Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1592: Big dark sky? Get out of here!


Wait for yourself!

Is this saved!

The monks such as the Taoist Patriarch of the Purple Pavilion, the Taoist Patriarch of the Blue Patriarch, stunned for a moment, and suddenly recovered. At this moment, they all looked up at the sky, all staring at Chen Zheng suspended in front of pure black!

That dark top!

Trying to break free!

But no matter how you release your power, you can't break free!



Shocked roar!

The monster with eleven heads and twenty-two arms slammed towards Chen Zheng!

"Ben Tianzun still has it!"

False Tianzun roared at this moment!



That scary monster hit Chen Zheng!


The Three Realms Ground Shock again!

Seems to be broken at any time!

At this moment, all the creatures in the depth of the seam were staring at the pure black palace, because the horror monster and Chen Zheng were not moving anymore, Xingcha was on Jiang Li, and the two ancient immortals held their breath!

"Half-step supernatural beings collided, this Tianzun believes you are unharmed!"

False Tianzun bursts out!


Next second!

The terror monster with eleven heads and twenty-two arms cracked at once!


Next second!

That horrible monster shattered!


Fly to smoke!

Only leaving a drop of strange blood beads hanging!


When Xiu saw this scene, his pupils twitched abruptly, among which more than a dozen Taoist ancestors such as Zipao Taoist, there was only one thought left at the moment, that is, the vain Tianzun said that the horrible creature was a half-step transcendental level, but that one just hit Xuan Xian was unharmed, but the horrible creatures were gone!


Doesn't that mean that the Xuanxian flesh is stronger than the half-step detachment level!


Is it just possible!


Zipao Daozu and Lanpao Daozu quickly looked at each other. The two opened their mouths at the same time, and then looked at Chen Zheng again with their eyes moved!

"It's darker than dark, but it's useless to me, let alone you are in a state of incompleteness, even if it is in a complete state, it can't seduce me."

Chen Zheng looked at the dark top in front of him, as if talking to himself.

Although the Cultivators were puzzled, they could all guess that Chen was talking to the will in the dark top. That dark gyro is a magic weapon, and there must be a spirit in it. The power of the dark gyro is extremely strange and terrifying, but it can't break away from the seven-color divine light, so most of them have changed a way and want to seduce Chen Zheng.

"You... your flesh... how is your flesh possible... is your flesh..."

The vain Tianzun stared blankly at Chen Zheng. He thought of it a bit, but he didn’t believe it, and he didn’t believe it, because if that was the case, how could this **** be still in the shadows!

"Congratulations, you guessed it right."

Chen Zheng gave Xu Tianzun a smile.

"......." Xu Tianxun shuddered, his throat agitated, and took a deep breath after staring at Chen Zhengyi. "If your body is really already in that situation, why are you still in Hongmeng?" within!"

"The flesh, primordial spirit, and mana are all indispensable. Do you think it is so easy to jump out of the reincarnation?"

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"..." Xu Xian Tian Zun froze for a moment, and then his body was shaking again, he suddenly thought a little, staring at Chen Zhengdao: "So my master just told me part of you , My master did not tell you everything, my master... he was sleeping because of you!"

"Congratulations, you guessed it again."

Chen Zheng gave Xu Tianzun another smile.


What's right?

Cultivators were puzzled.



False Tianzun turned into a ghost!

Escape into the pure black palace at once!


next moment!

The pure black palace became nothingness!

Seems to be sent directly!


Chen Zheng raised his hand only, the dark top hit a black light, and the black light instantly pierced the pure black palace, and then heard a clatter, the pure black palace in the state of nothingness shattered into slag, and then again heard a wailing noise, and the vain heaven was also broken Become scum!


Not dead yet!

There is also a Yuanshen!

"I know you have something to do with confusing. I am not talking about the confusing goddess of the imaginary city of the illusory big world. I am talking about the confusing of the heavenly palace in the heavens! What is her identity? You are very clear. What is her relationship with my master? It is clear that although she has been in a half-step detachment for a long time, she was imprisoned in Tiandao Palace, and the body could not break free of Tiandao Palace! And when my master wakes up, she will not be able to escape the control of my master. Bingrong met! But I know that through the dark gyro can connect a heavenly will, that is a terrible creature, that is a creature that really jumped out of the reincarnation, I can help you connect that heavenly will, you can let that heavenly will and the will The dark gyro helps Yingying to escape the control of my master!"

The vain Tianzun Yuanshen shouted for a while!

"no need."

Chen Zheng answered three words casually.

"You... don't you want to save her, she was brought up by yourself!"

The vain Tianzun Yuanshen was stunned for a while, then followed by a low growl!

"The owner of the dark gyro should not be as good as me, so why should I ask him. Before your master wakes up, I will go to the Heavenly Palace in person. The prohibition of the Heavenly Palace is useless for me." Chen Zheng is light. With a smile, he paused and said, "Do you know why your Qianqian Tribulation Array is useless to me? You claim to know my origin and call me the God of God, but do you know that my hand is called lawlessness, my hand Specially breaks the formation prohibition between the world and the world."

"Lawlessness... Breaking the formation prohibition between heaven and earth..."

False Tianzun Yuanshen shivered and whispered blankly.


The Purple Pavilion Dao Patriarch, the Blue Pavilion Dao Patriarch, and more than a dozen other Dao Patriarchs, a surprise flashed in their eyes at this moment, because there was a mysterious Taoism outside the domain, and it was also named after the lawlessness!

Is it possible that this one...


It was also at this moment that suddenly a black awn fell into the mist above the seam. As soon as the black awn fell into the dark top, the black light of the dark top broke out at the next moment, and the black light swallowed Chen Zheng again!


Xingcha on Jiang Hua exclaimed!

The two ancient immortals looked down!

The face of the public is also changing!

"Haha! Here! The will of heaven is coming! You actually brought the will of heaven, I still have a chance to turn over!"

The vain Tianzun Yuanshen froze for a moment, and then laughed grimly at the next moment!

"Dark Dark Sky? Do you want me to surrender? Leave me!"


next moment!

The cultivators only listened to the explosion from the black light!


The black light burst!


A crack appeared on the dark top!

"Damn! I'm staring at you! You are so perfect! I must devour you!"

Hearing a strange roar On the dark gyro, a strange and grim face emerged, and that strange grim face stared straight at Chen Zhengshu's eyes, and burst into a grin!

"The will of heaven.........has lost..."

The vain Tianzun Yuanshen shuddered and shattered in a whisper!

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