Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1382: Spike! Who is it?


   No one showed up!

   also blasted under the palm of a supernatural power!

   Sect Master of Xiaoxiao is gone!


  Who is it!

   Who is the one who shot!

Zhong Xiu's body shook, and his eyes were all fixed on the Sky Strike Battleship. They quickly swept on the Sky Strike Battleship. They recognized Kunzong Dao, and they pointed to the Sky Sword Master. The battleship was the strongest. It is Kunzong Dao and Zhitianjianjun, but it is impossible for them to kill Shenzong Sect Master!

"It's him?"

   Next to the emperor of the imperial court, the old robe frowned.

   "It should be... I don't want to go to anyone other than him. It's only possible that he killed half-walking ancestors in a palm. He seems to be stronger than when he was in the Destiny Tomb."

  The imperial monarch and emperor Yuanshen responded.

   "Wait until he shows up and see you!"

  The old man in emperor's robe nodded with a sullen face. Before seeing the target, and before seeing the target means, he thought that even if he could not suppress the target, he would be able to shoot down the target and cultivate it!

   But now!

   His ancestral ancestor of the imperial dynasty had no confidence!

  Did not show up, he slapped the new half-walk ancestor God Xiaozong Sect Master, even if he and others burn all the power of the bloodline, can they really shoot down the target and cultivate it?


   This time!

   Lehman flash

   In front of the Immortal Hall of Shenxiaozong!

   An old man in purple robe appeared!

   "Old Ancestor!"

   "See your ancestors!"

   "Ancestral ancestor, you finally appeared, the lord lord was slapped to death!"

  Shen Xiaozong disciple on the side of the immortal palace saw the old man in purple robe, his dangling heart fell down, crying one by one! They were just scared just now, they were frightened, they felt no more relying, at this moment the old man in purple robe let them find the dependence again!

   Old man in purple robe!

  Purple hair stood upright!

  Although there was no Lehman surge around him, foreign monks knew that the old man in Zipao was stronger than the Sect Master of Shenxiao. This is the old monster of Shenxiao Sect. It is said that he has never been seen for thousands of years!

   appeared at the moment, it can be said that he was forced out, but it should not be slapped to death like the Sect Master Shen Xiao, after all, this one is too much stronger than the Sect Master Shen Xiao!

   "Since the Lord has come and killed the Sect Master, please show up!"

  In the eyes of the old man in the purple robe, Leimang flashed and stared at the Skystrike Battleship!


  Fighting on the battleship, the wind rushed the ancestor and the rest of the disciples to retreat subconsciously, almost stumbled! Although he was an ancestor, the old man in the purple robe stared at him, and Yuanshen almost collapsed!

   is not a level!

Although the sect master is also a half-walk ancestor!

   may not be at the same level as the old man in the purple robe!

   The gap between the two is huge!

   Old man in purple robe should be infinitely close to the level of Taoist ancestor!

   Wang Yin!


   also backed away!

  It means that Tian Jianjun is propped up, but his face is pale, and he is just supporting it!

   "It should be showing up..."

   "The ancestor of Shenxiao Sect is much stronger than the lord of Shenxiao Sect. It is also a half-walk ancestor. Why is the gap so great!"

   "Did the person who killed the Sect Master of Shenxiao still show up!"

   The outsiders meditated in their hearts, daring to speak at the moment, they all held their breath! They have already thought that there will be a world war, a war between the strongest half-track ancestors!

   "Don't show up yet?"

  The old robe of the emperor robe frowned again.

   "Shen Xiaozong old monster, infinitely close to the level of Taoist ancestors, old ancestors, you may not dare to say that he won against him without burning the power of the bloodline... this time he should show up."

   The emperor of the imperial court also frowned slightly.

   "Your dare to kill the suzerain, is it not surprising that you don't dare to show up at once? Or is it that you can only use it once, and your mana cannot be used for a second time in a short time?"

  The old man in the purple robe said coldly, and his tone was a lot colder than before!


   "Can only be used once?"

   "Is this really true..."

   When the foreign monk heard it, he looked puzzled.

"is it possible?"

  The old man in the imperial robe secretly communicated with the emperor of the imperial court.

   "Should not be..."

  The imperial monarch and emperor Yuanshen responded.



   has responded!


  From inside Skyrim Battleship!


  Everyone's eyes were on the middle position of the Sky Strike Warship!

   "Please show up!"

  The old man in the purple robe moved, and the whole person turned into a thunder and thunder, and slammed towards the sky-strike warship!




   Shen Xiaozong's celestial fairy island is shaking at this moment!


   The Cultivators held their breath horribly, because the breath released by the old man in the Purple Robe at the moment gave them only one feeling, that was deep despair! What a terrible power of avenues, what a terrible power of killing!

   This time!

   The person who killed the Sect Master of Shenxiao did not show up but also appeared!

   Before that giant palm can not kill the old man in purple robe!

  If you don’t show up to stop the old man in the purple robe, then Kunzong Dao on the Sky Strike Battleship, or Tianjianjun, will definitely be swallowed by the power of killing!



who are you!

   Crazy shouting in the hearts of the people!



  Purple mansions flash!


   Old man in purple robe!

   Ancestor of Shenxiaozong!

   Infinitely close to the ancestor of Shenxiao Sect, the Taoist ancestor!

   The head was pierced by Zimang!

   At this moment, the physical body is fixed at the place before the sky strikes the warship!


The old man in purple robe screamed a word with wide eyes, and behind the head, a purple machete suddenly got a hook like that, his primordial spirit was hooked out, and then a thrilling purple mans flash, the old man in purple robe God was swallowed by the purple scimitar!


  The old man in the purple robe fell down one step at a time to hit the ship!

   Slammed to the ground!

   Dead silence!

   Completely dead!

   Almost everyone stared at the dangling machete, and their pupil reflected only the dagger machete, and only despair was left! Before being shrouded in the breath of the old man in the purple robe, it was deeply desperate, then looking at this bizarre scimitar at this is endless despair! Under the breath of the old man in the purple robe, there may be a ray of life, so there will definitely be no vitality when being targeted by this strange scimitar!


  Purple mansions flash!

   The magical scimitar disappeared


   As soon as the magical scimitar disappeared, everyone was relieved at the scene, but when looking at the body of the ancestor of Shenxiaozong, who fell down under the Sky Strike Warship, his throats agitated, and his neck instinctively shrank back!


   is gone!

  The ancestor of the Shenxiao Sect and the Sect Master of the Shenxiao Sect are almost indistinguishable from each other.


   is still a little bit different!

   One is that the soul of the body is completely transformed into nothingness!

   One is that Yuanshen was hooked out alive and left a corpse!


   Yuanshen is gone!

   Even if the flesh remains!

   is meaningless!

at the moment!

   The most crucial point!

  What kind of person was in the warship that day, how could it be so tyrannical and so terrible, in just a few breathing time, the top fighting power of Shen Xiaozong was given to the second!


  Who is it!

When will    show up!

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