Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1391: Just want to bully her?

Great universe.

Dark blue **** kingdom.

The magic flame skyrocketed.


"Dark Blue God's Kingdom has also fallen, and Lord Dark Blue can't stop the strange demons!"

"A day ago, the Shinto Star Territory changed dramatically, and the Alien Army invaded the Shinto Astral Field, as strong as the Great Luosha God was defeated, and was trapped in the Great Luosha God City! The Alien Army, like a locust, sweeping the entire universe, we It’s over, it’s all over! Who will save us, and why Heaven doesn’t come to save us!"

"Tian Dao is a merciless thing. This alien disaster that swept across the entire universe, may be the tribulation of the fall of Heaven, and it is a punishment for the souls of our universe!"

"Ah! I blame the guy who had battled with the Shinto League leader before. If it wasn't that That was him!"

Within the kingdom of God, the souls looked desperately above, and some people complained, but only half of the words, one face froze!


Above the Kingdom of God!

A figure appeared out of thin air!


As soon as the figure appeared, the army of aliens that attacked the kingdom of God madly, uttered a fierce roar, and rushed towards the figure!


next moment!

A ringing finger sounded!


The army of aliens turned to ashes!

Within the Kingdom of God!

All creatures dumbfounded!

"Huh? In this new world of thousands, there are even strange creatures like you. A mysterious immortal in your area has destroyed his soldiers, and the three generals of this man are all quasi-holy! It seems that you are An ancestor who concealed his cultivation ability needs his own hands to take you down! This is a meditation, one of the ten commanders under the lord of Guifang, from the meditation family of the three big families of the demon!"

In the void on the upper right, there is a very strange and exaggerated alien warship. There is a roar in the alien warship, and then a strange monster rushes out, and the strange ghost flashes in front of the advent figure!


Just when the strange monster grinned and his tongue was spitting out like a poisonous snake, the advent figure didn't look at the strange monster at all, only slapped out with a slap in his hand, and then he heard a loud sound, and the leader of the strange monster exploded. Slag!

"Underworld rule!"

"This kid is weird!"

"The most powerful Luosha God in this world can't kill the lord of the cause of the dead. How could this Xuanxian human race kill the leader of the lord of the dead cause. This human race has a weirdness. Quickly sue the leader of Guifang..."

On the Alien Warship, the Alien was horrified, but the sound also stopped abruptly. The advent figure grabbed the Alien Warship, and just squeezed it like that, the Alien Warship exploded with a bang!

The deep blue **** kingdom is clean at a glance!


In the Deep Blue God, all living beings are dull!

"Who can tell me where is her in the dark blue?"

The advent figure swept down lightly.

"That... back to my lord, after the deep blue master opened the guardian enchantment of the kingdom of gods, she left the kingdom of dark blue! She... she should be assassinating the alien leader who invaded the universe. Guifang is gone, before the dark blue dominates...I have failed this time, I am afraid this time...It is also difficult to succeed! Master...Master, you are extinct. Be the one of the Shinto League, Juntian Holy Land pretended to pretend to frame you, and I have seen your **** shadow! When the master and the Shinto League leader mysteriously disappeared, I thought that the lord... I didn’t expect the adults to return to the big universe today!"

An old man responded with a tremble.

The figure that came is no one else. It was Chen Zheng who came through the chaotic time and space. He returned to the big universe again. Unexpectedly, the big universe has changed. Almost every star field is spreading war. The area where he came is just the star field where the dark blue **** kingdom is located, and dark blue is a metal life he created at the time.

"Shinto Star Territory..."

Chen Zheng frowned slightly and summoned Xingcha at random. When he saw the star burst, he instantly crossed the huge star field.

"He... seemed to be a fairy before..."

"Now he is Xuan Xian, and at once he squeezed to death the abnormity ruler who could not be killed by the Great Rakshasa... Lord Dark Blue was saved..."

"I just blamed him for the war with the Shinto League that caused the alien invasion. Fortunately...Fortunately he didn't hear..."

Deep Blue God domestically whispered.


Shinto star field.

Great Raksha Shrine.

This huge **** city suspended in the void originally had an invisible majesty. At this moment, 90% of it has collapsed, and 90% of the area has been turned into ruins, leaving only the temple in the center of the temple!

As strong as Great Rakshasin, he was forced to stay in that temple!

"Da Luosha God, when you forcibly robbed the first demon and the different bones in our alien world, and forcibly merged the first demon and the different bones, you should honestly stay in the alien world and wait for 10,000 years and 100,000 years to pass. When the magic bones are assimilated into different demons, you can create the fourth largest alien family, and sit on equal footing with the other three patriarchs. But you must leave the alien world with the original bone and return to this big universe, this world The robbery is due to you. When you kill all the creatures in this world, only the big Raksha and your daughter are left. What's the point? So why not join forces with me and assimilate this world, you can still create the fourth largest The status of the Xiemo family is above me. I don’t want much. Just marry your daughter Luosha to my son."

The army of different demons is no less than one million, surrounding the Da Luosha God City and the shrine that the Da Luosha God is trapped. One of the purple-skinned magic monsters is suspended above the temple, and there is a light smile on his face.

"Huh? Come again! Find death!"


Purple skin magic face is cold!


A raised hand!

Punch out!


Only listening to the sound of gold and iron clashes, a figure appeared to be blasted from another time and space, and flew out at this moment, and then stabilized the figure after taking a few breaths!

"Dark Blue Dominate!"

"This woman again, dare to assassinate Lord Guifang!"

"The so-called master in this world, between the quasi-holy ancestors, even the ancestors, how could assassinate Lord Guifang! Lord Guifang's skin is harder than the sage treasure!"

Several strange demons saw the figure clearly and sneered one after another!

"You woman is really stubborn enough, although you are not a human race, just metal creatures, but I am just like this. I lack a girl in a hot bed. You want to assassinate me again and again, then I will give you the opportunity to let you in the future. Assassinate me every day!"

The purple skin strange demon suddenly smiled strangely, raised his right hand, and grabbed the figure!


A tear!


"Master Guifang is invincible!"

"Master Guifang..."

The several alien leaders heard tearing subconsciously shouted, but just halfway through, and suddenly noticed something was wrong, then looked at it, and the purple skin alien body, no chance at the moment A crack appeared for no reason!


What the **** is going on!

It's impossible for the dark blue master to hurt Lord Guifang!

There can be no creatures in this world that destroy the body of Lord Guifang!

In the next moment!

These strange demons heard a chuckle!

"Just like you want to bully her, don't you know she was covered by me?"

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