Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1594: Confusing goddess


Xingcha just came out of the Three Realms!

The seams of the Three Realms broke out in an uproar!

The World of Falsehood has completely disconnected from the Underworld and beyond!

Cang Qingxian, Aurora Palace Masters, several robbers of the real blood body slightly stunned, Chen had no fluctuations in the front, Xingcha turned into a streamer to cross the false world, and sent the Cang Qingxian to their respective fairy cities. . Among them, the owner of the Rainbow Palace returned to Cang Qing Xian City with Cang Qing Ancient Immortals, and Liu Xian Ancient Immortals and Fu Tu Ancient Immortals returned to Liu Yu Fu Tu City.

Regarding the arrangements for the true blood of several lords, Chen Zheng naturally asked Ajiu, Xiaoliu, and Xiaoyao for their opinions. Ajiuxiaoli said that they had lost all the lotus seeds anyway. Chen Zhenghan, just a salted fish, too lazy to manage a few real blood.

Fantastic fairy city.

Jiang's backyard.

Jiang Family Head Jiang went upstairs a little fidgeting because there was a woman in the backyard at the moment. This woman was playing with the Jiang family ancestral magic weapon, that is, the forbidden stone dagger.

In addition to this woman, there are several others, including Xiao Tianxing, the master of the enchanting fairy city. In fact, from the respectful attitude of the city owner Xiao Tianxing to the woman, Jiang Shanglou had already guessed the identity of the woman, but some were afraid to ask and could only wait silently at this moment.

"came back."

The woman smiled and turned to look at the backyard entrance.

"Chen...Young Master Chen!"

Jiang went upstairs and looked around, and saw a figure as if he saw a savior.

"Master Chen!"

Xiao Tingyu was right next to his father. At this moment, he saw Chen Zheng and Jiang Ao coming in, paying a homage to Chen Zheng.

"Try my dagger!"


The woman holding the forbidden stone dagger raised her hand and pointed the stone dagger at Chen Zhengxin's mouth!



The head of the Jiang family exclaimed!

Xiao Tingyu's face is also changing!

Jiang Hua actually guessed the woman's identity and frowned at the moment!


But Chen Zheng only smiled faintly, grabbed the stone dagger in his hand, and then threw it back to the woman.

"Naughty..." The woman took the stone dagger and looked at Chen Zheng with curiosity. After a few glances, she gently shook her head: "My name is Yinghuo. I know that Hongmeng Tianshang also has a fuss in the sky. It is equal to her copy, of course, she is more perfect and more tyrannical than me. I heard the master said that the sister can not even recognize the master for you, you don’t seem to be as heroic, that sister Why do you stand on your side instead of the owner’s side. What the sister said is also the owner’s relative daughter."


Hongmeng also has a confusing in heaven?

The goddess turned out to be just that faint copy in heaven?

Jiang family head!

Fantastic Fairy City Fairy City!

Jiang Hua Xiao listened to the rain!

This moment was shocking!

no doubt!

This woman with unparalleled looks is the goddess of confusion!

But at this moment, the goddess of confusion actually said that she was just another confusion of confusion!

A few people only feel that their cognition has been greatly impacted!

"Her father didn't care about her. I took her to her and told her that she secretly instructed her to practice. Is this reason enough?"

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"This reason... is really enough! If... I'm swapped with that sister's identity, I should also be on your side!" The woman nodded and looked again after thinking a little. Chen Zhengshu said with eyes: "You should have got the things in the Three Realms. You should have killed the False Tianzun. I am curious how you will deal with me."


False Tianzun is dead!


is this real!

The face of Jiang Family, Xiao Tianxing, Xiao Tingyu, Xiao Tingyu, and an old man in the city's palace have changed again!

False Tianzun!

Dominate this world!

The world cannot mention its name!

The northern temple is called the Temple of Falseness!

The world is usually just called the Northern Temple!

Was the mysterious creature of the vain Tianzun slain by this son Chen?

"Dispose of you... Do you want to go to heaven to compensate her."

Chen Zheng looked at the woman's eyes and thought of it a little at the moment.

"Send her? Is it in the deepest part of that palace? That's too free! If I really entered that palace, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out in the future! I've been traveling in the false world for a while. I have been in a few places, I have been outside the domain, I have been to the realm of chaos, I have been to the fairyland. I have created nine different Taoisms in nine different worlds. As the grandfather of those Taoisms, I cannot be confined in a palace, right? It’s too dangerous. I don’t want to go to heaven too much. I’m afraid the sister will slap me to death."

The woman shook her head again and again.

"You got this stone dagger from outside the domain?"

Chen Zheng looked at the stone dagger.

"Do you want to know the origin of the stone dagger?" The woman's eyes lit up: "This stone dagger is indeed I got it from a mysterious place outside the domain. The woman asked me to find a successor for her. Specially, it was recognized by the stone dagger, but it was a pity that he went to the fairy field once and was stared by the supreme domain. Although he fled back, it was a pity that he could not be saved. Therefore, the stone dagger has been sealed in the Jiang family for all these years."


The Jiang family advocated the opening of the mouth. He really didn't know this. He only knew that the stone dagger was the magic weapon from the ancestor. He didn't expect such a chance. It's a pity that the descendants of the Jiang family, no one can be recognized by the stone dagger.

Xiao Tianxing, the master of the fascinating fairy city, heard a surprise, and his eyes flashed with amazement, and the creatures that could call the goddess must be terrible creatures. Fortunately, the city's main palace hasn't had the idea of ​​playing the Jiang family in recent years.

"Actually, this girl's physique is also special now, but she has already practiced a secret method of the old sloppy old man I have seen. The secret tactic of the old sloppy old man should also be the one you passed to this girl. I dare not provoke Chen Zu."

The woman glanced at Jiang Hua, then smiled at Chen Zheng again.

"Have you been to the wall of origin?"

Chen Zheng also showed a I went to the Wall of Origin and also had a fight with a woman named Lu in front of the Wall of Origin. I didn’t know that there was such a family before. Know that there is such a tyrannical family. By the way, the woman surnamed Lu got a thing left by a creature on the wall of origin, and it seemed that she was pregnant after just touching it. Now think of it, the breath of the leftovers seems to be somewhat similar to that of Chen Zu. "

The woman smiled deeply.

"Have you ever been to Taixu?"

Chen Zheng's expression didn't change much, he just asked casually.

"Taixu...I want to enter the Taixu, but the owner will not let me enter the Taixu. I also saw the old monsters who survived the era of the era of destruction, and those who control the indestructible Dao, see See the eternal dragon, the supreme true devil or something. I heard that the supreme true demon is the first-class beautiful man between heaven and earth. If Chen Zu knows that guy, he will shout that the guy will come to a will incarnate, let me see What does that guy look like?"

The woman groaned, and then there was light in her eyes.

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