Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1468: Who is stupid?

Chapter 1463 Who Is Stupid? (Four more)

"Miss... that..."

The maid Lan Xiang subconsciously wanted to speak to remind the girl Qi Yun, but she spoke a few words, and suddenly heard a scream, the next moment the girl Qi Hua, rushed past with a swish!


The forces of all parties were stunned, and many people knew Qi Yun. When this girl was born, it was said that the non-human creatures of the entire earth were whispering, saying that this girl has an extraordinary blood!


Why did this girl suddenly rush towards a Xuanxianjing kid!

There are actually a handful of people from Tianchu City here. I saw what happened in Tianchu City with my own eyes, but I was so excited to see Chen Zhengdu at the moment, so much that I stayed like stone carvings one by one!

Master Lianshan is here!

This terrible guy is coming!

I am afraid that Sheng Hui is this guy!

The young girl Qi Qiyun, in the eyes of all kinds of doubts, rushed in front of Chen Zheng, and suddenly returned to the snow-colored warship again, this scene made all the forces come to be more puzzled!

Qi Xuan of the Ice and Snow Shrine, what is the whole reason for this play, are you playing with the Xuan Xian Realm kid?

"I wanted to say hello to him, but I... people are shy..."

Everyone was puzzled. The maid Lan Xiang heard a sound. She nodded subconsciously and shook her head again and again. She secretly said that this was really over. The lady was really fascinated by the master of Lianshan!

Since I followed the lady, I haven't heard the lady say she will be shy! If you say it in front of everyone at this moment, not only the disciples of Ice and Snow Shrine will believe it, but other guys will certainly not believe it!

"A Xuanxian boy, a Xuanxian girl, dare to come to Glacier to join in the fun?"

On the side of the blue sanctuary, a green-clothed young man glanced coldly at Chen Zheng and Mo Xin. Seeing that Chen Zheng and Mo Xin seemed to ignore the rest of the forces present, he walked towards the front at the moment, and an unpleasant rush came out.

Xuan Xian?

What a waste!

That's **** unsuitable for Zhanlu Shengzi's shoes!

"Sophisticated Xuan Xian, do you really know that the Son of the Top Forces of the Earth Realm is here? In addition to the Son of Zhanlu in the Blue Falling Holy Land, there is also the Deer Qiankun in the Yingtian Academy, which is a recognized arrogance! This kid It seems that he wants to enter the core area of ​​the glacier and wants to seize Bingling Shenghui, he is afraid to eat fart!"

"The weak must have the consciousness of the weak, and being strong is just a clown act!"

"Boy, you want Shenghui, do you think you deserve it!"

In a moment!

A round of ridicule came from all directions!


Did not get any response!


Not that there was no response!

But did not get any response from Chen Zheng!

Chen is walking ahead, walking towards the glacier, it seems to be step by step, seemingly not using any body method, but in just a few blinks, Chen Zheng has surpassed the forces of all parties, and surpassed the forces of all parties to fight in the air ferry!

Mo Xin carrying a blood-mandated sharp gun, and immediately behind Chen Zheng, she was cold-faced and ignored all the mockery!

"Huh? It's still installed, and dare to ignore us, everyone ignore this kid, just wait to see this kid ugly!"

"I don't know the sky is thick and thick, and the people are not enough to swallow the elephant. I really think of myself as the number one figure. I have seen this kind of person more than the frog at the bottom of the well!"

"That... your literary literacy is quite high, I really can't think of these words, and I will say that this kid has no skill and he wants to be in the air!"

Another sneer!


"I really treat myself as an arrogant!"

On another ship of the Ice and Snow Palace, two middle-aged ladies hummed at the same time. They were both deacons of the Ice and Snow Palace, and they were both the pinnacle of the Daojun. In their eyes, Xuan Xian did not even qualify as a strong man!

A weak man!

With a little girl!

Ignore everyone!

I want to go to the core area of ​​the glacier to get St. Hui!

This kid, Bing Ling Sheng Hui, was born for him!

"Who is that girl? Wasn't he following Lu Xinchan, who only respected Jianzong last time, how could he not be Lu Xinchan this time, how to change a girl?"

The young girl stared at Chen Zheng's back, noticed Mo Xin's presence at the moment, and frowned slightly, and whispered a voice to the maid Lan Xiang.

"This...maybe his disciple, after all, he is regarded as the master of the Lianshan by the eyes of the elder family, and it is normal for a few disciples. And... this master of Lianshan cannot Taking common sense, Miss... It’s better not to be too obsessed, Miss Lianshan gives Lan Xiang a very dangerous feeling. On the surface, it looks harmless to humans and animals, but Miss also sees him in Tianchu City Through his means, once he started, it was like a thunder, and he wiped out his opponent in an instant! Such a person...too dangerous!"

The maid Lan Xiang secretly replied.

"This may be his charm!" However, Qi Yun stared at Chen Zheng's eyes brighter and brighter, Yuan Shen whispered: "Lanxiang you are still young, so you don't understand, wait for you to grow up later Just get it!"


Maid Lan Xiang had nothing to say, but she really wanted to refute it because she was two years older than the girl.

"You kid, why did you stop suddenly, are you afraid? Haha! I can't pretend, can I? I know you can't pretend, a Xuanxian can weigh a few pounds, we Zhanlu Shengzi can't do it What do you think you can do? If you are afraid, then you will retreat yourself. We all know that you are just a mystery, and you will not laugh at you! Haha! Hahaha!"

On the side of the blue sacred place, the green-clothed youth saw that Chen Zheng had suddenly stopped and laughed at the moment!

"Maybe this little brother can do miracles."

That Zhanlu Shengzi smiled when he heard it.

Everyone heard that Zhanlu Shengzi wasn't boasting that kid. This was also mocking the kid. Sure enough, Zhanlu Shengzi couldn't stand it anymore. Why did a Xuanxian jump in front of the top power Tianjiao!

That kid suddenly stopped, he must be afraid!


And just before all the forces came to laugh, Chen Zheng, who was at the outer edge of the glacier, opened his mouth and shouted lightly at the core area of ​​the glacier.

With a cry.

Two words.

At will.


Everyone saw this scene, slightly startled, but soon all kinds of laughter!


"This kid turned out to be a fool, thought that if he shouted at Sheng Hui in the core area of ​​the glacier, Sheng Hui would take the initiative to fly into his hand? This saint can't do it, unless it is Heavenly Dao, this fellow won't consider himself Heaven is omnipotent!"

"This kid's operation made Uncle Ben laugh. UU reads the book Uncle Ben saw this operation for the first time, this kid..."


Less than three interest time!

All the laughter came to an abrupt end!


I saw Xuemang flash!

An object flew out of the core area of ​​the glacier!

The next moment the thing fell on the palm of Chen Zheng's spread!

And that thing is a ice crystal suspended like a blooming flower!


In an instant!


(End of this chapter)

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