Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1411: The fairy house that fell into the ancient land

"The incarnation of Yuxiansheng, which is stronger than the zero, is really such a possibility. I had a fight with Hongmeng Tribune, and the era restarted and returned to the earth at a certain point in time. Many things have changed. .... Speaking of which, before I played the main fight with Hongmeng Tribulation, basically none of the old monsters that broke the era appeared. After the era restarted, the old monsters came out one by one."

Chen Zhengyuan nodded.

"This nature doesn't agree with it. Those old monsters that broke out of the era should be related to this nature. It is after you Chen is encountering this nature that those old monsters come out!"

But Xiaohua's little doll didn't agree with what he mentioned.



A sudden loud noise came from the southeast of Pingtian Mountain!



"That is......!"

A few people in the stone hall's eyes moved, looking towards the southeast direction, and this look was all fixed!


Southeast of Pingtian Mountain!

The sky dome is cracking!

Something shrouded in fairy light fell into the ancient land of Taishi!


Can see a rough shape!

That seems to be a fairy house!

"I... didn't count on this thing!"

The ancient Sacred Eyebrows were locked tightly, because not only did they see the fairy house shrouded in fairy light, but naked eyes could see a heavenly creature falling from the cracked sky dome at the moment. That was not the human race, nor the ancient race, nor the demon race!


Slightly perceiving the ancient holy saint, he recognized those extraterrestrial beings, all of which were gods and demons, and they were all extremely powerful gods and demons.

His sacred ancient sage, who was not seriously injured before, is actually still in the fourth realm. Although he is awake now, if he does not burn the source, it will not destroy the second realm at most!







The power of gods and demons!

The power of gods and demons is interwoven!

The power of the demon is violent!

Those gods and demons that came out of heaven have only one goal, that is the fairy house that fell from the sky!

"Chen Zu Chen Zu, the little master is a bit wrong!"

Sin God Beast Eclipse suddenly shouted!


Several people moved their eyes and looked towards the little demon girl. I saw the little demon girl also looking at the falling fairy palace, but her eyes had turned to pure white. In addition, the little demon girl had a rhyme and the same behind him. Phantom emerged!

The phantom is an adult woman, her eyes are pure and flawless, staring at the falling fairy house!


How is this going!

Was the phantom the deity of this seemingly magical little demon girl?

"Wind Lady Bluebird and the Undead Tree Demon seem to have failed."

Chen Zheng glanced at the little demon girl, then at the falling fairy palace, and smiled faintly.


Gu Sheng, Gu Li, and Gu Li heard Yan Yan, revealing the color of doubt. None of the three creatures mentioned by Chen Zheng had ever heard of it. However, Evil God Beast Eclipse knows that before, a team from a foreign country encountered the Undead Tree Devil, and later, the foreign land was destroyed. Chen Zu took everyone back to the universe, and the Undead Tree Demon went outside the domain, saying that he wanted to find the little master. Red Dust Fairy House.

At this moment, Chen Zu said that the Undead Tree Demon had failed, and there was a fairy house that fell into the ancient land of Taishi. Isn't that fairy house just the little master... Red Dust Fairy Mansion!

"Little Master... Is it awakening?"

The eyes of the evil **** beast eclipse light up, and now his eyes are staring at the fairy house!

To be honest, it is very hopeful that the little demon girl awakens. If the little demon girl awakens, then she will definitely go to the extraterritorial or Taixu land, and she can also follow the extraterritorial or Taixu, and only the extraterritorial and Taixu can let herself in a short time. Internal restoration repair! There is absolutely no pressure to follow Chen Zuhe, but Chen Zu will not go outside the region or Taixu now!

"Whether or not someone deliberately sent this fairy house in, this time it was indeed the chance of this girl, not called the chance, that is the thing of this girl, this time it depends on whether this fairy house can let this girl accept Her past."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.


The demon girl's face disappeared behind him, and the white and flawless eyes of the little demon girl returned to normal, and the little girl's face was still dumb, as if she didn't know what happened just now.

"Those gods and spirits... the weakest is also the fifth realm that is indestructible. Now all the ancient clan saints in Taishi ancient land know that this fairy house fell into the ancient land, but there is no ancient clan The tribes appeared, and they were also afraid. After all, the Fifth Realm is already truly awesome here. There are no Taoist ancestors of the Fifth Realm as strong as the ancient monsters of the sky demon. However, it has been out of existence for many years. The ancient saints of the ancient tribes should all be waiting, waiting for the opportunity after these gods and demons are both defeated."

The ancient holy saint pondered.

"Huh! What kind of Chen Zu in Pingtian Mountain, aren't you arrogant? At this moment, Tian Wai Xian Fu has fallen into Taishi Ancient Land, you have the courage to compete with those Tian Wai Shenmo!"

As soon as the ancient Sacred Words of Lihuo came down, a voice passed into Pingtian Mountain. A figure outside Pingtian Mountain appeared out of thin air, and the ancient demon pattern at the center of the eyebrows was extremely conspicuous!


The brows of Lishou Shengsheng frowned!

"Tianyao ancient patriarch Feng Mirage!"

Words startled!

"This is... deliberately appearing to excite Chen Zu, wanting to kill Chen Zu with the sword of the gods and demon..."

Gu Li's ancestors also showed surprise, then whispered. The ancient demon elder patriarch did not show up before, but appeared at the moment, and came to provoke words, the purpose of which was too obvious.

"Is this man in the third or fourth realm? Does the breath seem special?"

Evil God Beast Eclipse swept a brow and picked.

"The third realm, but there is the ancient treasure of the ancient demon in hand, the combat power is comparable to the fourth realm ancestor. This mirage appeared at the moment to provoke Chen Zu with words, really to borrow a knife to kill."

The ancient priest responded.

"What? Are you Chen Zu afraid of seeing these gods and celestial beings? Where did you go to kill the Taoist ancestors of my race? Have you met the gods and celestial creatures that are much stronger than you and will die!

Outside Pingtianshan, the provocation sounded again!

"This is so **** arrogant!"

Sin God Beast's eclipse sinks!


Chen Zheng only laughed at this, took the little demon girl's hand and stepped out of Pingtian Mountain, without looking at the Yaogu patriarch that day, he swept directly to the immortal palace!

"Huh? Human race... Xuan Xian? The ants!"

"Something stinky fish rotten shrimp, dare to come to covet the immortal mansion, give Lao Tzu!"


The gods and demons around Xianfu slammed their hands suddenly, stopped their eyes and stared at Chen Zheng, and then raised their hands mercilessly with a sneer at the next moment, and the power of the horror gods and demons came towards Chen Zheng!

"Huh! The so-called Chen Zu is nothing more than that. He was picked up by this seat a little bit of provocation. If you don't believe this seat, you can still get the terrible gods and monsters that come out of these days!"

At this moment, the head of the ancient demon ancient clan winds up the corners of his mouth, and ruthlessly mocks!


It is also the next moment!

The door of the immortal palace suddenly opened wide, and I saw a fairy light hit, and covered Chen Zheng and the little demon girl at once, and led Chen Zheng and the little demon girl in the next moment!


"Xianfu actually How is this possible! I have kept the Xianfu for more than 100,000 years, and I have not been able to open the door of Xianfu. How can the door of Xianfu be a human race? Xuan Xian opened wide!"

"No matter, let's talk about it first!"

The gods and demons that came out of the sky stunned, and then rushed into the Xianmen one by one as a torrent!


The wind froze in place, opened his mouth, and some did not respond!


It was opened to that kid!

Xianfu even led the boy in!

By what!

Why the boy!

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