Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1522: Who is scared!

"Please enter the ancestral land!"

"Please enter the ancestral land!"

"Please enter the ancestral land!"

It was also at this moment, that figure of the unicorns, and at the moment opened his mouth to Chen Zheng!

But Chen Zheng didn't move. He just glanced into Qilin Zu's land lightly, then showed a smile, and then shook his head gently. This scene was seen in the eyes of several great beast race patriarchs, thinking that Chen Zheng was about to retreat and dare not enter the Qilin ancestral land.

Although it has been known from the Emperor Kui Shao that Chen Zheng is extremely arrogant and is practicing ancient body exercises, but in their eyes, no matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than the blood unicorn of the Kirin family, so Chen Zheng, this alien race will definitely be defeated!

At this moment, I dare not get down from that warship or dare to enter the Qilin ancestral land, so I must be afraid!

"You must know that the Qilin ancestral land has a **** array under the gods. Except for the Qilin family, all other ethnic groups will be cut off when they enter the Qilin ancestral land. You will be weakened by the Divine Array even if you are physically strong! After all, I am still timid. I think you are really not afraid at all. You can really run on your flesh!"

Kui Shao Huang grinned!


Shen Yue, Lao Tzu, Xiao Hei and Xiao Hei eldest sister all frowned at the moment and wanted to tell the truth, but Shen Yue, Xiao Hei and Lao Tzu had all seen Chen Zheng's ability, and he was a little hesitant for a while. As for Xiaohei's elder sister, they saw that Xiaohe wanted to stop talking, and she also wanted to stop talking.


Chen Zheng chuckled, stepped out of Xingcha, and landed in front of the entrance of Qilin Zudi, that is, before the stone steps in front of Shilin Mountain.


The eyes of the several unicorns turned into bright eyes, and then they drank together!

"You have to think clearly, you really entered the Qilin ancestral land, and your physical strength will be weakened by a big realm, you must not be brave!"

Kui Shaohuang grinned again!

"Er and others are still helping the number of people when they are sold, and so is the vision of Er and others."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Was it sold?

What was sold?

Several patriarchs were stunned, but they soon shook their heads in secret, secretly saying that they might want to find an excuse to flinch.

"Hum! Nonsense! Lord Xueqi is waiting for you in the Qilin ancestral land. You are still looking for excuses to delay the time. If you are really afraid, just get out of your own, why do you pose here! Where did your defiant gesture yesterday be? Go, you are not like you from yesterday!"

Kui Shaohuang cold drink!




At this time!

Those figures of Kirin sang again to Chen Zheng!

"Dare you enter the Qilin ancestral land, either enter or roll!"

Kui Shaohuang burst into tears at the moment!

However, Chen Zheng stood in front of the stone steps and still did not take that step. At the moment, he looked at Qilin Zu with a faint smile on his face.

"This ratio... I really want to swallow him, whisper, what kind of thing! But it is because of the Qilin family, I really think of myself as the number one character!"

Xiaohe gritted his teeth, and wished he could swallow Kui Shaohuang!

"After all, I'm still afraid."

"Hesitation, hesitation, you alien race, can't save the gluttonous family."

"Old gluttons, you gluttons have found the wrong person."

Several big beast clan chiefs also opened their mouths at this moment. In their view, this alien clan was still scared after all, afraid of the **** array in the kilin ancestral land, and the blood unicorn of the kirin clan!

If this child is not afraid, he has entered the Qilin ancestral land, it is impossible to procrastinate like a lady!

and so!

This child must be afraid!

right now!

Nothing but delaying time!

Find another excuse that you think is decent!


The figure of a few unicorns is another drink!

This time!

Chen Zheng moved!

Slightly smile!

Step out!

Step on the stone steps leading to Shilin Mountain!

"Haha! Hahaha! You are finished, now you are finished, you will definitely die today!"

At this moment, Kui Shaohuang laughed in heaven!


