Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1403: Come here also for nothing!

Lord Fengxie!

Although the strength of the ancient demon ancient clan can not rank in the top ten!

How can it be a real half-walk ancestor!

Why was he killed by an alien Xuanxian before he even finished speaking!

"This guy... is it really the big man in the Prophecy of Lihuo Gusheng? But did he say that Liguo Shengsheng is crazy, and that Lihuo Gusheng doesn't even know him himself!"

Someone shouted!


On the ancient sacrificial platform, the words of the Qitong tribe were on Chen Zheng’s side. Just now, Chen Zheng personally raised his hand casually, and just grabbed the wind evil, and the wind evil exploded into a blood mist. At that moment, he I thought it was an illusion!

Chen Zu!

This human Xuanxian called Chen Zu by that little firebird is terrible!

It looks harmless!

This shot is to kill a half-walk ancestor!


So dangerous!

It's dangerous to stay by his side!

Yan Sheng opened his mouth, and he was scared. Although he knew that he was polite to this human race Xuan Xian, this human race Xuan Xian would not shoot at himself, but staying with such a dangerous person still made him feel a little breathless. Come!

"Your Excellency..."

An old man of the Lingxi tribe recovered at this moment, at this moment he could not wipe off the blood at the corner of his mouth, and quickly greeted Chen Zhengli.

"You're done! You alien race is going to be finished! You killed Lord Fengxie, whatever you came from, whatever you are, the patriarch will kill you! Lord Fengxie, although only a half-step ancestor, Lord Fengxie is the elder brother of the patriarch, and the patriarch must be...!"

This is also the time!

One day the demon ancient tribe stared at Chen Zheng growling!


The roar stopped abruptly!

Chen Zheng glanced indifferently, followed by the ancient monsters of the Heavenly Demon who came from Fengxie to extinguish the smoke on the spot, not to mention the blood stains, that is, no one hair was left, all annihilated!

"Lying trough!"

"My demon god!"



One after another!




Then came the kneeling sound!

Regardless of the people of the ancient ancient tribes, or the people of the Lingxi tribe, they all knelt at this moment, all trembling and looking at Chen Zheng, their pupils shrunk, and only panic left!

never seen it!

I have never seen this scene before!

A human race Xuanxian!

Just glance past the demon gods who are absolutely not weak in the ancient demon ancient clan!

This Nima!

He is definitely not a human race!

He was afraid of being a terrifying demon disguised as an adult!

Because his means are too cruel!

"Your Excellency...Which senior is the descendant of the adventurous Rhinoceros, the elder spirit of the Rhinoceros, and thank you for your relief!"

The elders of the Lingxi tribe were silent for a moment, and gritted their teeth to pay their respects to Chen Zheng again.

"Are you here again."

Chen Zheng did not respond to the old man, but looked out of the ancient forest.


The old man and everyone were puzzled, and they looked out of the ancient forest. This look changed drastically, because the naked eye could not see thousands of demon awns flying quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the thousands of demon awns flew in a blink of an eye. to!


Ancient Demon Race!

All are ancient demon races!

Among them, the ancient demon pattern circulated on the head of Zhou, and there was a virtual shadow on the top of the head. The virtual image is a tower without a cap. Although there is only one layer, it can be seen in the eyes of Elder Lingbao and other ancient peoples. terrible!


Taoist symbol!

Even if it was just a tower!

But that is also a Taoist ancestor!

Under normal circumstances, Taoist ancestors will not reveal the tower. Once the ancestor reveals the tower, there is only one situation, that is, endless death! The Taoist ancestor of the demon ancient clan came to avenge Master Fengxie!

"Fengyi Daozu!"

"It's the Feng Yi Taoist ancestor of the ancient demon!"

"The ancient demon tribe can't provoke!"

Many people whispered and whispered, even if there are some people in the Lingxi tribe, this is the kind of thought at this moment. This alien clan means is terrible, but he has only one person. The ancient demon tribe is different. The ancient demon tribe is the ancient land of Taishi. Among the most tyrannical ancient tribes, recently the ancient demon ancient tribe has reincarnated and revived. Immediately, the ancient demon ancient tribe will usher in a peak. It really should not provoke the ancient demon ancient tribe!

One more thing!

This human race Xuanxian can escape at any time!

But the Lingxi tribe cannot escape!

"That... Elder Lingbao, if you don't send all the saints of the previous generation, the saints of this generation, and that woman to the ancient demon ancient clan for compensation, our Lingxi clan can't stand this turmoil!"

The middle-aged man of Yiling rhino tribe gritted his teeth, and now stood up and opened his mouth to shout!

"Lingxiu you!"

When Elder Lingbao heard it, his face sank instantly!

"Does the three women send to the ancient demon tribe want to indemnify you? Can the three women of the Lingxi tribe add up to the life of one of the evil spirits!" The ancient demon tribe who sacrificed out of the tower tower swept the Lingxi with cold eyes. The clan, then moved his eyes, and locked Chen Zheng: "You alien clan, dare to kill me ancient demon ancient clan......!"




Only half the word!

The voice stopped suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, it burst into blood mist!


Easily obliterate Yi Dao Zu!

What means?

What the **** is this means!

This is too scary!

Yan Sheng!

Elder Lingbao!

Middle-aged people of Lingxu tribe!

Come from all races!

Once again I saw this terrifying scene, and my face was completely white. At the moment, my face was all frozen, and I couldn't say a word! As for the thousands of ancient demon people who followed, they were all stone-faced at the moment, and nothing happened!

"Every heavy pagoda, also dared to sacrifice to show it." Chen Zheng smiled lightly, lifted his right hand at will, and the thousands of demon ancient tribes suddenly disappeared.


One more left!

Chen Zheng deliberately left one!

"You go back and tell your patriarch, don't come here if you are a heavy ancestor, and you will give it to you. If you come, you will be forced to rob people, send someone more powerful, or let your patriarch come."

Chen Zheng said lightly, and slapped out with a slap in his hand. The tempted ancient demon ancient tribe was fanned out of the ancient forest.

"That...I'm dizzy!"

He opened his mouth and said a few words in a He fainted when he rolled his eyes.

"Now the young people are a little bit less courageous. They didn't see much blood before they fainted. This boy is not good enough. This stimulation can't bear it. It's unbearable."

The evil demon beast on the shoulder of the little demon girl could not help shaking her head.



The kneeling middle-aged man of the Lingxi tribe opened his mouth with blood, and then the person fell backwards. This fell double pupil widened and looked at the sky dome for a few blinks. The pupils lost their charm!


The rest of the Lingxi tribes, and the people from the ancient tribes, only felt cold at the moment!

They knew that the middle-aged man of the Lingxi tribe was frightened to death! Because the middle-aged man said that he would send the sage of the Lingxi tribe to the ancient demon ancient tribe to make a guilt, but after seeing the means of killing a heavy Dao ancestor by the human descent Xuanxian, there was no doubt that he could not stand the stimulation and was scared to death !

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