Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1608: I am the devil!



The huge shadow is another roar!


The cracked dark throne instantly shattered!


The Yushen Man Yuanshen disappeared on the spot!


The pupils of the people who were present shrank violently. The black robe, that is, the Tujiazong Tuo and the heavenly demon, did not believe it a second ago, but now I have to believe it! The man in the Yuyi won the inheritance of the ancient ruins, and even received the approval of the Dark Throne. It should have been the disciple of the master of the ancient ruins. It is reasonable that the master should give strength!

But the roar of the big devil is directly indifferent attack!

The Dark Throne is broken!

Yuki man Yuanshen annihilation!

It was erased in a moment!

"Patriarch..." Yu Feitian on the ground glared wide, and at that moment, Wang Tian shouted blankly, then stared at Chen Zheng violently: "Fuck things, you already know everything right, you are not at all Self-defeating, you deliberately released this, right?"


Deliberately released!

Everyone heard!

He stared at Chen Zheng again!

"Intentionally released..."

"Is that true..."


The native armor of the real martial arts whispered, such as the Shenjia man, the gray-clothed master, and the true prime minister

"You...really knew everything? But the problem is that although you have been to Zhenwu Realm before, you didn't stay for long before leaving the Zhenwu Realm before. How could you know the ancient ruins? everything of?"

The Tumozong Tuo, who was covered in black robe all over his body, lowered his voice and asked.

"It’s pointless to ask, and you should worry about your own safety at the moment. This thing is evil, pure evil. This thing only knows about killing and destruction, although Heavenly Dao can expel this thing. Heavenly Dao hasn’t appeared yet. It should have been an accident. So before Heaven Dao expels this evil thought, your situation is really dangerous."

Chen Zheng raised his right hand and pointed to the huge black shadow in the sky.



When everyone heard it, their complexion changed, and their eyes were all fixed on the huge black shadow in the sky, but they only raised their heads and showed their terrified colors one by one, because the black shadow in the sky was photographed by a giant hand!


Don't escape will die!


Seems to escape!

Now the ancient ruins are blocked!

There is no place to escape!


This is over!

"Dead? Haha! What about death! You are not going to die! Do you think you escaped!"

Yu Feitian thought a little, and shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Chen Zu should have some means to stop this evil thought. Chen Zu once directed Su Tianjun. Su Tianjun passed down the Zhenwu family ethics. Now the Yezu and the heirs of the Zhenwu family are here. Chen Zu should not look at them. Be shot to death by evil thoughts."

Tu Mozong's palm education gazed and stared again!

"You have the means to take it out quickly, otherwise everyone will die! As long as you can stop this evil thought, this seat can take you to my ancestral land. My ancestral land has an immortal spring that can help you restore mana! One family is an immortal demon who is above the thousand worlds!"

Tian Wai Daxian's face sank, and he drank at Chen Zheng!

"I'm really not afraid of death."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and said that he got up, and at this moment a person was hanging overhead!


What does this mean?

Is this ready to stop the horror?

Everyone was surprised!


Ye Xue exclaimed!


The Prime Minister also exclaimed!


Although the giant sun-covering bird was lying on the ground, it was already sober, and was surprised at the moment! In addition to the sun-covering giant bird, the apes on the ground were also surprised!


Photographed by the giant palm!

Everyone held their breath at this moment!

Just listen to a loud noise!

Between ancient tremors and tremors!

Listen to the thorn again!

The horrible giant palm of the shadow had cracked!




Really blocked!

Everyone was dumbfounded!



The huge black shadow roared, and took back the cracked big hand, and stared at Chen Zheng!




The three demon kneeling on the ground to worship the huge demon head of the huge black shadow, at the same time also roared at the same time, all stared at Chen Zheng!

"Last time in the big universe, the same evil as you slapped on me, and I lost my mana. This time I met you again, this evil, but you never hurt me again. Nothing can break my mana. Your evil is much weaker than the previous evil."

If it is an ordinary person, stared at by several horror demon heads, I am afraid that it is already scared, but Chen Zheng is too lazy to glance at the three magnificent demon heads, only to look at the huge black shadow above and lightly write a sentence.


I have encountered such a bad idea before!

Mana was shot down before!

The evil thoughts in this world today are much weaker than those he encountered before!

What the **** is going on!

The Tu Tuo Zong Zhang Jiao, Tian Wai Da Yao, Yu Feitian, etc. were relieved, and their faces sank again at this moment. At this moment they completely understood what the sentence Chen Zheng said just now is not afraid of death!


The evil thoughts that are more horrible than this evil thought just knock down its mana!

He couldn't hurt his origin at all!

He can't even hurt him now!



A roar of evil thoughts!


The tearing sounded again!

Everyone trembled, thinking that they were cracking their flesh, but they could focus on one eye. It was not their flesh that was cracking, but the crack of the strange mask on the face of evil thoughts in heaven.


When I saw the true face of evil thoughts!

Almost all the creatures except Chen Zheng were dumbfounded!


This evil thought is exactly the same as Chen Zheng's face!

What happened?

How could it be the same face!

How could this be!

Not only the Tu Mozong, but also the others, the three magnificent demons were stunned, as if they had never seen the true face of their master before, and this is also the first time they saw the true face of their master!


Everyone was horrified and inexplicable, and the evil thought that showed the true content was another roar at Chen Zheng, and the giant palm slammed down again!


Chen Zheng hummed!

There was a burst of black gas in the body!

There is a transparent shackles on his body!


In an instant!

That piece of transparent shackles broke and broke!



Chen Zheng's breath has More than the breath of sky has skyrocketed, although there is no change in the flesh, at this moment it is more like a devil than the evil in the sky!

"I am the devil!"

Chen Zheng stared at evil thoughts and spit out four words indifferently and mercilessly!


The giant palm of the evil thought was fixed in the air at once, and the roar was extremely roaring at Chen Zheng, and suddenly he closed his hand, and he heard a horror roar again. Torn the sky and go away!

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