Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1507: 2 Xuanyuan?



In Xuanhuang Shengshan, only the people of Chen Zheng and the Southern Beginner's Palace, as well as Wenzu incarnate, Wenzu just wanted to invite Chen Zheng into the cliff stone carvings. Thundercloud rolling over Xuanhuang Shengshan, vaguely A giant eye emerges!

   "Eye of Heaven's Punishment!"

   Wen Beast was shocked!

   "Don't you know me again?"

  Chen Zheng raised his head and glanced at the giant eye lightly. The giant eye burst and burst, and the thunderclouds quickly dissipated.

   "Wow! In one sentence, he forced the heavens back. What secret is this? I want to learn something small!"

   Wen Beast instantly widened his eyes!

   lying trough!

   This is too strong!

  I just retreated to heaven with just one sentence!

  Although Zhuge Qingniu was surprised, after all, he had seen Chen Zhengshou's Taiyi array in Bazhenzong, and knew Chen Zheng's identity, so he felt reasonable. But like Shang Tianyang, Shang Rongrong, and Bai Jushi, it took a moment to recover.

   "Holy Master, please."

   Wenzu avatar opened his mouth and made a gesture of invitation. Chen Zheng nodded and flew into the cliff stone carvings, and Wenzu avatar also followed. Several people in Zhuge Qingniu subconsciously looked at the past, and this look found that the cliff carvings had changed again.

  The people in the university palaces before entering the cliff stone carvings are like villains embedded in the cliff stone carvings, but when Chen Zu and Wen Zu entered the cliff stone carvings, they disappeared directly.

   Could it be!

   There is really another world in the cliff carvings!

   "That... shall we go in?"

   Wen Beast's eyeball moved and asked.

  Shang Tianyang shook his head directly, Zhuge Qingniu shook his head, and Bai Jushi also shook his head gently. Wen Beast could only sigh. They are also from the Sacred Realm, and they were born in the Sacred Realm, but the background is too shallow. They are born because of the ancestors. At this moment, it is difficult to see the legendary ancestors. It wants to absorb a little Strength, to enhance the racial heritage, it seems that it is just extravagant hope.

   Cliff carved stone interior.

   It is indeed a unique place.

   "Well? How do you feel that you have left the world of Xuanhuang?"

   At this moment, Chen Zheng and Wen Zu were sitting opposite each other, and the sound of the little doll in his mind sounded.

"Shortly after the saint had left, Xuanyuan got Tao Fei. The so-called one got the chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, and I also followed the ascension. And it directly crossed the world of Zhong Qian, soared to Taishang Heaven, and settled in the Imperial City. By coincidence, I went to the Demon Territory, strayed into an ancient cave mansion, and was transported to the Xuanhuang Great World, that is, the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain. I learned something from this cliff stone carving. Because of the plunder of heaven and heaven, Tolerated by Heaven and Dao, the body escaped from this realm and went to a land outside the territory. It didn't take long to become a Taoist ancestor outside the territory."

  Wenzu avatar indulged for a moment and spoke.

   "This cliff wall does not leave the living creatures, you can understand the things above, and it is your chance."

  Chen Zheng nodded.

   "This... is only one, and this is not the point. What Cang Jie wants to say is... what he wants to say is related to Xuanyuan!"

   The ancestor of Wenzu looked at Chen Zheng, and he seemed to have some entanglement whether he should say it, but he still said it.

   "Oh? Xuanyuan? What's wrong with Xuanyuan? Isn't it in Taishang Tianren Imperial City? When he soared to Taishang, he should have practiced in Sanhuang Cave for a while."

   Chen Zheng said.

"This... The emperor did enter the Three Emperors Cave for some time, but only later...Two Xuanyuans appeared later!" Wen Zu nodded and said, lowering his voice: "I remember It is clear that I went to see the emperor that day. I saw the emperor in the emperor's palace just a moment ago, and it was not long before the emperor's palace. I saw another emperor. I can be sure that the emperor did not leave the emperor's palace. The Emperor Ren who I saw at that moment was stunned for a while, and then passed away. It was also after that one time that I went to the Demon Realm, and then the following happened. Now I want to go back to the Imperial City of Taishang to investigate and make it clear. I can't go back."

   "Two emperors..."

Chen Zhengruo thought about it, thinking of one thing he encountered in Qingyun Realm at that time was the force that claimed to be the Supreme Hall of the Heavens and Realms. When he invaded Qingyun Realm, he saw an old man on the warship, and the old man was the throne of man. The next minister.

   "I don't know what the imperial city of the Heavenly Man is now, what the old friends were like, what has changed in the past thousands of years."

   Wenzu avatar whispered.

"I really need a dummy emperor, who is planning anything, and can't turn over the waves. The water in the sky is too deep, not to mention the creatures in the world, that is, the creatures outside the world, those old monsters who survived the era of destruction, also Not afraid to come easily. When the extraterrestrial gods and demons invaded the heavens too much, the sages didn’t intervene, and the Heavenly Palace was just too lazy to ignore them.

Chen Zheng said lightly, as strong as the leader of the Shinto League, and was promoted to the half-step detachment by Yu Rongtian, the surviving spirit of the Great Emperor, and he was still unable to withstand that force, even if the Supreme Hall was also a certain surviving spirit. The chess pieces in the Hongmeng universe can at most achieve the step of the leader of the Shinto League.

   The leader of the Shinto League is only in the area of ​​the headquarters of the Shinto League, relying on the foreign objects sent to the Hongmeng universe by the Dayong Tian, ​​in order to barely have a half-step transcendental strength in that area for a short time.

   "No harm to Da Ya, of course, if he really did something wrong, or if the emperor did something wrong, the penalty should still be punished, and the burial should still be buried."

   Chen Zheng said lightly again.

At this moment, he thought of something unsealed on the ancient winged **** of the universe, which can be regarded as an incarnation of a certain identity of his first life. The leader of the Shinto alliance received it in a state of detachment Do not slap that incarnation.

   That thing was sent out of the universe at the time. I don't know if it is outside the territory or within the Taixu at the course, it may also be in other places. Even the horror incarnation of Heaven can forcibly expel from the world, so even if it is too high in the sky, there will be a detachment, and it is impossible to turn up many waves. It's so good, but it confuses that girl's site.

   thought a little, and Chen Zheng smiled heartily.

   "This...I hope the emperor is still the emperor."

   Wenzu avatar sighed, presented the stone box containing the treasure, and performed an ancient ritual to Chen Zheng. This avatar was shattered and turned into a mysterious fairy, returning to the cliff.


  Chen Zheng also escaped from the space inside the cliff!

   "Chen Zu!"

   "Chen Zu!"

   "Chen Zu!"

   The people waiting outside were subconsciously shouting, seeing that only Chen Zheng came out, and the disappearance of Wen Zu's incarnation showed a look of doubt.

   "The ancestor of the ancestor has returned to the outside of the domain. Among the treasures, whoever can get its approval will take it."

  Chen Zheng casually said, just wiped it, just heard a click, the stone box sealed in the treasure was cracked, and at the next moment, I saw Mo Mang flashing, and directly fell into Bai Jushi's eyebrows.


   Several people are a little ignorant!

   Even Bai Jushi himself is very stunned at this moment!

   This is the ultimate treasure to choose their own!

   or Chen Zu chose a master for Zhibao!

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