Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1406: rest assured! Won't make you feel pain!

"There is a kind of chaotic zone!"

The man was mocking again!

"Xiaowu don't scare this human race visitor, Taishi ancient land finally came to personal race, Taishi God Shadow Space has never been visited by any human race, this human race guest has not enjoyed double happiness, you If you scare others away, it will be more abominable. Our three-eyed tribe has always valued peace and never bullied others. Don’t ruin the reputation of our three-eyed tribe."

A young man dressed in a luxurious brocade glanced at Chen Zheng with a disdain in his eyes. When he saw the evil **** beast on the shoulder of the little demon girl, the third eye flashed away and smiled at Chen Zhengdao: "My People like to play with birds, this little firebird on this girl's shoulder is not bad, I like it very much. You give me the little firebird, I enter the chaotic area to save the elders of the Lingxi tribe and the two generations of sage and that beauty Come out, this deal is very cost-effective."


Love playing birds!

When the middle-aged beautiful woman Huaniang heard this sentence, her complexion changed slightly, as did Elder Lingbao and Yan Chijia.

However, unlike what Hua Niang thought, they glanced at the little firebird, and did not perceive the wonder, but the young patriarch of the three-eyed clan suddenly said that they like to play with birds and suddenly wanted the bird, so it should be seen With some things, this little firebird should not be simple.

"This is Chen Zu from the human race. The chief of the Three-Eye Clan is still not to be..."

Elder Lingbao thought for a moment, then opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a cold hum after only half the words.

"Huh! Obviously a human race Xuanxian, you have to blow into the ancestors, your spirit rhinos are too shameful! Elder Lingbao, you used to be a ancestor, since your spirit rhino sacred tree changed, your realm fell, But how can there be ancestor cultivation, and your eyesight is still there, are you not fooled by this humanoid kid? This humanoid kid is definitely a swindler from a large world of the human race, saying that it can help you repair the relics of the spirit rhino. Like that, if you really believe in this kid, your spirit rhinos will be finished!"

An old man sneered beside the chief of the three-eyed tribe.

"Vatican..." Elder Lingbao listened, and his face sank slightly, knowing that the other party was a half-walk ancestor, and knew that the three-eyed tribe was not easy to provoke, but when he thought of Chen Zu's terrible combat power, he instantly calmed down Afterwards, he smiled mysteriously at the old man: "You may not believe it, our sacred relic of the Lingxi tribe has indeed been repaired by Chen Zu."


The sinking people on the suspended pavilions on both sides swept their eyes instantly. They were moved to the side by the chaotic area and awakened. They were all awake at the moment, but apart from the few people around Chen Zheng, the others were not. Seeing that Chen Zheng said two words casually, the chaotic area was moved over, so looking at Chen Zheng at the moment, it was all unbelief!

A human race Xuanxian!

Can repair the spirit rhino saint!

This is simply impossible!

"Blow! Let's blow it hard, your spirit rhinos are really not saved! Huh! Do you know why the young patriarch will stare at elder Lingxu and the three women, just to see that your spirit rhinos are not good, and you deliberately bullied your spirit rhinos? Hey! Elder Lingbao, what can you do with an unhappy face? You’re very angry, right? Dao ancestors of your level come to bite me!"


Crazy taunt!

The face of the young three-eyed tribe called Xiaowu is extremely ugly!


Elder Lingbao was only angry in a flash, and at this moment he shook his head gently and retreated, waiting to stand beside Chen Zheng.

"The elders of the Lingxi tribe have reached the point of deceiving themselves and deceiving others. There can be no chance to rise again. There is no threat to your family, and your son is too lazy to disguise. Xiaowu is right, it is you who is bullying Spirit rhino, this son must not only bully your spirit rhino, but also this human tribe, this little firebird is also required, and this little girl is also required! In addition to playing birds, this son also likes to develop, Wait for this little girl to grow up...!"


The chief of the three-eyed clan rips off the disguise. At this moment, his nature is exposed, and he smiles unscrupulously, but he hasn't finished speaking yet, he shut up!


The human clan who can ravage at will in their eyes!

At this moment, I just raised my hand and grabbed the chaotic area, and the chaotic area was shattered. I saw a figure emerging, all wrapped in the power of chaos, as if I lost consciousness!

"The elders...and the saints!"

Elder Lingbao exclaimed!

"Lying trough!"

Yan Chijia's subconscious burst of words, the kid said two words casually before, the chaotic area was moved over, and now the chaotic area is separated with one hand!


Is this kid really crushing himself in every aspect!

"One-handed chaos... The little brother could be the chaotic body of the legendary ten main body..."

The middle-aged beautiful woman Hua Niang dumbfounded.



"This human race is a chaotic body?"

Suspended on both sides of the pavilion, those sinking people heard the voice of Hua Niang and exclaimed one after another with wide eyes!

to be frank!

I have never seen such a scene before!

This Taishi God Shadow Space is extremely mysterious. In addition to twice the happiness, the most mysterious is the chaotic area. The top-ranked strongman recognized in the ancient Taishi area has also entered the chaotic area, but it can’t be separated. The chaotic area is only able to walk in the chaotic area!



A human race Xuanxian!

One hand separates chaos!

Isn't this human race Xuanxian more powerful than the top strongman in Taishi ancient land!

just! can't be explained!

"Less... the young patriarch... this guy... seems a bit evil..."

The young three-eyed tribe called Xiaowu started trembling at the moment.


The chief of the Three-Eye Clan's throat agitated, and at this moment a face had solidified and he couldn't say a word. Only secretly in my heart, I seem to have provoke a strange guy unintentionally. If this kid is really a chaotic body, this kid's teacher must be unusual. Although he is the chief of the three-eyed clan, he may be able to kill this guy, but It will definitely cause more trouble.

Right now... Is it the only choice to apologize?


If this kid doesn't accept an apology!

Do not accept an apology?


Don't accept the apology. Is this kid tearing himself up?

Thoughts flashed through, and the decision of the chief of the Three-eyed tribe had already been decided!

"The power of chaos... You guys didn't show up, I won't devour this power of chaos, you guys might have to rely on this formation to get back."

Chen Zheng ignored anyone, glanced at the fragmented chaotic area, and then grabbed it, grabbing all the creatures wrapped in the power of chaos.

"Great elder!"

Elder Lingbao shouted quickly.


The old man opened his eyes, and at the moment he was confused, as if his consciousness was also chaotic, and he had not fully awakened.

"That... I'm Vanke, the patriarch of the three-eyed tribe, I just offended your lord, I apologize!"

In this test, the three-eyed clan chief stepped forward and took the initiative to open a clenched fist against Chen Zheng.

"Relax, it won't make you feel pain."

Chen Zheng swept the two generations of Saints and Red Lotus, and looked at the young chief of the Three-Eyed Clan, with a friendly smile.


What does this mean?

The people around heard the expression of doubt!


The chief of the three-eyed clan stunned for a moment, and the instinct was to retreat. The third glance flashed, and a light curtain was blocked between him and Chen Zheng. He stared at Chen Zhengsheng with a deep voice: " Why am I also the chief of the three-eyed tribe, are you really right..."


Suddenly stopped!

I saw Chen Zheng raise one's hand, and grabbed the three-eyed tribe's young Young people, all of them disappeared in an instant!

"Do not!"


Finally heard a scream!


There was only that scream!

The three-eyed tribal chiefs are gone!


this moment!

People around understand it!

Understand what is called not to make you feel pain!

Because they were too late to resist, and even did not react, they were wiped out!

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