Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1420: The wind has no birth


Zhentian magic weapon!

It turned out to be fake!

How can this be!


The young man in white on the stone pedestal also showed a touch of surprise. Originally, he thought that the Zhentian magic weapon was actually Chen Zheng refining, but it turned out to be just an imitation magic weapon!

"Zhentian magic weapon is an imitation... that supreme is just a plagiarist... this is impossible! Although I have not seen that supreme, I can feel that supreme Power, that's the power to control everything, and creatures of that level can only be plagiarists!"

Tsing Yi people under the repression of Zhentian magical instruments shook their heads crazy!

"The fellow gave you this instrument. You should be able to communicate with the fellow, and give you a chance to invite the fellow to come."

Chen Zheng smiled at the Tsing Yi people again.

"I..." The Tsing Yi people froze, closing their brows and closing their eyes, but after a while, they suddenly opened their eyes and stared at Chen Zheng very much! He failed, the one who had promised him three times to summon, but just now he summoned with the mysterious spell given by the supreme being and received no response!


You have been abandoned!

Did the Supreme Master perceive the change of Zhentian's magical instrument!

and so!

Is this what Chen Zu said is true!

The Tsing Yi man opened his mouth, his palm twitched, and his brow suddenly cracked. The naked eye could see that his Yuanshen had been frozen at the moment, and then there was a tingle, and his Yuanshen was destroyed on the spot!


At the same time!

The Zhentian magic weapon broke down with it!


Whether it is the Tsing Yi people or the Zhentian magic weapon is gone!

The ancient ancestors of the Tiankeng are extremely horrible. At this moment, the ancient demon tribe, the three-eyed ancient tribe, and the fighting saint tribe have a pale complexion without any trace of blood!

Because their biggest reliance is gone!

"Actually, if you want to kill this fellow, it's hard to be right? The Zhentian magic weapon suppresses this fellow at most. You can't kill this fellow at all. You broke this fellow's heart with a few words, and then this fellow will be destroyed. Also There is no such thing as a celestial magic weapon for a long time. This servant would have been supporting it for a while, and the celestial magic weapon would be broken by itself, so this servant was not actually killed by you. "

The boy in white on the stone seat pondered slightly, looking at Chen Zhengdao.


Zhentian magic weapon can not kill the ancient ancestors of the ancient demon!

The ancient ancestors of the ancient demon ancient clans insisted for a while that the sky magic weapon would be broken!

is this real!

The people of all the ancient tribes in Tiankeng looked at Chen Zheng again and looked at Chen Zheng again!

"You are half right."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Asshole! You pit my ancestors! Ah! I want to kill you!"


The stone demon ancient patriarch patriarch wind up suddenly!


The whole person turned into a huge demon sword and cut towards Chen Zheng!

"Heaven Slayer Sword!"

"The ultimate secret method of the ancient demon ancient clan!"

"Chen Zu be careful!"



Chen Zhengdong is too lazy to move!


Just listening to the roaring roar, the huge monster sword transformed by the wind magic, just cut on Chen Zheng, this huge monster sword exploded into nothingness itself!


The ancient demon patriarch is gone!

Nothing left!

And Chen Zhengkuo, who was hanging in the air, remained unharmed!

"Lying trough!"

"How did you kill it!"

"The sword of Wind Mirage is at least the prestige of the fourth realm!"

The big ancients are stunned!

Yan Sheng, Li Sheng Gu Sheng, Gu Li's ancestors stared at Chen Zheng at the moment, all showed their excitement, appeared and appeared again, and used sword skills to deal with Chen Zheng's instantaneous counter-killing.

Immune to all sword skills!

Rebound all sword skills!

The ancient demon ancient patriarch did not know the speciality of Chen Zu's flesh!

"Dancer, do you understand? From the beginning to the end, Chen Zu did not have any mana fluctuations. How did this fight back?"

Yan Chijia secretly heard.

"This should be a very special physique, capable of rebounding some special attacks, such as sword skills..."

Yan Wu pondered slightly Yuan Yuanshen responded.

"Still have this constitution?"

Yan Chijia blinked wildly.

"Chen Zu Rao Fate!"

"The ancient demon ancients are wrong!"

"The three-eyed ancient tribe is also wrong!"

"Fighting Saint Clan... It's also wrong, please ask Chen Zu to let me wait!"

Inside the pit!

The three ancient tribes fell to their knees!



It's also a moment of kneeling!

The three ancient tribes all fled away!

Begging for mercy is false!

Escape is true!


The rest of the ancient people saw this scene again and were ignorant!


Are the three ancient tribes so dignified?

"Taishigudi has been blocked with my return. Unless some powerful guys can freely enter and leave, the rest will not be able to get out. These escaped guys, the strongest is the Taoist ancestors of the third realm, it is easy to destroy them. , When the younger brother and brother Yi continue to be old, the younger brother will wipe them out. Speaking of the most powerful guy fighting the saints did not show up today, if the brother had any accidents with his older brother when he was reminiscing, he would have to brother Yi. Solve that guy in person. That guy should have the fighting power of the sixth realm, I believe Brother Yi can easily solve it."

The teenager in white on the stone base blinked at Chen Zheng.


What does it mean?

Did Master Taishi deliberately let the three ancient tribes escape?

Tiankeng people were startled.

The ancient priests, the elders of Lingbao, the elders of Lingbao, and the elders of Lingxu thought of the same thing in an instant. They were very clear. Although it seems that Chen Zu did not conflict with Taishi adults on the surface, it was actually not a class of people, and it was not the same camp!

Therefore, Master Taishi can see that Chen Zu's flesh is passive and invincible, and the actual combat strength is relatively not arrogant. Is this to remind Master Chen Zu!

"This little thing sees through you, knowing that you can't kill the Taoist ancestors of the third realm by ordinary means, and began to make demands!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the indifferent voice of Xiaohua doll sounded.

"Are you going to die?"

Chen Zheng also smiled at the boy in white.

"Brother Yi still understands his younger brother. The younger brother loves his brother more and more, and his brother is much more cute than he was then. The younger brother also waited a long time before seeing the true face of his brother, and Yi's brother was cold!" The teenager grinned and paused and said, "When this younger brother woke up, he was stared at by the Hongmeng robbery master. The rude thing forced the younger brother's flesh and Yuanshen to be stripped off. The younger brother now has Yuanshen and no body, However, the younger brother felt that the younger brother’s upper bone was in the hands of Yi brother. If older brother could return the younger brother to the younger brother, the younger brother was willing to be the elder brother’s pawn!"


This is to discuss the conditions with Chen Zu!

The ancient sages and elders of Lingbao and others instantly understood this moment!

"Brother Yi, the younger brother feels that a powerful guy is coming to Taishi Ancient Ground forcibly. It is very likely that he came to catch the younger brother. Brother Yi will never return Shanganggu to the younger brother. The younger brother will be captured!"

The teenager in white saw Chen Zheng didn't leave and responded to and blinked at Chen Zheng again.


The youth in white has just fallen!

Everything falls from the sky!

From the outside of the sky, the prohibition of Taishi ancient land runs through!

With a bang!


Everyone's eyes instantly looked at the hanging thing!

This look!

Collective consternation!

That seems to be a person!

It seems to be a stone man!

It seems to be a female stone man!

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