Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1336: This Xuanxian is terrible!


Wang Yin!

Lin Ma!

At the moment, his face is all white!

Cao Tianmen!

Patriarch of Medical Fairy Pavilion!

Not famous for medicine but killing!

This person is an ancestor, because a disciple of a quasi-Holy Doctrine accidentally angered him at a meeting, he killed the disciple on the spot, and went to the quasi-Holy Doctrine himself to destroy it. , And it happened that the priest and master of the quasi-holy religion pointed out that Tian Jianjun was the old friend, that time the master pointed to Tian Jianjun and forced him to retreat Cao Tianmen!

Also because of that time, there was hatred!

At this moment, Cao Tianmen came to the back hill of Tianjian Palace in person, and his blood anger was violent, and with a blast, Wang Yin and Lin Wu were deterred! At the moment, the two seemed to be in the **** prison of Senrow, surrounded by horrible creatures, and could not break free!

"Hey! The Pavilion Lord comes in person, no one will get you, and no one can save you! Master, you are also the end of the crossbow, and you can't stop Cao Pao Lord, or give up!"

Zhang Boyin laughed, in his opinion, the person who blocked Cao Pavilion Master, only at this moment had opened his eyes, pointing at Tianjianjun. However, pointing at Tianjianjun only solved the strange poison, and the Yuanshen mana consumed a great deal of energy, and could not sustain it at all. how long.

After a few moments, it means that Tianjianjun can't hold it, then everything is over!

"The Pavilion Lord came in person, indicating that Tian Jianjun would not be able to support it again. If the internal injury was held out and the cultivation was degraded, it would be more than worth the loss."

The old man Zhang Yun smiled at the moment, Cao Pavilion Master had already come, so don't worry about it. Today, referring to the immortality of the Heavenly Sword Palace, and ruining the foundations of Taoism, such a good opportunity, how can the Patriarch Lord miss it. And he and Zhang Bo made a great contribution today. After returning to the Medical Immortal Pavilion, the patriarch Lord must have a prize. I hope that the patriarch Lord can let him observe the magic instrument.

Thinking about it, the old man Zhang Yun will smile.

"Cao Tianmen... Your name is good, but it seems to be the peak ancestor's combat strength, not very powerful. You want to come in, you can try various means, I will give you some incense time to try. "

At this moment a light laughter interrupted Zhang Jia's grandson's conjecture, only to see Chen with a faint smile on his face, looking at the **** tall figure outside the door.


"Your kid is still pretending, isn't it? If it doesn't mean that Tianjianjun stopped Cao Pavilion Master, your kid was already stared to death, you dare to pose, you think you can bluff who!"

Grandpa Zhang's grandchildren drink cold!


Between Zhang Bo's cold drinks, Zhangkou spit out an excalibur and cut it off at Chen Zheng's head!

"My son hates you as a pretender, and a broken Xuanxian really feels like a big man, and my son will cut you off now!"


The Excalibur has arrived in front of Chen Zheng!

"Chen Zu be careful!"

At that moment, Lin Mao came awake, and her body stopped in front of Chen Zheng with a move, but Chen Zheng only raised her hand gently, and Lin Mao moved her body out of control!


The Excalibur hit Chen Zheng!


Lin stunned!

"Haha! The beauty saves the hero, but unfortunately this kid is not a hero, this kid is just a Xuanxian immortal! Now you die to this son, a Xuanxian immortal can die under the sword of this son, it is also the luck of your life... ..!"

Zhang Bo laughed!

It was only the lucky word that shouted, and the ending came to an abrupt halt. The Excalibur, which struck Chen Zheng, bounced back and pierced Zhang Bo's heart! Zhang Bo's eyes widened, and his flesh shattered like a clay sculpture. A Yuanshen twisted the void, and he was about to die. Zhang Yun reacted, raising his hands in amazement, offering a fairy clock, and forcibly calming down Zhang Bo Yuanshen!

"Chen Zu..."

Lin Wei dumbfounded, she understood at this moment why Chen Zu did not let herself stop that sword, because there was no need at all!


Wang Yin was also awake from Cao Tianmen's blood pressure and shock. Although he had seen Chen Zheng's means in the Destiny Tomb, he had not seen such a means, and it was also a surprise at the moment.

Chen Zu's flesh, can't he rebound his sword skills?

Is Chen Zu physically rebounding the sword skill below a certain level, or can he rebound all the sword skills? If he can rebound all the sword skills, isn't Chen Zu the natural enemy of all sword repairs in the world?

Wang Yin couldn't help blinking.


On the bamboo couch, Zhitian Jianjun, who had stood up at the moment, coughed and looked at Chen Zheng's back. At the moment, he is known as the first sword repair in this world. In addition to surprise, his eyes also showed excitement!

"Don't use a sword to cut me, it will only hurt you." Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and then said to Cao Tianmen, who had already sunk outside: "Master Cao, you still have half a column of time to try."

As soon as this sentence was said, Cao Tianmen's face was darker, and he stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, and yelled at him suddenly!


Blood evil turned dragon!

Nine blood dragons emerged behind Cao Tianmen!


The nine blood dragons roared and rammed towards the small attic, as if to tear the formation that sheltered the small attic!



The Nine Dao Blood Dragon has not really hit the small attic, but only hit the invisible formation method, it directly broke a sparse, and the small attic did not move!


Zhang Kun saw this scene, his eyebrows clenched instantly, and quickly glanced at Tian Jianjun on the bamboo couch, and then stared at Chen Zheng's face. Before, he didn't believe it, but now he believed it, and sheltered the pavilion's formation invisibly. Dharma, it was really this strange young man who secretly planted it, not that Tianjianjun secretly blocked Master Cao!


I seem to have underestimated this child!


This sub-method is weird!

Can't beat the Cao Pavilion Master!


With a thought in his mind, Zhang Kun suddenly looked at Cao Pavilion outside. Although Zhangkou didn't say anything, he could use his lips to give Cao Pavilion a plan!

"Break through? Huh! This seat is too lazy to play these things with you! Now this seat will go to kill the disciples of the front mountain of Tianjian Palace, this seat does not believe you will not come out!"

Cao Tianmen immediately understood his lip, and stared at Chen Zheng indifferently, and then turned and swept forward!


Lin Ma was shocked!

"Cao Tianmen, the master of your immortal medical fairy pavilion, a ancestor of the pinnacle, is such a poor means!"

Wang Yin was also surprised, and quickly opened his mouth to drink!

"Huh! Lao Tzu does whatever he wants. What can restrain Lao Tzu, I don't need to explain to you!"

With a sneer, Cao Tianmen turned into a blood rushing towards Qianshan!

"However, you don't deserve the name Cao Tianmen."

At the moment when Lin Wei Wang Yin was about to rush out, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and his face became indifferent at that moment. His eyes, which seemed to be colder than Tiandao, only glanced at Cao Tianmen's blood, and he heard The screaming sounded!


Cao Tianmen!

Patriarch of Medical Fairy Pavilion!

Exploded into blood mist!

A pinnacle ancestor!

Just a glance!

Fall on the spot!


Inside the pavilion!

Zhang Bo's broken Yuanshen suddenly screamed!



Yuanshen completely destroyed!

This is scared to death!

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