!

This is the scariest point!

Everyone's eyes moved!

All looked at Chen Zheng again!

Chen Zheng did not look at the body of Gui Yizi on the ground. He lifted his right hand at the moment and shot a pale blue fairy light against the spirit tree. Everyone was stunned. The spirit tree was also stunned, but the next time the spirit tree showed surprise. The mottled old face was so excited that it seemed to have been speechless, only to pay a deep worship to Chen Zheng!

What is the situation?

What did this young man do to the spirit tree to make the spirit tree so excited?

Could it be!

Could it be that the pale blue fairy light helped Master Lingshu resolve the Shouyuan limit?


is it possible!

The powers of the ancestral city can’t do this!

"People's Palace Chu string."

Chu Xian's immortal thought moved, holding a fist at Chen Zheng.

"When I'm busy, I will come to Qinghe Town to play against her again."

Chen Zheng glanced lightly at Chu Xian, said to Lingshu, and walked away with Mo Xin.


This is gone?

Won’t you stay for a meal?

The crowd around the audience was a little dazed.


Immortal thought on the Chu string, a clenched fist at the spirit tree, also turned away.

"Old waiting for that day!"

Ling Shu was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to worship in the direction of Chen Zheng!

"Who is that young man, Lord Lingshu, and who is Miss Su? Why are we natives of Qinghe Town, we have never heard of any games?"

"Please also ask Master Lingshu to answer my questions for me!"

"I really want to know his identity!"

People in Qinghe moved their eyes and looked at the spirit tree, one by one. 35xs

"Miss Su is Su Jinxiu. As for the one just now, as long as you know that Su Jinxiu can become a human goddess and a goddess of war, the suppression of human millennium for millennia is all about starting from that game."

Ling Shu said with a memorable tone, her mottled old face disappeared.

"Su Su Splendid!"

"Isn't that the Valkyrie back then?"

"Princess Splendid, the first in human shortage!"

After a moment of silence, a cry of exclamation sounded!

East of mankind.

There is a huge human city.

This is a stone city.

This is the ancestral city.

It is said that this ancestral city has existed from the moment of the birth of the Eight Wastelands.

There is a saying.

That is, all the ethnic groups in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands first went out of this man's wasteland.

Of course, except for the human race.

The remaining ethnic groups do not recognize this.

But this does not affect the status of the ancestral city.

Instead, it makes this man's wild ancestral city even more mysterious.

There is an ancient altar in the ancestral ancestral city. Ordinary people are not allowed to break into it. Anyone who breaks into the ancient altar will be sentenced to capital punishment. It is said that the ancient altar is involved in a big secret, and only the master of the palace of the human king is qualified to board the ancient altar. In addition, even old monsters stronger than the lord of the palace are not eligible to board the ancient altar.

"You really came to the ancestral city. The Su girl mentioned by Ling Shu is the princess Valkyrie. If you are looking for the princess, you might not be able to find it. After all, the princess Jinxiu entered Tianyuan. Looking for her Descendants, she does not have a direct bloodline. In the history of human famine, only the first generation of the famine master may be eligible for her, and the rest are not worthy of her. As for the original Qitian royal family, it is now declining, It is almost defeated now. The younger generation does not even have a Daojun. Princess Splendid, at the beginning, absorbed the destiny of the Qitian royal family."

Chu Xian whispered in his heart, he stared at a man and a woman in front of him, a man and a woman are Chen Zheng and Mo Xin. Chu Xian guessed that Chen Zheng would come to Aboriginal City. He is curious now what Chen Zheng wants to do.

Because now the ancestral city of human wasteland is at a very special time point, and all avenues of all ethnic groups have gathered in the city of ancestral wasteland for one place, that is, the position of the lord of human wasteland! The blood of the royal family on the once barren land, no matter which blood line of the royal family, almost all reunited in the wilderness city!

"If you really are the one, if you want to choose the person who decides the lord of the shortage, you can't be the lord because of your current cultivation, eh? You!"

Chu Xian said secretly again, but the whole person was frozen in a sudden, because Chen Zheng and Mo Xin disappeared and disappeared from his sight!

What about people?

Where did people go?

How can I be a Daojun!

How could you lose two Xuanxian!

"Lying trough!"

"Look at the King Altar!"

"There is a guy who is wrong and not a There are two guys who break into the King's Altar! The man and the woman seem to be just Xuanxian, how did they get up! The King's Altar is not of the ancestor level Does the enchantment cut off the outside world, how could it be possible to win the altar without the ancestor's strength!"


The street is boiling!


Chu Xian chuckles in his heart, and suddenly raises his head to look at the King of the People Altar, this look is dumbfounded!


King Altar!

The two figures that disappeared from their sight just now stand on the altar!

What happened?

What is he going to do!

It's a death penalty to break into the altar altar!




One figure after another flew into the air!

Robe robe dancing!

The breath released one by one is extremely extraordinary!

"People's Vice-President of the Ancient Palace!"

"Bahuang Gumenkui lacks ancestors!"

"Prince Yan Yue of the Northern Moon!"


Shout out the names of the figures!

"That kid is dead!"

"It's really dead!"

"Dare to be a little bit bolder!"

Then there were various arguments!

"Who are you, a little Xuanxian, dare to break into the altar altar, what do you want to do! Do you not know the rules of the ancestral city of people, call your elders, you broke into the sky Great disaster, besides you, your teachers will also be punished!"

The old ancestors of the Eight Wasteland Gumenkui dazzled!

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