Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1489: What is harder than Chen Zu!


Another loud noise!

There is a sound of collapse!

"Master, the guy inside is a little arrogant!"

The bite bite's face was cold.

"Let you swallow a saint today."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Dao Eater blinked, it was a little shocked, and soon showed a happy look, his small head focused on the other stone egg in the heart of the Dao Master, specializing in devouring the will-incarnation of creatures more powerful than Daozu, himself It's not too much to swallow a saint. The saints are not as good as the ancestors.


Deep in the ancestral land!

The loud noise came again!

There was another sound of collapse!

It seems that the depths of the ancestral family of God Eyes have been smashed!

Chen has no fluctuations in front, flashing with his beast that eats the Dao, and he will appear in the depths of the world's ancestors in the next moment.


"A Xuan Xian also has a small animal?"

"It's just rubbish! Hmm? Wait a minute! Isn't there a subspecies of Sin God Beast left by the adults in the teleportation field? This kid is just a mystic. How can I ignore those sub-species Sin God Beast in the ancestral realm? "

As soon as one person and one animal showed up, the monks in the air stared at them for a moment, and they were disdainful, but soon someone noticed that it was impossible for a Xuanxian to get out of the courtyard where the teleportation array is located, because there are no less than five ancestors. The murderous creatures in the realm!


The kid came over unscathed!

It's kind of weird!

But no wonder this kid is just a mystery!

Can't turn the sky!

The thoughts of these monks flashed quickly, and their faces became colder. One of the people in the gray robe wearing a gray mask swept over the gray pupils under the mask, and when he saw Chen Zhengshi, he smiled: "I knew you will come, However, your late arrival is not to say that the family of God's Eyes has been destroyed by this seat, but that this seat has brought this thing. Your means are even more powerful, even if you can erase the half-ancestral ancestors, even if you have the power of the ancestors, It's still late."


Can obliterate the half-track ancestor!

Have the power of Taoist ancestors!

Is the adult saying true?

In addition, those monks who were in the air were shocked, and they could not believe that a Xuanxian could actually wipe out the half-step Taoist ancestor, which is too inconsistent with the common sense of the spiritual world. Even if this kid is a reincarnation of the Taoist ancestor, it does not conform to the basic law of the spiritual world!

But the adults all said this, so it was probably the case. Of course, the adults brought the thing, and it smashed the guardian array of the ancestral land of the world of the God Eye, so there was the thing, this It's still impossible for the kid to turn it upside down!

"Master Lianshan..."

The last intact area of ​​the ancestral ancestral land of the Divine Eyes is the extremely simple bamboo pavilion. At the moment, there are two figures sitting in the bamboo pavilion. The old man and the teenager are all white and the eyes are closed. The gods around the bamboo pavilion The ancestors of the ancestors of the eye family were sitting around, and the young lady of the eye family was also there, but his face was pale. At this moment, it seemed that even the strength to speak out was gone. It was still an ancestor who had seen Chen Zheng in the city of Tianchu on the same day. I whispered now!

As for the children of the family of God Eyes lying on the ground not far away, there was Xiang Kunwu, the lord of the city at the beginning of the day, and Xiang Kunwu was exhausted at the moment. And a little further away, there are people of the tribe of eyes, but all including the patriarch passed out!

Ancestral land of God's family!

It seems that there is no resistance from beginning to end!

It was smashed by that gray masked person with the jade-shaped magic implement suspended above it!

Chen Zheng swept around, and his face remained unchanged. He glanced at the gray mask person: "Hello, he is also a saint, although he is not a Taoist ancestor, he can be protected by heaven in the world, and half-walking ancestors and the like want to kill you. It can’t kill you, and the destiny rank is only under the Taoist ancestors, so why would you want to be a dog?"



The grey mask man is a saint!

In a word!

The sober monk in the ancestral land of the gods was amazed, and the other monks in the gray mask were also stunned, because they did not know the true identity of the gray mask. The monks in the sky were actually outsiders and ancestors from outside forces. With the half trail ancestor, this time he was ordered to enter the world of Xuanhuang to seize something!

"People walk high and flow low, and the saints are almost the ultimate in the Daqian world, but they cannot become Dao ancestors. What is the use of the heavenly divine throne, but they are puppets. Excuse me, in Daqian world. Is there any difference between being a puppet for heaven and being a puppet for the immortal strong outside the world?"

The gray masked man smiled and asked back.

"This... does not seem to make much difference..."

The Dao Beast whispered.

"There is a big difference." Chen Zheng said lightly: "Be a puppet for Tiandao and a puppet for those so-called epoch overlords. The grade should be lower. Of course, if you can find a half-step detached master, the grade is OK. . Then the question is coming, is your master half step out of that situation?"

"Half-step detachment?"

"Huh! Although the master we enshrined is not a half-step transcendental creature, it is also an era overlord, and it is still an extremely ancient era overlord!"

"Master Shenyin, why are you entangled with this son? This son is just dragging on time! Lord Shenyin directly sacrifices the magic of the beginning of the sky and smashes him with the magic of the beginning of the sky!"

The monks from outside the region heard frowns, and their faces were all sinking in the next moment. They all thought that the kid in front of him was dragging time, so they shouted at the gray masks one by one.

"..." The Gray Masked Man smiled after a moment of silence: "Although my master is not a half-step detachment, he is only one step away from the half-step detachment, not to mention that he is a god, and I want status It’s not under half-step detachment. I’m too lazy to talk to you nonsense. The master has given me a secret method to activate my first day of the day. The first day of the day is related to another god. It is also the hardest law between heaven and earth. Device, even if the ancestor came in person, the flesh primordial spirit would be smashed into nothingness. I know that your flesh is extremely extraordinary, the fighting power is extremely extraordinary, and guessed that you will come today, in fact, I can capture the old and the **** of small things Eyes, I also deliberately wait for you to come. So, next, please take the hardest attack of the heaven and earth at the beginning!"




At the beginning of that day, the mace came over with the terrifying golden rule!

"A bit powerful!"

The Daoist Beast showed fear, but his teeth didn't back away!




The foreign monks froze at this moment!

At the beginning of the day!

The hardest weapon!

Everything in the world can be smashed!

The common ancestors outside the world can't take the pick!

It is impossible for this kid to take over this skill no matter how strong he is!


Chen Zheng smiled, and smiled slightly, and suddenly, like a torrent of water burst, hit the so-called hardest magic weapon between heaven and earth!


A bump!

It's like the sky is falling apart!

The terrifying avenue law burst!




Almost everyone was blasted!

The bamboo pavilion in the ancestral land of the god's family was instantly razed to the ground!


Everyone saw a scene in saw a figure hanging in the air, the figure was intact, and the beginning of the sky, which is known as the hardest magical instrument between the world and the earth, although it was also in the air, it appeared on the sky Countless dense cracks!


next moment!

This so-called hardest magical instrument is broken!

"The hardest magic weapon? Huh! How can it be harder than the master, the master is the hardest one in the world!"

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