Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1417: 3-party forces! Zhentian magic weapon!


Brother Yi!

How could this be Brother Yi!

Inside the pit!

Everyone was completely ashamed!

If the white girl is really Taishi, then the white girl is the legendary Taishi God. How could such a supernatural being call a human race Xuanxian as Brother Yi, and how could Brother Yi sound sound nauseous!

This is wrong!

"Master and this... the woman has a leg?"

Guren blinked.

"Chen Zu didn't seem to fluctuate at all..."

This generation of the Holy Rhinoceros song opened its mouth.

"That... Lord Gu Sheng, she... Is she really the one who created Taishi Ancient Land? Why... why does it feel strange? ?"


Ancestor Gu Li felt almost the same.

Although shocked, the girl in white called Chen Zu the elder brother Yi, but after waking up, she did feel a strange weirdness.

"Master Taishi...this is the wrong person!"

The ancient monsters of the ancient demon wind clenched their teeth!

"Sir God, how can this son He De become the brother of Lord God!"

The three-eyed ancient patriarch also gritted his teeth!

"Wu'er, what's going on now?"

The Tiangong tribes are also there, Yan Chijia secretly asked the Tiangong saint Yanwu to dance, he is a little ignorant now, if the white girl is really too early to go to heaven, and now the white girl calls Chen Zu as Brother Yi, then Chen Zu is not it It is also reincarnation of God!

"Somewhat strange."

Yan Wu frowned slightly. From now until now, she was not surprised by what Chen Zu did, because her master had told her a lot about the oldest era, and even gave her a task, that is, devotion Yu Chenzu!

Of course, this is not important at the moment. She is a long-lived Taoist body. She has practiced the magic method passed by the mysterious master and the gods given by the mysterious master. It seems to be a quasi-holy level, but the real strength is not the demon. The ancient patriarch has three eyes under the ancient patriarch!

At the moment when the girl in white appeared, she sensed something with her fetish and found some weirdness. At this moment, the girl in white calls Chen Zu as brother Yi, and she found some weirdness again!

"Weird? I feel weird about the old man too, but I can't tell."

Yan Chijia raised a brow.

"Brother Yi, why don't you promise others?"

At this time!

The girl in white shouted several times at Chen Zhenglian!

The sound is sweet!

The smile is sweeter!

"Okay, don't pretend. You're disgusting as a man pretending to be a woman or pretending to be a girl in the 28th year."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


the man!


This white girl is a man!

The ancient tribes in Tiankeng are even more ignorant!

"Man... isn't she the big man in my prophecy... what the **** is this, is my grand prophecy wrong?"

The hustle and bustle of the ancient sage was whispering now, and he was now ignorant. He thought that the person who came to see with the big oracle was the girl in white, but Chen Zu said that the girl in white was a man, not a woman at all, and the vague female figure in the prophecy. sorry.



The ancient priest feels suddenly empty in his mind!


The girl in white laughed lightly, but the voice changed, and became the voice of a teenager! Then I saw the fairy light flash. The white clothes on her body turned into a white robe. The long hair of the shawl was collected by a bun. The ancient stone seat under the seat appeared. She sat on the stone seat. This is the ancient place It was a shock, as if the other creatures outside the tiankeng were worshipping towards this side!

Although the face is still that face, so delicate, it is more like a teenager than a girl at the moment!

of course!

The people of the ancient tribes in the Tiankeng also confirmed from that light laughter!

The girl in white is a teenager!

The boy in white is the true beginning of God!

"The host is finally back!"

The puppets of the institution saw it, showing a happy look, and paid a homage to the boy in white!

"So... is Master Taishi teasing this kid?"

Countless thoughts flashed in the moment when the ancient demon patriarch Feng Mirage flashed, and now asked!

