Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1547: Old age and good fortune with the son!



   The Jiang family owner didn't know what to say.


can not read it!


  I really can't understand this Chen Gongzi!


"Huh! No interest, you know that you can't break the game of Luliu Daoren, and you want to deliberately install a game in front of everyone, so you said that you are not interested! You are really stupid, even if you can't break the game, you can get it Appreciation of the Green Willow Daoist, they must come out like this! Young people have lost such a chance for your own face, you know that even if the Green Willow Daoist sees us, they should respectfully shout the power of seniors Monk!"


   At this time several figures came, and the middle-aged man in the black robe headed stared at him indifferently!






   "Dragon of the Immortal Mansion!"


  Gang Huai!


   The head of the Jiang family!


   and listen to Yuko!


   The three people looked over!


   all frowns!


   "Monastery of the Immortal Mansion?"


   "This is the time to confuse the fairy city..."


   "Mingxian Mansion..."


The rest of the people also looked at it, and their faces have changed. They have heard about the Jiang family and the Mingxian Mansion. They had long heard that Miss Jiang's family had already been caught by the people in the Mingxian Mansion. Now, the people of Xingxian Mansion came to confuse Xiancheng.


prior to!


   The people of the Mingxian Palace can only dare to catch the Jiang family outside the confusing fairy city!


  Now this dragon brings people to amaze the fairy city!


  Do you want to do something with the Jiang family in the Yingxian City?


   The city master should not let the people of Xingxian Mansion commit murder in Yingxian City!


"Qu Yilong, the left envoy of the Mingxian Mansion, the cultivation of the Emperor Emperor Realm in the middle period, the power of the bloodline is very special, the combat power is comparable to the quasi-sacred, and the flesh is more powerful. !"


   The head of the Jiang family secretly sent a message to Chen Zheng.


   But Chen Zheng was too lazy to take a look at the song, and only said to Jiang Wei: "You go to try the game of Luliu Daoren."




  What does this mean!


   This kid seemed to ignore Qu Yilong directly!


   The rest of the monks were shocked to see this scene!


   I am obedient!


   This kid really has the ability or is naturally born to like to pretend!


   First of all, I'm not interested in the game of Lu Liu Dao Ren!


  Ignored the left envoy of Mingxian Mansion now!


   Is this kid so unpretentious?




   Jiang Hua was a little dull.


   "My daughter?"


   The head of the Jiang family is also just staying.




   Listening to Yu Gongzi glanced at Jiang Hua, he and Jiang Ai grew up together in Yingxian Xiancheng, but that's all. He thinks that his talent for spiritual practice far exceeds that of Jiang Wei. He just failed. Just now, Jiang Wei went to the game of the Green Willow Daoren and it was basically impossible to succeed. The young man Xuanxian actually told Jiang Hua to try it out. Did he see through the game?




is it possible!


"This girl? Huh! This girl is also worthy!" Qu Yilong sneered, stared at Jiang Hua, and then stared at Chen Zheng, this time unabashedly threatening his eyes: "You kid and this girl, should all I just returned to Yingxian Xiancheng from the old pit of Guixu. This time I was ordered to investigate some things in Yingxian Xiancheng. This zodiac will give Xiao Cheng a face, and I won’t do it in Yingxian Xiancheng! This girl also has people from the Jiang family, who have been hiding in the fascinating fairy city in this life! Although this seat will not be used in the fairy city, this seat will cut off the supply of resources from the major family chambers of commerce to your Jiang family!"






   naked threat!


The faces of the rest of the Yingxian City have changed slightly. Although some people are not used to the Xuanxian boy, the Jiang family is a local family of the Yingxian City after all. At this moment, the Jiang family is equivalent to being bullied by the people in the Xingxian Mansion at their doorstep. Uncomfortable, I just don't dare to mess with Mingxian Mansion!


   Mingxian Mansion is not counted as top-level Taoism, not even first-class Taoism, but Mingxian Mansion is backed by Xuan Emperor Tiangong.


and so!


   Although my heart is on the Jiang family's side!


   can only be helpless!




