Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1645: I object


Two interest!

After ten breaths of time passed, the demon clan in front of the entrance of the nine-day demon phoenix mountain came back to God. At this moment, you look at me and I look at you, still silent!

Nine Princess!

Actually came to meet those two human races!

And still as a junior!

Could it be that the scary weapon in the little girl's hand was the legendary horror weapon!

That little girl is really the heir to the terrible taboo legend!

"Princess Nine may be the wrong person, no matter what the identity of those two human races, no matter whether the magic weapon in that girl's hand is that thing, anyway, the cultivation is low, I don't have to be afraid! What's more, today is a monster event, demon Lord Master has formed an alliance with a strong clan of the Longsheng Dynasty, an outside ancestor. Lord Lord Master is already a Taoist ancestor. He Gongzi is also surrounded by a Taoist ancestor. If the kid and the girl are stared at by He Gongzi, they might be taken away. Apparatus! The ceremony should begin soon, you can go up with me."

Turtle Heart surgery eyes moved with a chuckle at the moment.

"The show is just starting!"

"The boy's attitude made me very upset. The boy might really hit He Gongzi. I want to see the boy suffer a big loss!"

"Go around, go up and talk!"

The rest of the demon clans echoed, one by one swept up the nine-day demon phoenix mountain.

After a moment.

The top of Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix Mountain.

It is extremely dreamy here.

There is a guardian enchantment formed by psychedelic monsters on the top. If you are an ordinary person, you might be intoxicated if you look at it. On this platform, all the famous and famous demon clan have come, almost all surrounded by a white robe youth, all kinds of flattery and flattery. 35xs

"Princess Su Xin will be out soon, and will never let He Gongzi down."

"Of course, if He Gongzi feels that Princess Suxin is a little older, Princess Nine is not bad. Princess Nine is the youngest daughter of the demon master."

"Hey! If He Gongzi likes it, take Princess Su Xin and Princess Nine out of the domain, I don't think there is much problem!"

All kinds of sounds.

The young man in white robe with a smile on his face apparently greatly enjoyed the feeling of the stars arching the moon. The middle-aged man beside him, like an icy stone carving, released an air of killing invisibly, it seemed that he didn't demon at all. The wild demon clan is in their eyes.

"Master Lord is here!"

"Princess Suxin arrives!"

At this moment, there was a loud cry, and everyone stared at it, and the white robe youth also stared at it, originally with a little interest, but when they saw the tall and beautiful person who appeared, the white robe youth An instant glance!

This woman!

My son wants it!

He growled in his heart!

"Uncle Chang Geng, I will marry this Princess of Soul Heart, this time it's all based on Uncle Chang Geng!"

White robe youth secretly voiced!


The middle-aged person with a cold stone carving nodded lightly. The young man in white robe heard the word and settled down. He came to the Eight Wildernesses this time to find something. However, the gods of Shenhuang are better than not giving face. Uncle, shocked the demon demon master!

Even if you don't get the chances of the present world in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands this time, it is worthwhile to get this princess Su Xin! As for whether the Ming media is marrying, it does not matter, as long as this Princess Su Xin is taken back outside the domain!

"Today is a monster event. Our monster monster group has an alliance with the ancestral dragon holy dynasty, and besides that, I also decided to marry my heart to son He An. There should be no comments?"

The demon master is in a flower robe, and his face is extremely strange. At this moment, the demon pupil sweeps across the crowd.

"No comments!"

"This is a good thing for our monster!"

"Hejia Zulong dynasty, that is an extra-territorial noble family. I heard that General He Da is a celebrity in front of Zulong Emperor. When we allied with Hejia, we climbed high!"

A group of demons responded!

"That's all right. Although I am a demon lord, but I am a sage of demon, some decisions have been agreed by everyone. Since there is no objection, then please ask Mr. He An to come and meet the little girl."

The demon lord smiled strangely, and the demon pupil looked at the white robe youth, but his face suddenly froze!



A scarlet gun suddenly inserted in front of him!

"I object."

next moment!

Some demon clan who did not respond heard a light voice!


Who is against it!

The demon looked around!

This look saw two strangers and a familiar figure!

The familiar figure is Princess Nine!

Strangers are two human races!

Two human races!

One man and one woman!

It doesn't seem to be very good for cultivation!

"Humph! Find death!"

Turtle Heart Technique also looked at it, and only a glance in his heart made a cold hum. He secretly said that the kid was really looking for death, and dared to provoke the demon master so much in the event of the monster wild!

Don't the demon lord have a face!

And you object!

What do you count!

Did He Gongzi and Su Xin Princess Lang Cai and Fei Mao turn against you, a human race?

It's not terrible to provoke the demon lord!

The terrible thing is that he caused the son!

"Are you against? Are you a Xuan Xian against? Are you worthy! You roll off the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix Mountain, and today you are connected with Princess Su Xin, do not want to see blood!"

Baipao youth sneered!

"well said!"

"Get off the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix Mountain!"

"Not yet!"

The demon is boiling!

Among them, the loudest cry with turtle heart surgery!


There are several demon clan behind Princess Nine. At the moment, they all talked one by one. They all followed Princess Nine to the ghost ancient city of Yan, and saw what happened in the ancient city of Yan. However, Princess Nine did not speak, and few of them dared to surpass!

"Demu Wolf."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the white robe youth, only shouted at the demon master lightly.


This kid!

Dare to call the real name of the demon!

Does this kid don't want to live anymore!

The demon were stunned and then showed anger!

"Does this kid really know Master Lord, and he is the old man of Master Lord! Even the old man is no matter what, this boy is just a mystery, and he can't turn over the wind and waves! Master Lord is the master~www.wuxiaspot. com~ will definitely not give this kid a good face!"

Guixinshu thought of it a little, but soon sneered in his heart, and then I only need to watch the demon master squeeze this kid to death!

"Then my **** sharp gun is a bit familiar, and your voice is a bit familiar. What is your relationship with that person, or is your reincarnation?"

The demon master spoke!

It's just that the sound is a little spitting!

"Old Ancestor"

And the tall lady beside him, that is, Princess Suxin, at this moment the divine trembling, softly shouted two words!


What is the situation?

How do Lord Lord and Princess Suxin both know this human race Xuanxian!

The face of the demon changed!

"Young Master He!"

Guixinshu has a bad hunch in his heart, and the thought in his heart is a shout to the young white robe!

"Since the demon lord drove this child, let the son throw this child down to the nine-day demon phoenix mountain!"

The young man in white robe sneered and said that raising his hand was a catch for Chen Zheng!


This catch!

Nothing happened!



Mo Xin next to Chen Zheng raised his hand and grabbed the Scarlet Gun inserted in front of the demon master!

I saw **** rage!

The Scarlet Gun was killed towards the white robe youth!


This girl actually dared to do to He Gongzi!

This girl still wants to kill He Gongzi!

The demon were shocked!

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