
Nine Princess opened her mouth and found out that she didn’t know what to say. She originally asked Chen Zhenglai to prevent the demon master from marrying the elder sister to He Gongzi, the ancestor of the dragon dynasty outside the domain. Come in!

Not only involved!

Today, the puzzle of Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix was solved!

This nine-day demon phoenix, who has always been regarded as the ancestor by the demon waste, turned out to be the Sky Demon!

The rest of the demon races are also similar to those of Princess Nine, and they are silent. It seems that some of them cannot accept this truth. Jiutian Yaohuang Mountain has always been a holy shrine, but in the end, Jiutian Yaohuang is actually

"I have changed this method for you, and I will not be controlled by the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix in the future." Chen Zheng swiped his right hand, the psychedelic enchantment flashed, and suddenly became different from before.

A group of demon clan looked at the sky, still silent after a glance.

"Di Mu Lang, Su Xin and Princess Nine, you follow me to Hou Shan."

Chen Zheng glanced over the demon lord and the two demon princesses, said casually, and looted Houshan.


The demon lord Di Mulang recovered and quickly responded, and Princess Su Xin and Princess Nine also responded, and turned into a demon mansion and looted Houshan.


"I wait"

"I have some unreliable ancestors who can't accept my belief that they are the Sky Demon, and the Nine Sky Demon Phoenix actually turned out to be."

A moment later, a sigh sounded, and Mo Xin did not fluctuate, holding the blood-mans sharp gun and stood in the same place as a god.

This is a cave house.

Even if it is the elders of the strong clan and the elders, although they know that there is a cave house in Jiutian Yaohuang Mountain, they have never stepped here. They do not even know that this cave house is actually related to Chen Zheng.

"Su Xin has been guarding this thing for all these years, but only for more than two thousand years. This thing has not broken into a cocoon and became a butterfly. Is it not enough to cultivate Su Xin and failing to provide enough demon power to this thing?"

Princess Su Xin sat on her knees and looked at the suspended thing in front of her. It was a silkworm cocoon-like thing. It was left by Chen Zheng in the past, but it was not something behind. It was actually something left for Princess Su Xin.

It's just over two thousand years that this thing didn't come out.

"It's not your problem of demon power, it's the Jiutian demon phoenix who noticed here after I left the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands that year, but her distraction can't break the prohibition I left behind, and I don't want you to get this thing, so I used it. Some methods delay this thing to break the cocoon. Originally, according to my calculations, this thing will break out of the cocoon in at most a hundred years, and you will merge with this thing, and you should be able to reach the level of the half-walk ancestor before the ancient wasteland is upgraded. "

Chen Zheng swept the cocoon.

"Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix"

Princess Su Xin whispered.

"What is in this silkworm cocoon?"

Di Mu werewolf asked in a low voice.

He had seen this cocoon more than two thousand years ago, but he did not ask at the time. After more than two thousand years, the cocoon was still unsealed. Today, Chen Zheng returns, he wants to know the secret of the cocoon.

"This is the creature I brought out from the place where the Eight Wastelands started, and it is also the only living creature, and the only one that has not been eroded by evil. This thing is called the Cocoon of the God, and it should be the God that gave birth to it, It can also be said to be a candidate for God. At that time, I met Su Xin, although Su Xin was not a **** or a reincarnated candidate, but his fate is very special, and the blood of your family is also very special, so I want to try if What kind of creature will be born by the fusion of the power of Su Xinming's bloodline and the cocoon of the sky."

Chen Zheng said softly.


"Cocoon of God?"


Di Mu Lang, Princess Su Xin and Princess Nine suddenly opened their eyes and heard the word God, they knew that this thing was extremely unusual!


What is that concept!

Then it is supreme!

The cocoon-like thing in front of me is actually called the Cocoon of God!

And the place said by the ancestor is the place where Jiutian Yaohuang wants to open!

It is also the ultimate secret of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands involved in the Battle of the Eight Wastelands!

and many more!

The ancestor said that the cocoon of the sky is the only creature that has not been eroded by evil!

The implication is that there are many other eroded creatures in that place!


What is evil!

All thoughts flashed over, and Princess Nine thought for a moment: "The Cocoon of God, why didn't the ancestor let that girl named Mo Xin try? The girl felt that the talents of practicing spiritual physique and so on exceeded that of Sister Suxin."

"She has her way, and she is not suitable for fusion with the cocoon of the sky."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"After the fusion of the elder sister and the thing, will it become another person, or is it still the elder sister?"

Nine Princess thought for a while and asked again.

"Su Xin is still Su Xin, but there is only one more primordial spirit. You can understand it as the second primal god. Of course, everything is still dominated by primitive mind. Although this object is the cocoon of the sky, the spirits bred in it are the **** or The candidate for God, but that place has long been abandoned. If this thing was not brought out by me, it would not be possible to appear in this world, and the creatures bred in it could not come out of the cocoon."

Chen Zheng smiled and lifted his right hand to play a pale blue fairy light. The pale blue fairy light flew into the cocoon of the sky, and the cocoon of the sky turned away at the next moment!


Not dissolve!

It's broken cocoon!


The white light is on!

Holy and transcendent!

There is a girl with eyes closed vaguely!

this moment!

Ti Mu Wolf, Princess Su Xin and Princess Nine were all stunned!

Although the girl didn't open her eyes, she could not help but want to worship her just by glancing at it!


Is this the breath of God!


The girl opened her eyes!

A dumbfounded face!




Nine days above the demon phoenix mountain!

Thunder exploded on sunny days!

In an instant!

The wind is rising!

Thundercloud is rolling!

Pressed down!


Di Mu Lang was shocked!


The girl in the white light shows her fear!



Nine days above the demon phoenix mountain!

Wan Lei poured down!


Di Mu Lang's face sank ready to stand up to withstand the horrible punishment!


Chen Zheng raised his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Indifferently spit out a word into the sky above the thundercloud, the thundering down Wan Lei freezes, the rolling Thunder cloud freezes, and the next one second will all dissipate!


Di Mu Lang, Princess Su Xin and Princess Nine were stunned again!

"It's so cold"

At this time, the white light dissipated, the girl shouted, and the flesh began to become nothing and transparent!

"this is"

Nine Princess was surprised!

"She shouldn't be in this world, she has no place, but it's not a big problem, just integrate with her."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


As soon as the girl heard it, she stared at Princess Suxin, and then turned into a white light directly into Princess Suxin's eyebrows!


In an instant!

There is an explosive power in Princess Suxin's body!

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