The Jiang family's face was white, and he couldn't do anything about the situation right now, but he suddenly thought of it a little. If his daughter can really break the chess game laid by the Green Willow Dao, it is equivalent to the successor of the Green Willow Dao. Don't dare to mess up!


   Wait a minute!


Suddenly, the Jiang family head thought of it again, thinking of the scene where Chen Zheng killed Shi Qianjue before, at this moment his heart could not help but suddenly accelerated, and a thought that was already bold for him came out, that is, if Chen Gongzi The entire Immortal Mansion was erased, and even the Emperor Xuan Emperor's Temple was erased. Isn't that no worries!


Only this thought came up, and he shook his head frantically in his heart. This thought was too crazy. He was afraid that he was daydreaming. Chen Gongzi might really be able to wipe away the Immortal Mansion, but it was unrealistic to wipe out the Xuan Emperor's Heavenly Palace. , What I thought was so beautiful!




A sigh!


   The head of the Jiang family fell into silence!


"Why? You still think that this girl broke the game of the Green Willow Daoist and became the heir of the Green Willow Daoist. We wouldn’t dare to move the Jiang family in the Immortal Mansion, right? Ha! If this girl can really break the chess game, this seat is immediately Give the girl ten knocks and turn away, but can this girl break the game of Luliu Daoren? Hum! The game of senior Luliu, our masters haven’t been able to break it, even the Masters of Xuan Emperor Tiangong. Can't be broken, is this girl possible!"


   At this time, Qu Yilong was sneering again!


   I heard the monks from the fairy city, and understood at this moment that the Green Willow Taoist had already preached the story in the other fairy city, and he even laid this chess game. Even the Xuan Emperor Tiangong Shao Gong Master failed to crack this chess game!




no doubt!


   Jiang婳 could not break this game!


   The Jiang family is in danger!


   "Go ahead."


  Chen Zheng ignored the others and gave Jiang Hua a smile of encouragement.




   Jiang Hua focused on the head, step by step, in front of the pavilion chessboard in front of the Changsheng Lake, under the attention of everyone, the seat was under the spotlight, and there was a fairy light just under the one!




  Lengliu Dao Ren stunned!


"this is?"


   "Does Jiang Hua have hope?"


   "Hang Jiangyu is a lot worse than Listening to Rain Master, and Listening to Rain Master is defeated, can't Jiang Hua succeed?"


  Everyone is surprised!


   "It's just fairy light, and our house owner hasn't failed."


  Qu Yilong sneered!




  Lvliu Taoist showed his doubts, looked at Jiang Hua, and then looked at Chen Zheng.




   Now on the chessboard!


   Xianguang masterpiece!


   Jiang Hua suddenly looked white!


   seems to be unsustainable!


   "Haha! This girl can't even pass the ten breath time!"


   Qu Yilong laughed!






   Jiang Huan groaned!


   opened his eyes at this moment!


   There is blood on the corner of the mouth!




   "Also failed!"


   "It's better to listen to Yugong...... Hey? Wait a minute, how did Jiang Xiuxiu raise a big realm, directly from Jinxian to Daojun, what's going on!"


  When everyone saw this scene, they could not help shaking their heads, but soon someone discovered something strange. Jiang Hua was originally just a golden fairy.


   "Dao Jun? Huh! It's not something you can squeeze to death!"


  Qu Yilong raised his But sneered again at the next moment!


"The old age understands." However, the green willow Taoist in the pavilion suddenly showed a sudden enlightenment, and took the chess set under the cloth. At this moment, he got up and walked out of the pavilion. Instead of looking at Jiang Zheng, he looked at Chen Zheng. After looking at Chen Zhengshu's eyes, he shot a thing: "This son is the one who is looking for old decay, this thing is given to the young prince, and the old decay has a good relationship with the young prince."




   What do you mean by Luliu Dao!


   Jiang Huan has failed!


  Lvliu Dao actually had a good relationship with the young man who proposed Jiang Hua to break the game!


   And also gave an ancient order on his own initiative!


Why is that!



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