Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1231: Come out and be beaten!


This huge area!

Suddenly silenced!

No matter the monk of Fengshen Temple, the people of Jiangdi Tower, or the creatures watching by other forces in the sky city, at this moment, I only feel deep in my dreams, as if I were in illusion!


A mortal with no power!

First kill Xuanxian Jianxiu!

I just killed another ancestor just now!

This is no longer as unbelievable!

This is already impossible!


Is this mortal a powerful monk who conceals his cultivation?

Or is there a mysterious and forceful anti-wound magic weapon in his body?

"Speaking of persuading you to be kind, you just don't believe it, something happened."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Cultivation in public!


A mortal counter-attacked an ancestor, but there was still no fluctuation. Is this kid too calm? If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. There must be something wrong!

"I... I heard that there is a magic weapon called anti-damage armor or blade armor that can bounce back damage. You... wouldn't be the kind of magic weapon wearing at least the best grade weapon ?"

A monk was a hundred steps away, quivering at this moment.

"Blade armor?" Chen Zheng heard a chuckle, and looked at the ancestral witch emperor Jiang who was suppressed by the repressing magical instrument. His right hand lifted up at will, and the magical instrument lost its charm. When it fell to the ground, Zuwu Di Jiang broke free of his restraint in an instant, sober now.

Zu Wu Di Jiang had no ears and no mouth, but it was obvious that he was looking towards Chen Zheng, and one glance, his six-footed four-wing Zu Wu body was a shock, and then a low voice call!




Ancestral witch emperor Jiang shouted a holy teacher?

After listening to the public, the color of doubt immediately appeared, and there was never a strong man named Saint in the astral world. It seems that no one in the ancient myth has a name as a Saint... Wait a minute, in the oldest myth If it really counts, isn't the master of the Zixiao Palace at the beginning of the flood just the Holy Master!

Could it be!


Everyone's eyes fixed on Chen Zheng again!

Could it be!

This child is the incarnation of the owner of Zixiao Palace!

"Holy Master... He is a Hongjun Taoist who cannot succeed!"

On the pavilion a few miles away, Nanqi, the son of the Chinese robe, looked gloomy, and now he gritted his teeth!

"It should not be, the owner of Zixiao Palace will not appear in this way, and the owner of Zixiao Palace should not come to the astral world. The star universe has no meaning for the owner of Zixiao Palace. After all, the owner of Zixiao Palace is the ancestor. "

The bald man shook his head gently.

"Wang Shenyi, did you see through him and tell me what happened to him! A mortal without any mana, followed by a little girl with no mana, followed by a woman with no mana, in the hand of the little girl There is also a little chicken with no power, just such a mortal, how could he kill the ancestor of the torture stone, is the ancestor of the torture stone fake?"

Nancy's voice was low enough to growl.

"The secret of the flesh."

The bald man returned four words.

"The secret of the flesh? No matter how strong a mortal flesh is, can it be stronger than the ancestor!"

Nancy didn't believe it.

"Bei Mingzhi is here."

The bald man did not continue to explain, only a faint sentence.


Nan Qi's eyes moved, and he looked at the fairy frame flying at low altitude, his brow locked, and he let out a soft hum.

"Chick... That's not a chick."

The bald man glanced at the wicked beast eclipse like a chick in the hand of the little demon girl, and shook his head gently.

"Miss Zhi is here!"

"The Beiming Family is here!"

"Master Nancy is here too!"

"Huh? There is a young master of the undead Wang family, the three families in the sky city are all together!"

"Have the three tribes interfered!"

With only one cry, the people of the upper three clan appeared one by one. Among them, the fairy frame of the Beimingzhi family of the Beiming family landed in front of the Jiangdi Building ten feet high. A burst of exclamation!


Recognized as the number one beauty in the astral world!

Looks like no other!

Especially a pair of eyes!

There is an indescribable charm!

Seems to see people through at a glance!

In the astral world, it is said that no one has been able to stare at Beimingzhi for more than ten breaths, and even the elder ancestors and the like can't sustain ten breaths!

"Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang called you a holy teacher, you will not really be the famous ancestor of Hongjun, the master of the famous Zixiao Palace. The Taoist characters who fit the heavens came to the astral sky city. According to the ancient law, I should wait Worship the master of Zixiao Palace."

Bei Mingzhi's beautiful face was full of curiosity at the moment, and looked at Chen Zheng several times, and a pair of eyes stared at Chen Zheng.


Have you started!

At this moment, the subconsciousness of Sky City's soul held their breath!

They knew that Beimingzhi began!

Now let's see if this young man suspected to be the incarnation of Zixiao Palace can withstand ten breaths!

Take a breath!

Two interest!

After a moment!

It's ten breaths!

The onlookers are all shocked!


More than ten breaths time!

This young man really survived ten breaths under Bei Mingzhi's gaze!


Not to survive!

But victory over Beimingzhi!


Bei Mingzhi's beautiful face even had a touch of crimson!

This... never seen before!

"Your Excellency... is the first person I met who can completely ignore my natural power. If you are really the owner of Zixiaogong, then the little girl is also convinced by mouth!"

Bei Mingzhi groaned slightly and stood up to Chen Zhengyi.

"I have never lost sight of this kind of thing. It's normal for you to lose a little girl."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

After hearing it, the public shouted at the trough, and secretly said this guy feels a little shameless!

"Is your lord really the owner of Zixiao Palace?"

Bei Mingzhi pondered and asked.

"No." Chen Zheng spoke lightly, glanced at Zu Wu Di Jiang, and then casually said: "I cover Zu Wu Di Jiang, whoever wants to suppress Di Jiang, just go towards me. By the way, secretly instructed to seal the temple Behind the scenes of attacking Jiangdi Tower, you can stand up and be beaten."


Stand up and be beaten!


This is too crazy!

Although this sentence is an understatement!

But that tone does not give people any face at all!


Too **** crazy!

If it wasn't for the first time I saw it!

I will definitely think that this young man is crazy!

"Isn't the owner of Zixiao Palace..."

Bei Mingzhi whispered, his eyes flashed, and then his gaze moved to Huaqi Youth Nanqi. Of course, which is the secretly supported force of Fengshendian, she is certainly very clear.

"Humph!" Lengheng stepped forward and stood staring at Chen Zheng indifferently at this moment: "Since he is not the owner of Zixiao Palace, there is nothing to be afraid of! Star World Sky Nanqi Nanqi, the three upper-class sword gods of the city, instructed me to be the torture stone, I am now standing up, you can move me to try!"


The eyes of all sentient beings move!

All stared over!

"You dare!"

Nancy sneered again!


Chen Zheng raised his hand!

Slap it out!

Nan Qi's flesh burst into blood mist on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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