Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1229: Nanjia plan! Zu Wu appeared!

It is said!

God eyes have power!

The way God urges is different from the way secret urges!

So this kid can kill people with his eyes!


It must be so!

This makes sense!

"It turns out that the little brother has a god's eye. I just looked away at the old man, but the little brother killed the person who sealed the temple. Although the temple is not as good as the three tribes, it is also a first-class force in the sky city. .... Little brother, let me go to Jiangdilou to hide now. I don’t hide my little brother. We also have a strong ancestor of the ancestors in Jiangdilou, but we were cursed by the strange pupil technique. The consciousness is a little sober. And the little brother has the eyes, I hope the little brother can solve the curse of the strange pupil."

Chen's thoughts changed sharply in his heart, looking at Chen Zhengdao quite sincerely.

"It seems to smell a familiar breath."

Chen Zheng did not respond to Old Man Chen, but glanced into the sky city, a smile appeared on his face at the moment.

When Old Man Chen heard it, he was puzzled.

A familiar breath?

Isn't this young man looking in the direction of Jiangdilou?

Could it be right that he just said casually just now?

Is this young man really the ethnic group of Jiangdi's landlord?

"Then... Go or not? The person who sealed the temple is definitely coming, and he will not go now. The strong man who sealed the temple will come later. I'm afraid it won't go away! But the efficiency of the temple is like today. It’s a little slow. It’s because the disciples of the former temple were killed, and the people who sealed the temple came the first time..."

Old Man Chen groaned and glanced at the huge gate with a height of more than a hundred feet at the entrance of Sky City, lowering his voice.

"You should also meet him."

Chen Zheng nodded.


Old Man Chen heard this sentence. Although there were still many doubts in his heart, he nodded immediately and applied a secret method to quickly lead the way.

"Sky City has several rules. First, it is forbidden to use any warship flying magic weapon or the like in Sky City, but any creature, no matter what kind of people, can not fly over a hundred feet high. This is a death rule. You have to obey, there are no exceptions! If you violate the rules, you will definitely die!"

"Sky City can't help killing, so there is no scattered people in Sky City, and scattered people have no room for survival! Sky City has a god's eye array, even if any street is in the corner, it can't escape the detection of God's eye! In this case, even the weak I was bullied and didn’t dare to fight back easily, because powerful forces have the resources to call God’s Eye to detect the murderer!"

"There is a main palace in the Sky City, but the name is dead. The main palace has been empty for three thousand years. It is said that when the city owner went to Hongmeng to practice the heavenly calendar, he never came back! It was said that he was killed by the powerful saint in the heaven. It was said that it caused the Heavenly Palace in Taishang Heaven, and was chopped to death by Heavenly Heaven!"

"The strongest person should be the ancestor of the undead king. He once punched a big family from a large Western world. There are also rumors that the king's ancestor of Wang Tu killed the sage without borrowing any magic weapon or something. Use his fist!"

Along the way, Old Man mentioned something else.


When you arrive in front of Jiangdi Building!

Old man Chen is ignorant!


At that moment, the Jiugonglou Pavilion, which was several hundred feet high, was already full of people. At first glance, I saw a monk lying in front of the Jiuzhonglou Pavilion. Although they were still alive, they all seemed to have been abolished!

"Seal Temple..."

Old Man Chen looked pale for a moment, and he could see clearly. The monks lying on the ground were all monks from Jiangdi Building. There is no doubt that the Fengshendian was in trouble for Jiangdi Building!

No wonder!

No wonder several monasteries in the Temple have died before!

The strong man in the temple is not showing up!

It turned out that it was all here!

Isn't the person headed the ancestor of the punishment stone that sealed the temple!

"How can this be... how can this be... how can it be suddenly difficult..."

Old Chen trembling and whispering!

"Humph! I don't believe you won't come out, I don't kill your disciples, I only abolished your disciples' cultivation practices one by one!"

A sneer!

It was that temple shrine punishment stone ancestor!

"The murderous heart!"

"No! This is not killing heart! This is more terrible than killing! What is the Sky City? What will happen if Xiu Wei is abolished? I understand it all!"


Monks watching the major forces, whispering at the moment! In fact, they did not expect that the Fengshen Temple actually fell into the nest to attack the Jiangdi Tower, and the ancestor of the Fengshen Temple seems to be forcing one to appear!

"Huh? That's really good. Wang Shenyi, haven't you ever been a woman? This woman should have strayed into Sky City. Although she is a mortal, she looks like a superb figure, or else Are you going to take her?"

In a pavilion a few miles away, a young man wearing a rich and luxurious robe gazed, noticed Luo Lan beside Chen Zheng, and then chuckled. Above this pavilion, besides him, there is another person, that is a powerful bald man of Kong Wu, a face is extremely indifferent at the moment.

"Nan Qi, I'm not interested in women, I'm only interested in boxing! You let the people of Fengshen Temple attack Jiangdi Tower to force Jiangdi Tower to open the ancestor of the mountain? As far as I know, the ancestor of Kaishan is also the oldest The ancestry of the ancestors is not arrogant, and it is impossible to threaten your sword **** Nanjia!"

The bald man called Wang Shenyi responded indifferently.

"Jiangdi Jiangdi, what is the other way around?"

The young man in Huapao laughed rather than laughed.

"Jiang Di... Di Jiang... Di Jiang! Zu Wu Di Jiang!" The bald man read out in a low voice, and his brow raised instantly: "More than two thousand years ago, the ancient times fell Ancestral Witch Emperor * Astral World, still ran out of the most mysterious ancestral ancestral land in the celestial realm! All major forces of the celestial world wanted to go to the ancestral land through the emperor Jiang, but the emperor Jiang mysteriously disappeared! The ancestor of Jiangdilou Kaishan is Dijiang. I don’t think a ancestor would be so stupid. After the incognito was buried, he also strangely created a sect related to his name!

"There is a saying that the most unsafe place is the safest place, maybe he is such a thought. I didn’t believe it, but a few days ago, the angel of the fairy land came to the sky city, and the angel of the fairy land gave us south. It is difficult for the family to refuse, so it is today's ambition."

The young man in Huapao smiled again.

"Xianyu Messenger! Humph! Nan Qi! I would like to persuade you, it is best not to get involved with those creatures, those guys are too weird!"

The bald man sneered.


at the same time!

In front of Jiangdi Building!

A red robe middle-aged man appeared!


"The first generation of landlords!"

"He is the ancestor of Jiangdi Lou Kaishan!"

In an instant!


"Huh! Jiang Di? You finally But you should be called Di Jiang, Zu Wu Di Jiang, you should show up!"

The ancestral stone ancestor of the Fengshen Temple saw the middle-aged man who appeared, and he sneered and raised his hand. I saw a magical instrument shot, and the magical light of the magical instrument flashed across the middle-aged man in red robe!


A roar!

Everyone was surprised!

The middle-aged man in red robe instantly turned into a six-legged four-winged beast!

(End of this chapter)

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