Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1501: It's too fast to destroy this one!

"Uh huh!"

The **** beast was the first to come back to God and nodded again and again!

"Uh huh!"

A large number of disciples of the academic palace have also come back to their minds, and they are all focused on it!

"Uh huh!"

The monks of the East Emperor Mansion on the Golden Battleship came back to God at this moment and nodded subconsciously, but they no longer felt something wrong. The three Great Emperor Masters were instantly extinguished, and now the Emperor Master still alive has only Yuanshen, this mystery Why is the fairy so scary! If you don’t take it, it’s a spike!

Three great teachers!

Three gods in one!

The ancient **** of three heads and six arms!

That tyranny was killed in seconds!

"East Emperor Mansion inherits the ancient secrets of body refining, and its status is extraordinary. It is also a good relationship with Yingtian Academy. The three emperors and the three gods are one. It is also about the deep secrets of the deep dragon. You killed the two emperors. Master, if you kill this seat again, it is not only an enemy with the East Emperor Mansion, but also an enemy with all the creatures in Yingtian Academy and the entire Xuanhuang Great World who want to unlock the deep secrets of the Great Dragon Abyss!"


The Yuanshen of the last Emperor Master was silent for a moment, but just screamed out, Chen Zheng raised his hand and slapped him. The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty did not respond, so it broke up!




On the Golden Warship, all the people coming from the East Emperor's Mansion knelt, trembling and trembling. Someone was just about to ask for mercy. Chen Zheng glanced away, and all the monks on the Golden Warship turned into blood mist, and the blood-mandant spear flashed, Swallowed everything in an instant!

Golden battleship!


At this moment there is no life on the ship!


The mouth of the mythical beast moved, and it shook uncontrollably. At the moment, I remembered the story that his grandfather said. My heart secretly said that grandfather really did not lie. The terrible guy in that story was scary even if the realm fell to the level of Xuanxian. Incomparable!

in a moment!

Turn your hands over the clouds and rain your hands!

This kind of person is so terrible!

The disciples at the Academy looked blankly at Chen Zheng, and suddenly there was an extremely unrealistic feeling, as if what I saw just now was a fantasy!

"I took Baijushi back to Taolin."

Chen Zheng casually said, and took away the white Jushi.

"Then...this... what about this warship of the East Emperor Mansion?"

The animal begs and asks.


Shang Rongrong and all the disciples in the academy were silent.



Nanchu Academy of Sciences.

Inside the palace hall.

"It turned out to be an illusion dream. If it wasn't for the predecessors who woke up, I was afraid that they would still be addicted to the illusion dream."

Bai Jushi sighed and gave a hand to Chen Zheng.

"That Yu'er Huan'er was also conceived by Bai Jushi?"

The beast couldn't help but ask.

"That's not true, Yu'er Huan'er is not two people, but one person, a concubine in a mortal dynasty in the small thousand world where the next life is located. The so-called look back smiles Bai Meisheng, the Six Palace Fandai has no color."

Bai Jushi shook his head gently.

"Looking back at Bai Meisheng, the Six Palace Fandai has no color... Bai Jushi deserves to be the reincarnation of the powerful literary Dao, the export is a good sentence, and it is no wonder that a single sentence can be linked to the laws of the Avenue."

The beast admired.

"Looking back at Bai Meisheng, Liugong Fandai has no color..."

Shang Rongrong read it out in a low voice, and felt at this moment, her appearance could only be regarded as medium. She didn't think she could deserve this verse. She looked at the young girl Mo Xin beside Chen Zheng with a sigh.

A young girl next to Chen Zu may not be able to reach the age of 28 or even 28 years. Although it is only Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, she already has the power of an ancestor. Although she hasn’t opened it for a long time yet, she will definitely be a great beauty when she opens it later. . When this person compares with others, the gap will come out. I really can't have the heart to compare, otherwise it will be easy to have a magic obstacle in my heart.

As for the Zhuge Qingniu, with two eyes staring at Bai Jushi at the moment, it is true that Chen Zu said that if he followed Bai Jushi for a period of time, he would certainly be able to compile a few poems.

"It has been reincarnated in the next, presumably the Tang emperor and the concubine have also been reincarnated, but it should not be in this realm, I don't know where the reincarnation is. Under the...I want to see Tang emperor and the concubine again."

Bai Jushi sighed again.

"Maybe outside the territory."

Chen Zheng said.

"A place outside the territory?"

White Jushi was shocked.

Shang Tianyang, the master of the palace at the beginning of the Nan Dynasty, was also surprised.

The land outside the territory, that is beyond the world of a thousand, although the quasi-sacred cultivation can go to the land outside the territory, but it is only cannon fodder, even the ancestors are almost cannon fodder!

Not to mention!

There are ten other supernatural races outside the realm!

That's the terrible creature that eats people and doesn't spit bones!


Shang Tianyang spoke, only to say a word, his face changed suddenly, the whole personification flashed out, but at the next moment, he heard a loud bang, and saw Shang Tianyang was blown back!

That is an ancient monument!

At this moment the town is in front of the main hall!


Shang Tianyang covered his heart and opened his mouth with blood spurting out. His ancestral realm was cultivated as if it had been abolished at this moment. It was already a total loss of combat power!

"Emperor Stele of the East Emperor Mansion.....This is...Is Emperor Dong Emperor in person!"

The beast trembles!


Above the Academy!

A cold and ruthless voice sounded!

A vast expanse of dignity pressed down!

"Huluwa rescue grandpa, do you come one by one?"

But it was also at this moment that Chen Zheng smiled faintly and raised his hand at will, and suddenly there was a cry of exclamation above the night sky, and next time I heard a popping sound, something fell to the ground!


On the emperor monument in front of the main hall, there was a terrible crack in the blink of an eye. With a clatter, the emperor monument shattered, and the terrible emperor disappeared!

A few people in the hall, you look at me, I look at you, at this moment there are some doubts, the beast rushed out of his teeth, and the scream of the beast came out in less than three breaths!

"East Emperor! This is really this generation of Emperor Emperor! Dead! East Emperor Yuanshen is broken!"


This scream!

In the temple, Shang Tianyang looked at Chen Zheng with a Even if Shang Tianyang followed Zhuge Qingniu to Wuya Mountain, he already knew that Chen Zheng had destroyed the Star Temple, but he could see it for himself now. Seeing Chen Zheng slashing East Emperor with just one hand, he was shocked!

This... he didn't respond to himself and others, and the East Emperor just hummed, even the harsh words were not released, and he was cut in the blink of an eye! The East Emperor is also the top fighting force in the Realm of the Emperor's Polar World. Isn't it so worthless, even if he doesn't have the right to show his face in front of Chen Zu!

"When I talk to people, I don't like to be disturbed. Some of this Eastern Emperor is not the time. If it is at other times, it will allow him to live a little longer."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Shang Tianyang's throats were agitated for a while, and there was nothing to say at this moment. He wasn't the one who had seen ruthless people. He had also fought against the first madness in the Huangji Polar Realm. However, compared with the ancestor in front of him, the madness was not at all The level is at most a crazy dog!

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