Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1398: Push the Alien Sky Cave!


Inside the giant mountain!

Several figures flew out in an instant!

"Huh? Guifang, what's the matter with you, aren't you going to invade the big universe? How come you only come back? And how about you, Guifang, you only have Yuanshen, your flesh? That big universe is just In a world of thousands, it is impossible that someone else can destroy your flesh! Da Luosha God, did you surrender to come to Tianku to recognize the Lord!"

One of the blue-skinned and purple-eyed alien monsters swept over the demon commander Guifang and several alien commanders, and then swept the Da Luosha God, the cold and extremely sound sounded!

"That's... Undead Tree Demon!"

Another purple-skinned middle-aged demon saw the old man demolished by the Undead Tree Demon. He didn't recognize it at first glance, and when he looked at it, he recognized it instantly and his face sank instantly!

"Undead Tree Demon!"

Several strange demons around swept their eyes, and there was a look of terror in their eyes!

"Don’t be afraid of a few clan elders, the Undead Tree Demon has handed over the inferior word stele, and now there is only the second-level Taoist cultivator, the Undead Tree Demon is not a cause for worry! The terrible thing is this alien race, this alien race has a strange way , He came to the cosmic word stele sealed by the Heaven Cave. He came for the purpose of starting the devil. This guy swallowed a magic wave only once after 100,000 years!"


A strange demonic leader clenched his teeth and shouted!



The old three strange demons who appeared in the family, their eyes moved in an instant, all stared at Chen Zheng!

"Human Xuanxian?"

"Swallow the magic wave!"

"Come for the Eunuch Tablet and Master Demon?"

Suspicious sound!

When the old people of these tribes saw Chen Zheng's first glance, they were all unbelief. When they swept the second glance, they still didn't believe it. When they swept the third glance, they had to believe it! Because the human race Xuanxian ignored them directly in front of him. He caught the giant mountain of the cave that day, and only heard a loud noise. At the deepest part of the giant mountain of heaven, a white divine light burst out!


The white divine light turned into a party stele!





There is only one word engraved on the Shenbei, that is the word Zhou, but it is only this one word, so that the demon and Da Luosha God Sin God Beast, etc., instantly want to kneel and throw their heads to the ground to worship the five bodies of the stele!

"This human race Xuanxian..."

"He forcibly took out the Zeus monument!"

" did he do it!"

The old dumbfounded clan of the three big monster families!

Several alien commanders were dumbfounded. They thought they would have a war, and they must have foreplays such as mouth guns before the war. How could they wait until the end of the war before the Zeus Tablet could be taken out? !


This alien race!

This **** raised his hand and ignored the defense of the heavenly cave, ignored the seal of the heavenly cave, and directly took out the Astrology Tablet. This **** didn't play cards according to common sense!

Not to mention the war, the muzzle before the Nima war has not really started, and the result came out!

"This... will it be too fast?"

Da Luosha subconsciously spoke, and he still didn't respond.

In his imagination, the three elder clan patriarchs should appear together, and then forcefully suppress Chen Zheng, and then be counter-killed. Finally, the alien clan took the initiative to give way, and he followed Chen Zheng into the deep cave. At the place, I took the word monument.

In addition, he also thought that he had been fighting in this foreign land for thousands of years. Every battle was extremely dangerous. With Chen Zheng, he took out the Astrology Tablet. He only felt that there was no way to make up for it. difference!

The saints do things!

It really is different from ordinary people!

I am afraid that only the holy teacher can be so unscrupulous, so light, so simple to get what you want!



Deep in the sky cave!

Thousands of strange demons are coming!

Among them, the first three aliens are obviously stronger than other aliens by more than one level!

"Ghost Kai! Ming Chao! Car storm! Three patriarchs!"

Seeing the first three strange demons, Da Luo Sha Shen shouted with a deep complexion.


Ming Chao!

Car storm!

These three aliens are the patriarchs of the three alien families!

It is also recognized as the strongest alien in addition to the original demon!

The strongest!

The fiercest!

The most brutal!

These three monsters are all people who don’t spit out bones!


"Master Patriarch!"

"Che Pao Patriarch!"

The old strange demons who appeared before, now pay their respects to the three patriarchs. The three patriarchs swept across Xingcha and all the people disappeared from the place in an instant. When they appeared next time, they had surrounded the side. Word God Tablet!


Among them, Gui Qi, the head of the ghost clan with long hair covering his waist, stared at Chen Zheng and started to speak. Chen Zheng just grabbed the Zhou Zi Shen Bei and received the Zhou Zi Shen Bei. Gui Qi's face sank. The appearance of the two patriarchs, Ming Chao and car storms, also sank!


The three patriarchs disappeared again!



The three patriarchs surrounded Xingcha!

In an instant, the body is exposed, all of them are extremely high, and the giant hand is a shot at Xingcha from three directions!




Thousands of strange monsters flying out of the sky cave roared loudly at this moment!

"All are indestructible in the third realm, will the ancestors want Ziwu..."

The undead tree's face was cold, and asked Chen Zheng if he wanted to reveal the body, but before he had finished, Chen Zheng stepped out of Xingcha in one step. At that moment, Chen Zheng's flesh soared into a tens of thousands of gods!


The power of gods and demons is also released at this moment!

A face-to-face!

The three great patriarchs were blasted!

This is not over!

This is just the beginning!

Chen Zheng only raised his hand, the power of the violent gods and monsters poured out, and the three giant patriarchs were imprisoned by the strange monsters, and then they smashed towards the giant mountain of the cave that day!

"Do not!"



Old Xiezu!

Alien Command!

Thousands of strange monsters flying out!

The densely scattered mountains in the Giant Cave of the Heavenly Cave do not know whether they are tens or hundreds of millions of strange demons!

All screamed at this moment!


Screaming is useless!




Three loud noises!

The three great patriarchs smashed into the giant mountain of the heavenly cave with strange monsters!



In the loud noise!

The Giant Mountain of the Caves collapsed!

In the blink of an eye, at least one-third of the strange demons are annihilated!


next moment!

The three patriarchs rushed out with a roar!

Chen Zheng looked indifferent, ignoring the two different demon patriarchs, and only grabbed the ghost who was rushing in front of him. He grabbed his huge head and squeezed it like that, only to hear a loud bang, just Blowed up!


The ghostly ghost body is instantly destroyed!

There is only one Yuanshen left in the air!

Ming Chao!

Car storm!

It was originally rushing towards Chen Zheng, but this moment was also fixed in place, looking at Chen Zheng like a heaven and earth at this moment. After taking a deep breath, he gritted his teeth and drank!

"You are not a human race, you are a **** and demon, you are a **** and demon in your ancient times, you crossed the boundary, the alien is not the place you should come from, you really cross the boundary, your actions will definitely lead to sanctions!"


However, it was only a roar!

Shenmo Chen has no expression on his front Shenmo's right hand grabs Ming Chao, and his body is squeezed at once, before the crowd hasn't responded, he is facing the car and the monster. When he caught it, it was banged again, and the strange monster body was also crushed!

So far!

The three great patriarchs are all destroyed!

And this does not end!

Chen Zhengshen's right hand was raised again, and he grabbed the cave that had collapsed again. Under this grasp, the cave was completely turned into ruins!

Heaven Cave!

Once high into the sky!


Only a ruin remains!

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