Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1505: Wenzu cried!


  Who is it!

  Who killed the Eastern Shengtian silently!

   The priests shivered!

   "Old Ancestor..."

   Dongfang Haoyue shuddered!

   "Young Emperor We..."

   There is a servant beside him, and the servant is trembling at the moment!


   was all scared!

  If you know who the person is, it is not so terrible, but you haven’t seen the person at all, and you don’t even know how Lord Shengshengtian was killed. This is really terrifying!


   An ancestor took a deep breath, arched his hands towards Shang Tianyang, and even looked at the stone box that was sealed with treasures, and took the people around him to rush out Xuanhuang Shengshan!

   "Ah? I think of it. Our Yanghuang Academy still has a ritual ceremony that I need to preside over. I'll say goodbye first!"

   The eyes of the master of the Yigong Palace are bright, and an archer takes the people around him away!

   "That... see you tomorrow!"

   "Urine urgency!"

   "I can't bear to be hungry, I'll wait for you!

   For a moment, more than half of the people from each university palace walked away! The rest of the people were actually afraid, but they left very unwillingly at this moment. It was not for the treasure at this moment, but it did not solve the mystery of the mysterious man in the Palace of Southern Beginners!

and so!

   These people chose to stay!

   These people want to know who the mysterious man in the Palace of Southern Beginners is!

   What a terrible creature!

   silenced the Eastern Shengtian silently!


Kong Xinghe and Lu Qiankun looked at each other again at the moment. They instantly looked at Chen Zheng at the moment when Dongfang Shengtian broke silent and silently. They thought that Chen Zheng was a mysterious person, but what puzzled them was that Chen Zheng didn't do it from beginning to end, there was no trace of it, not even the movement of raising his hand!


  Tianzi Academy's Gao Xianshu is silent. Although he has doubts in his heart, he has already determined the answer!

   "Strange? Could the eyes kill a powerful fellow comparable to a saint?"

   At this time, the little girl Jiang Zhi stared at Chen Zheng, her face full of doubts, and whispered a sentence. She just saw very clearly that Chen Zheng didn't do it at all, just glanced at Dongfang Shengtian lightly. She didn't think that one look could kill Dongfang Shengtian, so she was very puzzled at the moment.


  Eye out!

   Wait a minute!

   Why didn't you think of it before?

  The people who left the university palaces, their ears moved, and their eyes moved. At this moment, they all stared at Chen Zheng. After looking around, they showed their doubts one by one!

   This child is a mysterious person?

   But it doesn’t look like it!

   This mana cultivation is only the ninth level Xuanxian level!

   There is absolutely nothing wrong with this!

   Even if this child will be supernatural!

   It is impossible to kill Dongfang Shengtian with a glance!

"Shang Tianyang, the top fighting power of my East Emperor Mansion was all killed by your palace of early Nanxue. Isn't that guy who pretends to be a ghost to dare to show his face? Are he afraid of being recognized? Or say some Yasheng I’m not used to our East Emperor’s Palace, so I’ll find you as a guise of the Southern Beginner Palace!"

   Dongfang Haoyue stared at Chen Zheng, then slammed into Shang Tianyang, and at the same time raised his right hand to catch the fairy, and the fairy fell into his hands!

   "A certain Asian Saint..."

"It's...impossible, among the few Asian Saints, except Zhuang Sheng, I'm afraid no one can wipe out Dongfang Shengtian, and Zhuang Sheng seems to be retreating recently, deducing the technique of dream butterfly Moreover, Zhuang Sheng is well known to everyone, how can he hide behind the East Emperor's Mansion, this is not Zhuang Sheng's style."

   "Obviously, it cannot be a sub-Sage."

   Everyone in the university palace shook his head after thinking for a while.

   Yasheng is equivalent to a quasi-saint in the realm, but the Xuanhuang World is a little special. Yasheng is not only a spiritual realm but also a kind of literary sage. In other large worlds, the ancestors usually overshadowed the quasi-sacred head, while in the Xuanhuang world, the Yasheng is different. The Yasheng is not just a quasi-sacred repair, and the ancestors may not be able to stabilize the Yasheng. Among them, Zhuang Sheng, although it is also Ya Sheng, can actually stabilize the general ancestor.

It should also be because of this point that Dongfang Haoyue will have such an inference, but in the opinion of the people in various university palaces, Zhuang Sheng has just visited, and it is impossible to erase the Eastern victory between Zen and that, so the mysterious person will definitely not be a few. Yasheng.


Between the silent thoughts of the people, at the moment of the cliffside of Xuanhuang Holy Mountain, the mysterious immortals created by the ancestor suddenly twisted and fluctuated, and within a few breaths, they condensed into a black figure, and everyone stared over, only to see the black figure become a figure Go down from the cliff stone carving!


  The sealed stone box flew towards the figure at once!


   This is Wenzu!

   Between a year!

   Everyone has a thought in their minds!

   "I was in another world, and I felt the breath of the old man. At this moment, a will returns to the world of Xuanhuang, and I come to see the old man."

   The figure spoke lightly, and said with a look, it swept across the crowd.

"Old friend? It's me! Wen Zu is me! I'm the descendant of your old man!" Dongfang Haoyue froze for a moment, suddenly showing a happy look, holding up the fairy in his hand and shouting at the figure: "Wen Zu, look, this It is the fairy word you created. This is the fairy word you gave us the first generation of ancestors of the East Emperor Mansion. He once followed you for a while! Wenzu, the East Emperor Mansion was robbed. The East Emperor was killed by a guy. For the sake of the old man, help the East Emperor Mansion, and ask Wenzu to do justice for the Emperor Mansion!"


   Old man?

  Can I really feel the breath of fairy characters!

   The eyes of the people in the university palaces looked at the fairy characters held by Dongfang Haoyue, and the fairy lights flowed, echoing the ink color and luster on the coming figure!


  Shang Zhengyang saw this scene and frowned, if this adventurous person was really the legendary ancestor, then the ancestor mentioned by the ancestor would feel the breath of the old man, mostly the breath of the fairy in the hands of Dongfang Haoyue!

   Then next!

   Isn't Chen Zu going to face Wen Zu next?


   thought of this!

   Shang Tianyang frowned very tightly!

   "Xianzi..." The figure glanced at the fairy symbol held by Dongfang Haoyue and whispered.

"Yes immortal character, this is what the ancestor Wen gave you to the first ancestor of the East Emperor's Unfortunately, there are only one junior left in the bloodline of his elder family, and the rest are all This guy who didn't dare to show up was killed! Woooo, Wenzu must make the decision for Dongdifu!"

   Dongfang Haoyue focused on her head, and now she burst into tears!

The rest of the people saw this scene, and their instincts backed away. It should be confirmed now. The ancient ancestors perceived by the ancestors are the breath of the East Emperor’s palace. Come out!

Kong Xinghe and Lu Qiankun glanced at each other, and there was another idea in their hearts, and they were almost the same. They wanted to confirm whether the person who just shot was Chen Zheng, and if Chen Zheng met the legendary one. Wenzu, who is higher and who is lower!


  The thought of the two came out, and the advent figure suddenly moved and swept to Chen Zheng!


   Wen Beast was shocked!


  Mo Xin's small face was cold, and the fighting was surging!


   All the others looked over!

   "I can't think of seeing you again..."


   The coming person spoke, and this opening also burst into tears!


   The people present were instantly coerced!


  Wenzu, why did he cry!

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