Those figures of Kirin also showed a smile!

"This child... really dare to go in?"

"It's a bit of a guts, but as soon as I enter the Qilin ancestral land, this son is almost finished. Even if he is physically comparable to the Taoist ancestors, at this moment, under the suppression of the Divine Array, it is also the most saint's situation! It’s already infinitely close to the ancestors of the Taoist ancestry, so this child will soon be finished!

"A human race has to come to blend in our holy beast world. He didn't know that those human races who came to blend in our holy beast world didn't end well in the end! Even the world's ancestral sword ancestor, At the beginning, Yijian suppressed the Ten Thousand Races, but in the end, he did not encounter a bite, and the self-destructing Excalibur returned to Chitian Forbidden Land!"

Several patriarchs were stunned, then shook their heads one by one.

Chen Zheng entered the Qilin ancestral land. They did have some accidents, but the accident was an accident. There was only one way to enter the Qilin ancestral land. At most half scent incense time, this kid absolutely can't support half scent incense time, and will be killed by blood unicorn.

"it has started!"

A young man transformed by a unicorn suddenly smiled mysteriously!


next moment!

Qilin ancestral land!

There is a bright divine light!



A horrible supernatural power erupted from the depths of the ancestral ground, and all the major patriarchs were uncontrollable and trembling, and a few people on the star-sharing Shen Yue were also trembling. This supernatural power is definitely the ultimate power of the Holy Beast Realm, and even surpassed the Holy Beast. The power of the world, this is the supernatural power of the Taoist ancestor level!


No one in the holy beast can block this horrible supernatural power!

"Zhu Tianshen Formation, can't you kill an alien race! Ben Shao stayed in the ancestral land, just want to see you **** guy being exterminated!"

The young man transformed by Qilin has no cover at the moment, the corner of his mouth is slightly raised, and his face is staring at Chen Zheng's back!

"Die! Die! Die!"

Kui Shao Huang savagely roared. After yesterday, Chen Zheng became his heart demon. The heart demon did not get rid of it. He could hardly make progress, so he wanted to kill Chen Zheng like this!


"Without this, without this, it is impossible to receive such a terrifying supernatural power!"

"After all, it's just an alien race. If you die, you die."

In fact, several patriarchs have noticed some strange places at the moment, but they have not paid attention to it. At this moment, they only need to watch the alien race being wiped out by Shenwei.

"Chen Zu!"

The horror supernatural power was overwhelming toward Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng stood still in the same place, the elder sister of Xiaohe on Xingcha looked at Chen Zheng's back and shouted involuntarily!


In an instant!

The horror supernatural power swallowed Chen Zheng!



The Qilin ancestors violently shocked!

"Haha! Hahaha! This guy is finally dead!"

Kui Shao Huang laughed and laughed!

"But nothing more!"

The young people transformed by Qilin disdain!

"It really is."


As soon as his words fell, the horror and mighty power, and the mighty power that could not penetrate into it, suddenly a figure came out, and the young man's face instantly solidified!


Several patriarchs frowned!


At the next moment, the horror supernatural power suddenly disappeared, and then heard a loud bang, the vast Shilin Mountain, at this moment collapsed in front of everyone, just a few hours to become a ruin!


Almost everyone was stunned!

How is this going!

How did the Qilin Zudi collapse!

Why haven't you seen the top of the Kirin family!

Why didn't Blood Unicorn show up!


What about the other people of the Kirin family!


It's all dumbfounded!



The young man transformed by the unicorn suddenly recovered. The roar instantly revealed the body, the smoke at the bottom of the foot and the other unicorns, stepped away in the blink of an eye!

"what happened?"

Several big beast patriarchs are even more ignorant!

"This... what the **** is going on!"

Kui Shaohuang regained his mind, gnashing his teeth and slamming his teeth, he was originally a grinning face, this moment green and white, became extremely embarrassed!

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