Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1325: You have chosen the wrong target!


How is this going!

The color of doubt in the eyes of flowers and bamboos is even stronger!



Hualin disappeared!

The flower bed also disappeared!

A landscape like a scroll of **** spread out in front of Hua Qianzhu!

It was as if the ground was stained with blood, and the corpses were wandered all over, and you could find them at a glance. Many of these corpses were monks outside the tomb of the previous destiny!


The monks below Jinxian were all destroyed!

"Chen Zu..."

As a demon emperor, Hua Qianzhu is not afraid, but feels weird. Those monks look vaguely flesh and blood, but give her a feeling of not dead!


"Aoao! No! How could I be a pig! Don't kill me! Don't kill me! My meat is not delicious!"

"Good old thing, I've been a disciple of you for twenty years, and helped you to forge this unique Taoist weapon, but you want to kill me because my refining skill level exceeds you!"


Those corpses suddenly stood up from the ground!

Make a weird cry!



All fell to the ground again!


Hua Qianzhu feels more and more weird, and can only look at Chen Zheng at this moment.

"These monks didn't die, but they all fell into reincarnation, and they probably couldn't wake up."

Chen Zheng said.

"Fall into reincarnation, if I just responded to the woman just now, would they end like them..."

Hua Qianzhu thought a little, his body shivered.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, swept towards the front, and Hua Qianzhu quickly followed. In less than ten breaths, the two came to a stone forest. Many monks had gathered in front of the stone forest, and they were all monks of various factions gathered outside the Destiny Tomb, but they had no ambitions at this moment. All frowned, staring at the stone forest in front.

The blood in the stone forest is undoubtedly the blood of the monk. At the moment there is a monk fighting above the stone forest. Only one cry is heard. One monk was beaten down by the other monk. The monk fell into the stone forest. Immediately, the blood mist exploded, and another monk was led by a fairy light and sent to the unknown land.


The monks gathered in front of the stone forest, although this is not the first time to see this scene, but still involuntarily took a breath! Once defeated, death and soul annihilation, the price is too great!

"Finally, a group of monks died. The more dead, the more comfortable this seat. You guys can continue! The rules remain the same, and the two fight against each other. Those who fall into the stone forest will die, and the winning party will be picked up. Lead to the Land of Inheritance!" At this time, a virtual shadow appeared above the stone forest, and the virtual shadow smiled and swept across the Cultivation. When he saw Chen Zheng in the last side, his face suddenly changed, but soon he again laughed and raised Hand pointing at Chen Zheng: "You still have the Banshee Emperor by your side, you two will fight together, whoever wins who will pass on to the land of inheritance! Other monks wait, wait for this boy and this Banshee to fight to death Then you will continue!"


The former monk in the stone forest turned around and saw Chen Zheng and Hua Qianzhu. He was stunned for a moment, and then at least half of them showed gloating!

"How is this kid, a mortal, going through the hell?"

"Don't care how he went through the **** hell, anyway, he will die soon!"

"I don't know if the sky is thick and thick, and death is not a pity!"

As for the other half of the monks, there was silence at the moment, and a few of them recognized the identity of Hua Qianzhu, knowing that Hua Qianzhu is the Emperor Qianzhu Demon Emperor in the ancient holly forest of Taihuangxian Dynasty Accompanying an ordinary young man into the Tomb of Destiny, the young man who seems to have no power may be the big man of the Holly Gulin demon!

"Isn't the boy heard what I said, but I haven't come to fight with the banshee emperor next to you. The seat is ready to watch the drama. Do you want to interrupt the interest of the seat!"

The virtual shadow above the stone forest saw Chen Zheng not moving, and his face sank instantly: "This Yin emperor controls the life and death of the stone forest. Although this seat can't be compared with the peak, how can there be the peak ancestors of this era, you are a mortal Do you want to rebel against this seat? Hum! Since this seat has chosen you to fight with the banshee beside you, no matter what relationship you have with the banshee, you can only fight with the banshee! Of course, if you have a relationship with the banshee The closer you are, the better you will be because of your life-and-death fight will make you more excited! Hey! My favorite thing is to play around with the world, watching you poor peasants expose all kinds of ugliness before making life and death choices!"


This Yin Huang!

It's really a pervert!

When Xiu heard this sentence, his face was darker, no wonder that this life and death stone forest would have such a rule. It turned out that it was all to satisfy the perverted thoughts of the self-proclaimed Yin Emperor!

"Young man, you'll just kill yourself! Anyway, you are a mortal, compared to this beautiful banshee emperor, that is, grass mustard!"

"If I were you, I would go straight to death!"

"To die for beauty, you are actually worth a mortal!"

There are some monks who have spoken one after another at this moment. These monks are also very simple in their minds at that moment, that is, they will face life and death choices at this moment, and they can still find some happiness from this mortal at this moment, then they must be ridiculed. Come to vent your fear of life and death!

"It's time for ten breaths, your kid dare to ignore this seat completely, and this seat can only force you kid to come by force!"

Xu Ying, who claimed to be the Yin Emperor, sneered, and grabbed Chen Zheng and Hua Qianzhu with big hands. I saw that Chen Zheng and Hua Qianzhu fell on the stone forest. At the moment, the two of them were hanging above the stone forest!

"Go ahead, don't waste time, anyway, you two are going to die! Of course, this seat is to hope that you kid will die. After all, it is a pity that this empress queen died like a flower, this beauty is still eligible to inherit. The place!"

Yin emperor smiled again!




Some monks shouted crazy at the moment!

Get started!

Chen Zheng started!

A raised hand!

Slap it out!

This slap is not against the flowers!

This slap is at the Yin Emperor!

"Haha! You are the first person who dared to take this seat in the past 100,000 years! To be honest, you look like a guy, this seat can't afford that guy, but you are definitely not that guy, so this The seat will choose you and fight this life and death with this banshee emperor, this seat is just to tease you, do you understand!"

Yin Huang laughed!



When a crisp slap sound sounded, Yin Huang couldn't laugh because he felt his power was madly passing! He looked down sharply and found that his phantom body had become nothingness!

"You! You! Are you really that guy! No! You can't be that guy! The weakest incarnation of that guy also has a saint level, you definitely can't be that guy! This seat... This seat is inherited The land is waiting for you, this seat will never let you go!"

The Yin Emperor Yuanshen roared, but unfortunately it was just a roar of incompetence. His power has passed Amidst the roars Yuanshen ran away with a swish!

"Yinhuang... It seems to be just a little bite."

Chen Zheng said lightly, at this moment two fairy lights appeared, wrapped him with flowers Qianzhu, and delivered the next moment.


Before the Shilin Cultivation, all were silent! Especially those monks who have mocked Chen Zheng, this face looks pale, and his eyes are full of horror, I just feel that I just walked in front of the ghost gate!


That kid!

How could that kid be so strong!

a slap!

With a slap, **** exploded a terrible creature in Destiny Tomb!

(End of this chapter)

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