"To tease? How dare I tease him, I'm just testing something, he really forgot everything. As for him saying that I don't deserve to let him worship, it's true, even the most complete and complete body I don't deserve What’s more, I only have half of me now.” The white-boy in Shizuo smiled faintly, looking at Chen Zhengdao: “People like you are also reduced to only Xuanxian mana, and the flesh and spirit are arrogant, but everything is proud. The power to control everything, after all, is gone."


So it was not just teasing!

What the man of the human race said is also true!

From the words of Taishi adults, it is speculated that this human race is actually a terrible reincarnation of souls, which is a terrible reincarnation of the soul of Taishi!



The ancient tribes showed their colors!

"Isn't that so... that's better than ever!" The celestial ghost of the ancient demon ancient clan suddenly showed a wicked smile, the ancient demon pattern at the eyebrow suddenly lit up, and the next moment was a low roar: "Old ancestor Old ancestor, Master Taishi has returned. This ancestor Chen is also a reincarnation of the same level as Master Taishi. You should show up!


When the ancient tribes heard this sentence, they all stared at the wind and the prairie. What did the ancient demon patriarch patriarch mean?


The demon flashes!

A figure appeared above!

That is a young man!

Tsing Yi!

It doesn't seem to be bullying!

But the people of the ancient tribes in Tiankeng know that after they have known the identity of the white-boy and the identity of the Xuanxian of that humanity, the one who still appears as a sparrow at this moment is definitely not as simple as it looks!


The most critical point!

This person appeared!

A cyan enchantment enveloped the Tiankeng area to isolate the outside world!

Can't perceive anything outside the enchantment at this moment!

"Welcome to the ancestors!"

The wind screamed loudly!

"Welcome to the ancestors!"

The rest of the ancient monsters are also shouting!

"Welcome to the ancient ancestors of the ancient demon!"

The three-eyed ancient patriarch gritted his teeth and shouted!

"Welcome to the ancient ancestors of the ancient demon!"

Someone shouted again in an instant, that was the Patriarch of the Battle Clan!


For a while!

The rest of the ancient tribes in the tiankeng were stunned again!

Ancient Demon Race!

Three Eyes Ancient Clan!

Fighting Saints!

Is this going to work together to make a big one!

"Humph! Dare to betray the master, be cut!"

The government puppet was furious, and suddenly jumped into the sky, and ran towards the Tsing Yi people in the sky!



God's Secret!

Huanghuang Tianwei!


The organ puppet had just rushed in front of the Tsing Yi people, and the organ's big hand was about to grab the Tsing Yi people. The Tsing Yi people smiled lightly, and raised the palm of his right hand to spread it out, and saw an ancient magical instrument floating its palm. The puppet's body was instantly destroyed, as if he had lost his mana, he fell from the sky!


Institutional puppets smashed into the tiankeng!

Can't get up at this moment!

"The ancestor's magic weapon is invincible!"

Feng Mirage was ecstatic to see this again shouted! The people of the three-eyed ancient clan fighting the holy clan also showed their joy. This day the ancient ancestor of the ancient demon ancestry was indeed arrogant. As soon as he shot, he suppressed the puppet of the servant organ of the gods. This time, he was tied to the same warship with the ancient demon clan. , It is indeed right!

"Zhentian magic weapon is specially used to deal with Tianwei, and heaven can be equivalent to God, so this magic weapon can also be used to deal with God. I have jumped out of the ancient land of Taishi, and this time I came back to wait for Master Taishi. Come back." The Tsing Yi people smiled lightly, and looked at the young man in white on the stone base, and then looked at Chen Zheng: "I originally wanted to suppress Taishi adults, but Taishi adults said that Chen Zu used to be an awe. The reincarnated soul should be one of the gods, so this time, by the way, Chen Zu was suppressed together."


The ancient ancestors of the ancient demon tribe want to suppress the gods!

The ancient people such as Lingxi, Tiangong and Qitong showed a horrified look. The ancestors of the ancient demon ancients were so big that even the gods wanted to suppress them!

Did he eat God!

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