Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1563: Even your weak chicken wants to cut me?


"Sorry, I have to wait too!"

The three of Chen Zheng had just entered the inner hall of Zaohuazhai, and Mr. Fu Shui suddenly whispered. At the next moment, Mr. Fu Shui disappeared completely, and Xiao listened to the rain. His face changed, and he was like a stream of light, and he was about to sweep out of the inner hall. With a sip of blood, the mana seemed to disappear! Jiang Huaqiao's face was cold, and her situation was similar to that of Xiao Tingyu. At this moment, her mana also disappeared!

As for Chen Zheng, it also looks like a mortal!




Inside and outside the hall!

Several figures appeared!

It is a few people to get away!

"Sorry, Brother Xiao listened to Yu. We have no choice but to act on orders. If a few of us are disobedient, we will end up like the leader of the Qingyue God Wu Jiuzhan, and we will survive. Worry, after all, you are the son of the lord of the celestial city, and the meaning of mighty power is just to abolish you, and will not kill you. So after a moment, if Brother Yu listens to want to vent, Sister Sui will let Brother Rain give vent. "

The enchanting woman Shui Lingjing smiles charmingly.

"Wu Jiuzhan, the head teacher of this religion, because he disobeyed the order of power, he was also abolished, and now he is imprisoned in the lock prison of this religion. As the water girl said, I also wait for survival."

Xiaoyao made a soft voice.

"Report directly to Mighty, please come to Mighty."

Middle-aged man in red robe said in a deep voice.

"Please Elder You Chu!"

Mr. Fu Shui squeezed a recipe, and then whispered.


You mang flash!

An old man is coming!

"Meet Elder You Chu!"

"Meet Elder You Chu!"

"Have seen Elder You Chu!"

The other three saw the old man, and there was a look of fear in their eyes, and quickly bowed their heads to the old man!

The old man nodded his head lightly, glanced across Jiang Li and Xiao Tingyu's faces, and finally landed on Chen Zheng's face, followed by a cold hum: "Your kind of strangeness, you should not come to our world, come In our world, you are not hiding and actively revealing power, you are not looking for death! The three elders in the northern temple of the Heavenly Lord, you are set up today to deal with the ancient immortals of Cang Qing, your strangeness is only a success. Extermination! If you're done, this is the place. You can die. You can die for this seat!"

The look is cold!

The sound is colder!

The old man raised his hand to Chen Zheng's brow!


"It turned out to be an outsider, no wonder..."

"This is also the life of the outsiders, and basically can't escape this ending."

Xiaoyao made several people shake their heads. In their view, the old man could never survive under one finger. The Xuanxian would be erased by one finger, and no trace of it would remain.



A strange scene appeared!

Old man!

Chen Zhengkui didn't move, and there were no scars, but he suddenly remembered a tearing sound, and he made a few people stunned. He turned his head subconsciously and saw that the old man's flesh had shattered. Like seeing the most terrible thing in the world!


Shui Lingjing screamed and covered her mouth with both hands at the next moment, staring at the old man with wide eyes!



Another terrible tear!

The flesh of the old man is directly turned into powder!

However, this time it was not the sound of flesh tearing, this time it was the sound of tearing the Yuanshen, the old Yuanshen was very strange and split!

What happened?

Cang Qingxian came out!

Is this a secret shot of Cang Qing Gu Xian!

Cang Qing Gu Xian is not afraid of that weakness!

Get away!

Mr. Fushui!

Jinchen Jinchen!

At this moment the thought flashed through my heart!

The only thing they can think of is the ancient green fairy!

If Cang Qingxian is not afraid of that weakness, then now in the whole Cangqing Xiancheng, only Cang Qingxian can cut the elder Chu!

Elder You Chu!

The three elders in the northern temple!

Cultivation is above the ancestor!

It may even be above the saint!

Elder Youchu should be in the same state as the half-walking ancestor!

"Who! Who is it! Cangqing ancient immortals! Get out! You get out of this seat! Some kind of appearance! You show up in this seat!"

Suddenly, the Chu shattered and shattered!


Xiao Tingyu covered his heart. He felt a bit and did not perceive any breath of his master, but he quickly guessed a little, and the surprise in his eyes flashed through, a little unbelievable!

If it's really like your own guess, then it's too bad!

"Is it really an ancient fairy?"


"Cang Qingxian is not afraid of that weakness?"

Xiao Yaoshen, Jin Chenxi and Mr. Fu Shui were all surprised. At this moment, their eyes were looking up and down, Shen Nian was secretly investigating, but did not detect any breath of ancient green immortals!

"Gu Xian Rao Fate!"

As for the enchanting woman Shui Lingjing, she knelt with a puff, a face sobbing and she looked pitiful!

"Come out! You come out to this seat! You can't be afraid of that weakness, that's your weakness found in this book from ancient books, that's your nemesis!"

You Chu Yuanshen roared again, and a magic weapon was sacrificed in the roar, which was a golden magic weapon shaped like an imperial crown. At this moment, a dreadful divine power was released!


There is no response!

He wanted to use this magic tool to force the ancient immortals out!

But Gu Xian didn't seem to come at all!


Xiaoyao Shi, Jin Chenxi, and Mr. Fu Shui showed doubtful colors, because you have seen You Chu use this instrument to force the ancient immortals to appear before. If the ancient immortals really come, it should be as if they were illuminated by the demon mirror. !

Is it!

Gu Xian really overcame that weakness, really not afraid of this magic weapon, or said that the person who secretly shot was not Gu Xian at all, but someone else!

and many more!

Could it be!

Could it be that the Xuanxian boy failed!


Several people thought of the same point, and stared at Chen Zheng with one eye, but this one also showed doubt, because at this moment, Chen Zheng looked pure and pure as a mortal with no power!

"Come out, you come out! Cangqing ancient immortals, you come out to this seat, what are you hiding, do you dare to come out!"

You Chu Yuanshen roared again!


Almost at the same time, Chen Zheng glanced indifferently, and You Chu Yuan was instantly frozen!


As for the golden artifact like the imperial crown!

Crashed to the ground!


You Chu Yuanshen opened his mouth wide!

"Just like your weak chicken wants to come and slash me?"

Chen Zheng chuckles in one step, as if not blocked by any obstacle, he walked out of the enchantment of the inner hall. Xiaoyao made a few people see this scene and was stunned instantly!


The inner temple of Fortune Zhai can suppress the prohibition of saints!

It was invalid to this young Xuanxian young man!

and so!

Just guessed right!

Destroy the elder Chu's flesh!

The man who collapsed the elder primitive **** of Chu!

It's really this young man!

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