Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1447: Eternal grave lord! Horrible blood!


Is this the case?


Even if I have seen other fairy kings, it seems that there is no way to explain the magic power of the mysterious fairy. With a slap, you can play this hook Tianxian without even the power of backhand! This is really a heavenly king, although the state is falling, it seems to be at least half the trail ancestor level!

"I'm so good, my son is a little too fierce. I like him more and more. I really want to hug my thigh!"

Shen Yue was gluttonous on his shoulders, his eyes staring at Chen Zheng.

"Don't be afraid of him!"

There is only one thought in Shen Yue's heart.

"Has the reincarnation power of the half-track ancestor level been slapped to suppress it?"

Swallowing the Demon Buddha blinked wildly, he suddenly regretted following Chen Zheng all the way, because the longer he saw the more things, the more he was hit! Otherwise, if you leave the ancient graves now, if Gou Tian is really the reincarnation of the fairy king, there must be a hole card, but if Gou Tian sacrifices the hole card or is ruthlessly suppressed, you will definitely be hit harder!


too difficult!


I only want to accept an apprentice when I swallow the devil

Swallow the devil Buddha's heart and sigh.

"Got... Lord Gotuan... how could this be, how could this be, Lord Gotian could not be defeated..." The tomb-keeper Yuanshen shivered tremblingly, Suddenly shouted: "I know, I know, Gou Tian's talents have woken up, mana has not been restored, and Gou Tian's man is in a weak period. When Gou Tian's mana is restored, at least it is also the third realm!"

The third ancestor!

Several people swallowed the demon Buddha heard this sentence instantly sinking!

It seems!

That Gou Tianxian King really has a back hand!

Several people stared at the deepest shadow of Wan Gu Tomb!

At the moment are waiting for the back of the king of heaven!

"I looked down on you and underestimated you. Your slap actually woke me up, so in order to thank you, I think I should also invite the owner of the ancient grave to see you! I entered this ancient grave in my life, too For that thing, I would have hoped to get it in another hundred years, and now I can only force it out together!"


Deep in the shadow!

The deep voice of Gou Tianxian King sounded!



The ancient graves oscillated!

Originally dim and faint in the ancient graves!

At the moment a fairy lamp lights up!

The deepest point is in everyone's eyes!

Gou Tian Tian Wang really is the whole person embedded in a huge burial monument, kneeling in front of the huge burial monument is a fairy puppet, it is the immortal puppet of Mu Family! Visible to the naked eye, shadows of ghosts emerged, and the shadows of ghosts turned into palace-dressed women who knelt in front of huge burial monuments with fairy lights!

This scene!

There is an inexplicable strangeness!

Although the owner of the ancient grave has not yet appeared!

However, at this moment, devouring Buddha, Shen Yue, gluttony, and Kong Xinghe all felt a chilling sensation. That fairy lamp should not be called a fairy lamp, it should be a soul lamp. I feel like my soul is about to fall into it!



The gray light flashed!

The huge burial monument is directly in front!

A hanging coffin emerged!


next moment!

The hanging coffin turned into starlight and dispersed!

I saw a figure appeared!



"She is the master of the ancient graves!"

The devouring Buddha, Shen Yue, and gluttonous consternation originally thought that the owner of the ancient grave was a character like the old demon of Huang Quan or the **** of the blue sky, but it was completely different. The figure that appeared after the collapse of the hanging coffin, a plain clothes hanging in the air, His white hair is extremely conspicuous. Although he hasn't really woke up at the moment, I don't know why. I only felt a sadness after only a glance!

as if!

No more powerful creatures!

It must be destroyed by the power of years!

as if!

There is no real longevity in this world!


The tomb-keeper Yuanshen landed on the ground and was so excited at the moment that it was a homage to the woman with the plain white hair in plain clothes!

"the host......"

The eternal princess kneeling in front of the huge burial monument suddenly raised his head at this moment, looking at the hanging white-haired plain-clothed woman shouting!

"This is the master of the ancient grave, and the only person in the ancient grave that can crush me. At that time, I teamed up with an old monster inside and outside to plan a conspiracy. The owner of the grave was seriously injured and was controlled by my gospel. The thing in it is extraordinary, even the most tyrannical creatures in Taixu coveted it, so I set up a plan later to deliberately let the ancient tomb fall from the world beyond the world and avoid it That old monster. I waited for so many years, and I did not hesitate to let my realm fall under the ancestor of Dao, just for that thing. Waking up to meet you today, you forced me to invite the ancient grave owner and that thing."

The Emperor Goten immortal embedded in the funeral tablet suddenly smiled!


The tombkeeper Yuanshen who knelt on the ground raised his head violently, and could not believe looking at Gou Tianxian King! Those half-kneeling women in palace dresses also showed horror at this moment!

Got Celestial King!

Gothic Master!

What is he talking about!

He was the traitor of that war!

The immortal puppet is not a traitor!

Master Gottan planned everything!


The tomb-keeper Yuanshen and those women in palace costumes are all stunned!

"I will kill you!"


The eternal puppet kneeling on the ground burst into shock!

Go to the burial monument and kill the Celestial King!



Gou Tianxian King only disdainfully smiled, and saw a drop of blood appear in the heart of the hanging white-haired woman, and this drop of blood appeared, and the eruption of the eternal puppet was pressed down and could not move on the ground!

More than an immortal puppet!

In this ancient tomb at this moment!

Almost everyone was suppressed by the breath from that drop of blood!

Relentless repression!

At the moment, the only person who is still standing, the one who is really standing still, is only Chen Zheng! Swallow the devil Buddha, Shen Yue glutton, Mo Xin, Kong Xinghe, etc., all kneel on the ground, all of them pale, can only barely raise his head!

"The body of the Master Graveyard is a container, a perfect container. Although it is impossible to absorb this drop of real blood, it may contain this drop of real blood. Originally, in another hundred years, my Goten Dao species can really connect this drop of real blood. It is a pity that I met you because you forced me to take out this drop of real blood a hundred years in advance. Although it is not perfect, it can also suppress you casually!"

Gou Tianxian said, his face suddenly became cold, and at this moment the flesh was freed from the burial monument, facing the real blood, and a plump of blood in the real blood poured into the white-haired woman!


this moment!

The white-haired woman opened her eyes!


The real ancestor!

The white-haired femininity is the ancestor!

And it's not the ordinary Taoist!



Over the ancient graves!

Thunder masterpiece!

Nine giant eyes appeared in a flash!

The creatures guarding the outside of the ancient tomb looked at the sky at this moment, and all flew back and forth involuntarily! Although I don’t know what happened in the ancient graves, there must be something big happening!

"Daqian World Heavenly Dao has appeared and wants to forcibly expel the Daozu, but there is the power of this drop of real blood. It is no problem to force another incense stick forcibly, and the time of a incense stick is enough to kill you!" Gou Tianxian King chuckled, then looked cold, and sneered at the white-haired woman: "Master Wan Gufen, kill this kid for me!"

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