Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1589: 0 robbery!

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Xingcha just drove deep into the ground seam!

I saw You Mang flash!

The mist is rolling!

Block the upper part!

"what's the situation!"

"The ground seam has changed, and the enchantment is reappearing. We are all trapped deep in the ground seam!"

"This warship... um? This warship seems to be very unusual... but its owner seems to be just a mystery! Wait a minute, what happened to the man and the woman, and why? The men and women in front of the pure black palace are exactly the same!"

A glance of eyes swept over and stared at Chen Zheng, many monks showed doubts. When they swept the six ancient immortals of Liuyufutu, an instant sound of exclamation sounded!

"That is......"

"Why so much!"

The six ancient immortals of Liuyufutu, swept their eyes, and when they saw the creatures in front of the pure black palace, their faces were frozen! Because in front of the pure black palace, the men and women in the array are exactly the same as the two!

At a glance, there are at least 800 people, half of whom are men and half of women. Men are all in the appearance of the ancient immortals of Futu, and women are all in the appearance of the ancient immortals of Liuyu! This is dozens of times more than the dozen or so'likes' that Xingcha had just entered the time slot of the Three Realms!


The two ancient immortals are ignorant!


Jiang Li opened her mouth, and she is also very ignorant now. She thought of the ancient Cang Qing immortal and the master of the Palace of Rainbow Light. The ancient immortal Cang Qing and the owner of the Palace of Rainbow Light were also the real blood bodies mentioned by the son. In the pure black palace, there are hundreds of creatures that are exactly the same as the ancient ancient immortal and the main palace of the Rainbow Palace!

"This kind of means, which can't be done by vain Tianzun, should be Hongmeng's means, and certainly not Hongmeng's own means. It should use special magical tools to spawn so many true blood of the Lord."

Chen Zhengshen thought about it and communicated with him.

"Don't you! Do you really want to train yourself to replace the lords? Do you have control over all the lords, and then go to the original place and finally get rid of it? But how do you feel that something is wrong? Based on my understanding of the twelve Disdain to use this method, Na's pride will definitely suppress everything in the world with his own strength!"

The little doll responded.



Pure black palace!

You mang flash!

In an instant!

Thousands of figures flew out!

"Lying trough!"

"My God!"

"My supreme!"

The monks from all forces, whether they were Taoist ancestors or monks under Daozu, changed their face instantly. Daozu was better. The monks under Daozu almost stunned!


Thousands of figures flying out of this!

It's not just that there are thousands of people!

It is the same as the two men and women in the beginning of the pure black palace. Among them, hundreds of people have the same appearance, and the appearance and body are almost the same. The only difference is the difference in cultivation!

This...what is this Nima!

Are these creatures puppets or real bodies!

"Cultivation of heavenly blood...the breath of creation...these creatures are all creatures of creatures, and all of them are flowing with the blood of creation! Although the strongest of them seem to be the third state ancestors, but these thousands There is no way for the creation of creatures! Because of the vastness of the land outside the territory, I have only occasionally heard of the existence of the blood of the creation. These three realms are far less than the land of the outside. How could there be so many blood of the creation! , Is it a puppet or something, who is planning something in the land of the Three Realms!"

A Zipao Daozu murmured in a low voice. He came from outside the region. He was an old monster. Even if he had seen many strange things before, at the moment, looking at the thousands of creatures in front of the pure black palace, it felt like he was dreaming!

"The person who can lay this game is definitely a terrible big man. We seem to have strayed into a big man's game!"

A blue-robed Taoist ancestor also said in a deep voice, he was also from outside the region, and was also a Taoist cultivator who was extremely high. At this moment, a heavy pagoda tower appeared above his head.

Although the thousands of creatures, the strongest will not destroy the third realm, but he knows that it is absolutely impossible to be so simple, after all, these creatures are all artificial creatures!

"It's so weird. I regret if I can let me go. I don't want to stay here. Can you let me go?"

A monk suddenly screamed and yelled, this is a quasi-holy, trembling at the moment!


No one ignored him!

Because he has no time to ignore him!

Everyone else stared at the thousands of figures in front of the Pure Black Palace!

If these thousands of figures are distinguished by their faces, there are actually only eleven kinds, hundreds of each, and together they are thousands! It is precisely because these creatures have only eleven faces, plus they are artificial creatures, and at the moment they are densely arrayed, it looks very strange!

It is impossible to tell whether it is a doppelganger or a puppet technique!

"Does this little friend know something?"

The atmosphere became more and more strange, and Zipao Daozu's eyes moved towards Chen Zheng.

"I wait for foreign creatures, if anyone can kill the Xingcha on the Xuanxian, this seat will give him the ability to make heavenly blood!"

Almost at the same time, a deep male voice came out of the pure black palace!


If you kill the young man of Xuanxian, you will get the natural blood!


For a while!

The monks of various forces are ready to move!

Especially those ancestors!

All eyes flashed!


These Daozu did not move!

A mystery!

Why bother to move the crowd!

The weakest of the thousands of creatures is also a quasi-holy level!

Really want to kill this Xuan Xian just send one out!

Why let yourself wait for someone to kill!

So I am afraid there is fraud!

"Why? Why don’t you wait? Er waits not to believe in this seat, or still thinks that the natural blood is unattractive? Even if your powerful ancestors are suppressed by this avenue of the world, you will have the unending power of the fifth realm. Do you think you can't kill the Xuan Xian?"

In the pure black palace, the low-pitched male voice came out again!

There was a whispering discussion among the people here, the Purple Pavilion Dao Patriarch and the Blue Pavilion Dao Patriarch were the strongest. At the moment, they looked at each other and still did not do it!

"How do these guys feel smarter than the guys they met before? Most of the guys I met before rushed over as if they had no IQ. Today this batch seems to have a little IQ?"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the sound of a little doll made a sound.

"Void Tianzun, if you want to kill me, why not kill me with your own hands."

Chen Zheng just smiled slightly at this, then looked at the Pure Black Palace and shouted into the Pure Black Palace.

"Okay! This Tianzun satisfies you!"

Silence briefly!

The deep voice in the pure black palace responded to Chen Zheng!


In front of the pure black palace!

The thousands of creatures suddenly moved!

Suddenly spread out!


It seems like a big battle!



The Xiu Xiu hadn't reacted here yet, and there was a terrifying power in the depth of this seam. The ancestors of Zipao Dao and Lanpao Dao looked awkward, and they felt it for the first time, it was in the ninth realm. The ancestor of Taoism is even above the power of heaven!


The depth of the ground seam suddenly changed!

The surroundings became endless nothingness!

At this moment, the area of ​​the Pure Black Palace seems to be suspended in the endless void!

And the thousands of spirits of fortune are as high as the masters who control the world and overlook the living beings!




A few people besides Xingcha Chen Zheng!

The rest of the people, including the Purple Robe Taoist and the Blue Robe Taoist, all kneeled in an instant!


Inside the pure black palace!

The man's voice sounded again!

This time it's not low!

This time it's huge!

"This array of Heavenly Venerable is named Qianqian It is made up of thousands of tribulation masters' real blood, and the atmosphere is connected with the vertical and horizontal lines. No matter how powerful your flesh is, it can only be the magic of Xuanxian. What do you use to break the cost? Thousands of robbers of the Heavenly Lord! In order to deal with you, the Heavenly Lord even gave up further opportunities. Do you really believe that the Heavenly Lord does not know what you are coming from, Chen Zheng Chen Zu Chen Shengshi Chen Taozhu Chen Shangcang!"

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