Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1538: You are so lucky!


  Eastern Sovereign Supreme said, hurling a town monument, the town monument suddenly skyrocketed, an ancient majestic breath was released, and the spirits of Feng Fei and Xu Tian Sheng Dynasty were sinking!

   It was this thing a few days ago, and the enchantment of the cloud city feather city was crushed by a single face, otherwise this East Saint Supreme body could not actually break the cloud city feather city enchantment!

"Chen Zu, Chen Zu, you should know that I am from the Supreme Hall, and you should guess who the owner of the Supreme Hall is, that person does not have a general understanding of you. Chen Zu's body is tyrannical, and the Yuanshen is extraordinary, However, Chen Zu wants to mobilize the power of the flesh and Yuanshen, it needs mana, that is, the stronger the Chen Zu mana is, the stronger the combat power is. Chen Zu has no mana now, so the combat power... Basically it can be equal to zero, so you can’t take Chen Zu. Of course, I can’t take Chen Zu, but the Yu clan is different.”

   East Saint Supreme smiled faintly.

   "I didn't guess who the owner of the Supreme Hall is, you tell me."

   Chen Zheng also smiled faintly.

"Huh? Didn't Chen Zu really guess? Since Chen Zu didn't guess, then I won't reveal it. To be honest, I haven't seen the true appearance of the Supreme Hall Master. I just guessed. Of course, the Supreme Hall Master is It doesn’t matter who is important, what matters is the current thing." Dong Sheng Zhi Zun gave Chen Zheng a deep look, then smiled again: "Chen Zheng returned something to me, I will let the Yu clan pass, this request is not at all But don't overdo it. If the value given by Chen Zu is enough, I will not only let the feathers go, but also the creatures that are gestating in the holy land of the feathers."


  The spirit of the Xutian Holy Dawn sank, and the Eastern Saint was already a naked threat. If the Xutian Holy Dynasty was still there, he could kill the Eastern Sheng Supreme with his own thoughts, but unfortunately the Xutian Holy Dawn had been destroyed!


   Thinking of his incompetence and powerlessness, the virtual longevity can only sigh, and also fate, once he and the virtual sky lord are above the thousand worlds, and now they have fallen into this situation, this is all life!

"I give things to people, usually only to the people around me or old people. Of course, if the other party is qualified, I will also consider that you have a life and death enemies with me, and you don't get that qualification, so I can't give you. thing."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"It seems that there is no discussion." Dongsheng Supreme chuckled: "In fact, with Chen Zu's background, you can come up with the supreme secret method. Chen Zu gives me a secret method, my enemies' hatred. It can be cancelled in a lump, and there is no loss for Chen Zu. Why not do it? As for the qualification, does Chen Zu still feel that he is standing at the pinnacle between heaven and earth? Chen Zu, Chen Zu, you have no magic power now, You have to recognize your situation!"


   The voice just fell!

   That huge town monument moved!

   A shock in the cloud city!

   The faces of the feathers below are all sinking!

   Feng Fei looks cold too!

   "Chen Zu's last ten breathing time, as soon as the tenth breathing time comes, Chen Zu will not give anything, then I will grab it myself!"

  East Saint Supreme ignored the others and only stared at Chen Zheng at the moment!

   "You are too bad luck."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


   Luck is too bad?

  What does this mean?

The spirits of the celestial holy dynasty and the people of the Yu clan below were all slightly stunned. The Eastern Sovereign Supreme was also slightly stunned. Then there was a hum, the huge town monument slammed, and a magnificent divine power was moving towards it. The feather city under the cloud will be crushed!

not good!

  Feng Fei's complexion changed, Shenguang immortal light turned on, and the body of Shenfeng should be transformed. Almost at the same time, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, just wipe it at will, and the divine power released by the huge town monument was instantly destroyed!


   What is the situation!

  Chen Zu!

  Restored mana!

   Everyone was stunned for the next moment. Looking at Chen Zheng, the people of the Yu clan showed a happy look because they all felt the breath of mana from Chen Zheng!

  Chen Zu's cultivation practice is recovering, although it seems that even the real immortals are not here!

   "Huh? Your mana is recovering? But not even the real immortal, I don't believe you can threaten me. The town monument just released a breath of one percent, next...!"

   Dongsheng Supreme's face was cold, and he gave Chen Zheng a deep look, and he wanted to urge Zhenzhen, but his pupils shrank suddenly!


  Chen Zheng took a free hand, and there was an extra group of Shenhuo in his hand. As soon as this group of Shenhuo appeared, everyone felt a terrifying power, and there was a terrible power in the Shenhuo!

   There is a world hidden in this **** fire, it should be said that this is a miniature flame world!

"what are you going to do!"

  East Saint Supreme subconsciously opened his mouth to ask!

   "You have no time to escape now."

  Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously, then swallowed and swallowed the fire!


   His breath!

   Instant skyrocket!


   Half step true fairy!

  True fairy!



   Ninth order Xuanxian!

   "Nine-order Xuanxian...can't threaten me!"

  Eastern Supreme Supreme saw Chen Zheng mana stopped in the ninth-order Xuanxian realm, without any signs of breaking through, revealing a ridiculous color, and raising a hand to urge a huge town monument!



   He just started!

   His flesh is shattered!


   His face freezes instantly!

   It is also between solidification!

   Another horrible tear sounded!

"Do not!"

next moment!

   Only heard a horrified scream!

  Eastern Supreme Master, the whole person will be wiped out!


   Yuzu was stunned up and down, because Chen Zu was not seen from the beginning to the end. Chen Zu just swallowed the fire to restore the ninth-level Xuanxian mana, and then just glanced at the East Saint Supreme, and the East Saint Supreme was gone!

   This... how could it be so terrible!

"East Saint Supreme... There is a blessing of the town monument, and it will not fall down against ordinary saints... Chen Zubi was stronger than when he was in Xianwu World many......"

  Even if Xu Changsheng is the spirit of the holy dynasty, he had seen Chen Zheng's means in the world of Xianwu, but this time he couldn't help but widen his eyes! Xuanxian mana has no real hands at all. With only one look, the Eastern Saint Supreme with the level of agreement with ordinary saints is erased!

   This means!

   This method is terrifying on the surface, but the hidden meaning is the real horror. If Chen Zu mana is restored to the level of Jinxian, wouldn't it be possible to wipe out the saints at a glance!


   I don’t know, Chen Zheng of the ninth-order Xuanxian mana can already see the saints at a glance, and even half-walking ancestors at a glance, and just an indestructible Dao ancestor who can pinch the first realm by raising his hand!


   at this moment!

   Below the deep cloud city in the feather city, that is, in the holy land of the Yu clan, a bright divine light suddenly rose into the sky!

"this is!"

   "Is the fairy seed planted by Chen Zu going to be a actor!"

   "Chen Zu really planted a Holy Princess to come out?"

  The Yu clan looked up and down towards the Holy Land, and a cry of exclamation sounded!

"How can this be!"

   Xu Changsheng was originally looking at the Holy Land. Suddenly, he felt his head suddenly and looked up at the sky. When he saw a man wearing an imperial robe above the sky dome, he instantly froze!

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