Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1431: A man who can't shoot with thousands of arrows!



Trembling like a quail!

If it was just a broken arrow, the Mocun people would just hide away, but at this moment thousands of broken arrows were killed, the Mocun people simply came out of the Mocun, and as soon as they walked out of the ancient enchantment of the Mocun, the curse in the body would explode, without any death. the difference!

This time!

Is Mo Cun really dying!

"Who is going to destroy our Mo Village, is that thing so tempting? That thing is not a fairy thing at all!"

The old Mo Kai of the Mocun tribe stared at the arrow rain, and his voice was so deep at the moment!

"Uncle... will you save us..."

The six or seven year old boy was also scared and stupid, and asked dumbly! As for the boy's sister, at this moment, her face was determined to be silently blocked before the boy. At this moment, she secretly vowed that if she can survive this time, she must destroy the thousand machine arrows!

Not only to destroy the thousand machine arrows!

Also find out that the hands behind the scenes are extinguished!

"Can you still accept Mocun this time? Thousand Dao broke the ban arrow, and it cost me a thousand machine arrows. This time, let's not talk about the Golden Immortals, even the Emperor Daojun came, and you cannot save your Mocun! The boy who came here, you are not a Mocun person, you are a Xuanxian! Oh! You just blocked a broken arrow, there must be some magic weapon on your body! Now Wanxian crossbow urges Wandao broken arrow, you I’ll try again!"

A few miles away, the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect monk stood in the air, sneering mercilessly at the moment!



Arrow rain pours!

It has been less than ten steps outside Mocun, and the next moment will tear the ancient enchantment of Mocun and flatten Mocun!


"There will be no Mocun in the world!"

"Hate! Hate! Thousand-machine arrows are just thugs. We don't even know who is behind the scenes, I hate it!"

Up and down Mocun, only despair is left at this moment!



The ancient enchantment of Mocun was torn apart in a flash!

"Broken! Haha! Finally broken! This **** enchantment is finally broken! Thousands of ways to break the forbidden arrow, it is really powerful, and the Heavenly Emperor can shoot into slag!"

Thousands of miles away, the priests of the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect stood in the air laughing wildly!


It is also the next moment!

Chen Zheng stepped out in one step!


What is this to do!

Does this mean that one person can block 10,000 broken arrows!

It's impossible!

Heaven Emperor Zhunsheng can't do it!

A broken arrow is not terrible!

But the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect urged the Thousand Arrows to form a large array of arrow rain with the Ten Thousand Crossbows. Although Qianji Jianzong has declined, after all, it used to be the ancestor of the ancestors. This time, I don’t know where I got the ten thousand broken arrows. There have been thousands of centuries of broken arrows that haven’t been seen in the world today. !


No one in the world of bitterness can block the 10,000 Dao of Arrows!


Mo Kaiyang sighed and gave up resistance! However, after this sigh, suddenly there was a sense of relief. Mocun was cursed for 10,000 years because of that thing. If Mocun disappeared today, it would be a relief!

Both Mo Kaiyang and Mo Cun have given up. At this moment, seeing Wan Dao breaking the ban arrow to devour Chen Zheng, they are both preparing to close their eyes to greet their relief. Only after closing their eyes halfway, Mo Cun suddenly opened his eyes up and down!


There is a very strange scene ahead!

That young man!

The young man who fell from the sky!

Thousands of broken arrows were blocked at this moment!


Not completely blocked yet!

At that moment, the young man was like a vortex center, and in an instant he would razor Mo Cun to the ground, breaking all the forbidden arrows, all shot towards him alone!






Hit the iron!

Jintie clash!

There is also the sound of gray fly smoke!

In the three breathing time, the horrible arrow rain disappeared, and the young man standing in front of him stood still, and in front of the young man, a floor of ash was scattered and a thick layer was deposited!


In Mo Village!

Outside Mocun!

All are silent!

Mocun felt like he was dreaming, and someone subconsciously pinched himself and found that this was not a dream!


The young man who fell from the sky actually blocked that horrible arrow rain!

How did he do it!

How did he do it!

He seems to be just a Xuanxian!

Mocun can't believe it!

At the moment outside the Mo Village, the body of the monk of the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect suddenly shook, his eyes blinked madly, and he woke up, took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng: "You... a Xuanxian, why should I receive the strongest arrow formation of the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect! A forbidden arrow is not too strong, but a massive array of broken arrows will rain, even if the quasi-holy is coming! Ah! Ah! Ah! Why are you!"

This roar!

It can be said to be exhausted!


The ten thousand broken arrows not only consumed all the details of the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect, but the elders also exhausted their essential blood in order to refine the ten thousand broken arrows. Now they are mortal, and it is impossible to recover without more than a hundred years!

Thousand Machine Arrow Sect exhausted all the background, and the arrow rain burst, but was broken by an unknown Xuanxian Realm boy. The rise of the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect was broken by this boy alive!


Can't take Mocun!

Can't get that thing!

Thousand Machine Arrow Sect is over!

"Everything is good, no difference in my eyes."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and walked toward the outside of Mo Village step by step.

"Your Mightiness......"

Kaiyang, the old man of the clan, was startled and subconsciously shouted, but he kept silent for the next moment, and his eyes were full of horror!

That young man!

Just walked out of Mo Village!

Grab Daojun, who is thousands of arrows away from thousands of miles away!

Daojun of the Thousand Machine Arrow Sect burst into blood mist without reaction time!


Kill Daojun!

Still squeeze it!

Is this... so cruel!


The people in Mo Village also have their eyes wide open in shock. Although they have no power, although they are mortals, they also know the basic things of the spiritual world. Generally speaking, killing the enemy across a large realm is already extraordinary. But the young man in front of him , With Xuan Xianxiu as his hand, killed Dao Jun of Qianji Jianzong!

He... who is he?

"Ten thousand crossbow... The material is good, and the technique is a little worse."

Chen Zheng grabbed the Wanxian crossbow a few miles away, and the Wanxian crossbow flew over at once. He looked at the Wanxian crossbow, and with a flash of light, the appearance changed a lot, and then With a bang, he flew into Mo Village and landed on the highest altar in Mo Village!


Mo Zheng showed suspicious colors from top to bottom, and Chen Zheng entered Mo Cun, and then he took a touch of The ancient enchantment that had been torn by the rain of arrows before, was repaired in a flash.


Mo Cun up and down dumbfounded again!

The ancient enchantment is not a prison that prevents Mocun people from breaking free!

It was just a defensive circle!

It is not the ancient enchantment that made Mocun a legally forbidden place!

Even if the enchantment disappears, Mocun is still a place where the law is forbidden. Even if the ancestors came to Mocun, they would not be able to display the immortal or something! But just now, this young man repaired the ancient enchantment with just one touch!

Is it!

The ban is invalid for him!

For a while!

Mo Cun looked up and down at Chen Zheng, and at this moment it only felt that this young man was a mystery all over him!

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