Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1526: Little mouth smeared honey!



  Blood Unicorn has already rushed to Xingcha. Without being urged by Chen Zhengyi, Xingcha disappeared all at once, and Blood Unicorn threw himself into an empty space! And at the next moment, Xingcha emerged, but was already on the other side of the sky!

"Roar!" Blood Qilin roared violently, and then the blood pupil stared towards Chen Zheng, staring straight like a little girl who did not wake up: "You want this girl to die, I satisfy you! "

   "Slay to death? Do you want to kill me? Your unicorn is also worthy!"

   The little girl woke up, her small face was instantly cold, and an ancient majestic and tyrannical breath was released at this moment. In a blink of an eye, the little girl turned into a giant dragon!


  The roar of the magic dragon!


  Everyone's surrender!




  The patriarch of the Wan tribe, all fell to the ground at this moment, kneeling as soon as his legs were soft!

   "This... this is Chen Zu's spiritual pet?"

  Xingcha, Xiaohe's eyes widened!


   Little Black Sister opened her mouth and opened her eyes at this moment. Originally, she thought that after this matter ended, she wanted to follow Chen Zheng and be a spoiled animal for Chen Zheng.

  But now!

   She feels hopeless!

   I don't seem to be qualified!

   The huge magic dragon transformed by that little girl!

   How can it be so scary!

  When did the dragon tribe have such a pervert!

   At this moment, there are three very different breaths released by the huge magic dragon, two of which are the breath of the dragon family, and the other seems to be the breath of the ancient gods and demons! In a word, no matter what kind of breath, it is terrible!

   "Zu...Zulong...You little girl has Zulong's breath!"

  Blood unicorn was stunned for a few moments of time, and slammed his teeth again, turning into a huge torrent again. It was a collision towards the huge magic dragon transformed by the little girl!


   It was a tremendous noise again!

   is shocking again!

   The results have not changed!

   Blood Unicorn is flying out!

   The giant dragon is still!


  The magic dragon roars again!

The Patriarch Patriarchs who were already kneeling on the ground were trembling with horror. Some of them felt it. The real combat power of the huge dragon in front of them was not terrible. What was terrible was the power of the three blood lines, and the three blood lines alone. The breath released by the power can suppress the Holy Beast Realm!

   That’s right!

   This little girl is not as hard as her master!

and so!

  Although the combat power is actually not as good as Blood Unicorn, Blood Unicorn can't take this girl at all. If you don't make a shot, it's okay, you will be knocked back and spit blood!

Oh shit!

   This point is just as rogue as her master!

   is just a shame!

   Wait a minute!

   It seems that Blood Unicorn mentioned Zulong!

   This little girl turned out to be the blood of Zulong!


   Did the monk of that human race come to the Kirin family this time!

   This time!

   Could you really see the legendary ancestor Kirin!


Between the patriarch patriarch's guess, the huge magic dragon opened his mouth to spit, and a dark demon flame swallowed the blood unicorn instantly. At this moment, the patriarch patriarch subconsciously blinked. When he saw that the blood unicorn had become a black coke unicorn, a Suddenly want to laugh, but just dare not laugh!

   Blood Unicorn is still alive!

   That little girl is just equivalent to scorching the blood unicorn hair!


   This must be a shame for Blood Unicorn!


   Sure enough!

   Blood Qilin screamed, blood flashed on her body, trying to grow new blood-colored hair, but she failed!

"Although my magic flame can't do you any real harm, but it is still okay to repaint you, you are a woman, you have a bad blood, no one will like it, I will help you change the color, refer to Maybe someone will fall in love with you today?"

   The huge dragon opened his mouth and smiled!


   Blood Unicorn stayed!

   Wan patriarch also stayed!

   "Lying trough! Chen Zu's spiritual pet is really different, this opening is level!"

   Xingcha puts on the gluttonous little black to reveal the worship!


  Little black elder sister sighed, and replaced herself with blood unicorn, fearing that she would not go to blood unicorn at all, this point she couldn't compare to that little girl!

   "Ah! Damn! You and your master are bullshit! I want to kill you! I want to kill you!"

   Bloody Unicorn screaming crazy!

"Come here, this girl will stand still today, this girl will let you kill! When you are tired, this girl can also help you change the color for free, which color do you like, purple like it, blue What do you think, this girl thought about it, it seems that green is the best match for you!"

   The giant dragon smiled again!

   "You you little bastard, do you really think that no one of my Kirin family can deal with you!"

  Blood Kirin's **** madness!

"Cut! At the beginning of Kirin's reappearance, the fighting power cannot be much stronger than you. If the real ancestor is a real ancestor, it is impossible to stay in this world! What's more, even if it is really a ancestor, the eternal body of this girl, the eternal dragon, Are you afraid of ordinary Taoist ancestors?"

  Huge magic dragon hummed!

   "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

   Blood Unicorn screams three times!

   Ten thousand patriarchs and Xingcha on Shen Yue, Xiaohei, Xiaohei sister and old gluttons are all stunned at this moment, how can a little girl be so upset, is this all followed by Chen Zu!

   "Hee hee, is there no way to get this girl? Old woman, you want to get rid of this girl but have no choice but to look helplessly really embarrassed!"

   This time!

  Giant dragon smiled!


   Blood Kirin Yang Tian spit out blood!


  The head of the Wan tribe looked at this scene, and only felt a little dreamy. Blood Qilin was spurted by a little girl with words!

   "Awesome, this young lady will be the idol of Xiaohei!"

  Xingcha stared at Xiao Hei with both eyes!


Little Black Sister is a sigh Little girl can make blood unicorn gas spurting blood, how can you not do this alone, the gap between herself and this little girl is too big !

  Shen Yue is almost thinking at the moment, why the difference between his own beast and Chen Zu’s beast is so big!

   "I must kill you!"

   At this moment, the blood unicorn was staring at the giant dragon again, and it was terrifyingly roaring!

"Kill kill, who wouldn't be ruthless? You old lady, can you kill this girl in your own heart? You are old and ugly and no brain, you are a brain shrew and you want to deal with my family Master? Huh! Your kind of thing is a person who acts like a person. Even if he looks beautiful, he will use a beauty plan to deal with my master. My master will not look at you directly!"

   Huge dragon humming!

this moment!

   Ten Thousand Beasts!


  Blood unicorn or patriarch of all races, this moment is dumbfounded!


   After a while, Blood Qilin spit out blood from Yang Tian again, only to hear a huge sound of a huge unicorn body falling to the ground, splashing a dust!

   "This... really smeared honey with a small mouth!"

  Xingcha on Xiaohei recovered and shouted dumbfounded!

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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