Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1218: Half-step detachment is considered tyranny

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"Passers watching chess..."

The fairy in white whispered.

Arriving in the ancestor's realm, although thousands of miles apart, in fact, every word and deed, as long as the divine thought can be known clearly. Therefore, the fairy celestial party and Chen Zheng had a dialogue with each other for thousands of miles. Apart from the visual difference, they were not much different from the face-to-face dialogue.

"Are you... not interested in Daoguo? Even if you are a reincarnation of a great person in the past, you can be severely degraded. If you get Daoguo, you can help you to resume your cultivation, not to mention all. Restoration, restoration to the ancestral realm is absolutely no problem!"

The fairy in white was silent for a moment and then spoke again. After this time, her figure moved and flew to Qiankun Mountain in an instant. With a look, he looked at Xingcha again with a little demon girl. Although her face was still cold, but the temperature was a lot calmer: "If you say it, you may not believe it. I saw this little girl at first glance, just like when I saw the palace master when he was a child In the same way, if she becomes a disciple of Qiankun Immortal Palace, we, the Master of Qiankun Immortal Palace, and the master of the palace, will definitely train her well. I said that this little girl is waiting for the master of the palace, in fact, to be a disciple of the master of the palace."

"You see you too much in your heaven and earth."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"You!" When the fairy in white heard it, she stared at Chen Zheng, and then whispered again after a few glances at Chen Zheng: "I dare not say that the Qiankun Immortal Palace is the top immortal ethics, but absolutely It is also one of the oldest and most powerful indestructible Taoism. If... if it were not for the master of the palace to practice a mysterious method and there were some problems, the Qiankun Immortal Palace would not be self-proclaimed in this moon. But the palace Lord Master woke up this time and should be able to completely eradicate the sequelae of the mysterious law and cultivate it to restore its peak. When Master Palace Master is the strongest, it is the era of overlord level. You should know what situation it is. What situation is it!"

The fairy in white stared at Chen Zheng!


White wolf!

Lu Chuxue!

Lu Guitu!

Ancestor Qiankun!

At this moment, they all looked at Chen Zheng!

Because they are also curious about how strong Chen Zu used to be!

Although the old ancestor of Qiankun had followed Chen Zheng for a while, he did not know how strong Chen Zheng really was. He also wanted to know the answer at this moment!

The little demon girl also looked at Chen Zheng, her eyes blinked, and she seemed curious!

"Era Overlord, your Qiankun Immortal Palace is indeed qualified to be called the top immortal Taoism, but that's it."

Chen Zheng replied in a nonchalant way.

"That's it?" When the fairy in white heard it, her brows flickered again, and her thoughts flashed in her heart, staring at Chen Zheng and asking again: "The indestructible Taoism with the era overlord is just like that in your eyes. Just ask, what kind of creatures can be regarded as tyranny in your eyes!"


Where is the era overlord?

It seems that I haven't heard it before!

The white wolf only reacted at this time, glanced at Lu Guitu, and saw the doubts in Lu Guitu's eyes. In fact, he and Lu Guitu and Lu Chuxue, in fact, had never heard of Epoch Overlord!

Qian Kun’s ancestors had heard about it, but at this moment, his attention was all on Chen Zheng. He also wanted to know, in the end, what kind of realm in Chen Zu’s eyes could be considered a tyranny!

"Remove in half a step."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

Half step detachment?

The white wolves were stunned, and Qiankun's ancestors agitated for a while.

"You!" The fairy in white shuddered and stared at Chen Zheng again for a few times. The naked eye saw that her heart was undulating and choppy, and it took a moment to calm down. The fairy in white shook her head for a while, staring at Chen Zhengdao: "Half-step detachment, that's a realm that all beings in the world can only look up to, even the master of our palace of Qiankun Immortal Palace can only look up. The creatures in that realm, according to me As far as I know, between today and the world, I am afraid that only the lord of the Hongmeng era is that situation. Then in your eyes, only the lord of the Hongmeng robber is considered to be tyrannical. Don’t you think that the standard of tyranny is too high? Is it a bit?"

Fairy in white!

She is not sure what Chen Zheng is coming from!

It's just a matter of fact that Chen Zheng is just a fairy!

But Xingcha is at least one treasure, she saw it at a glance!

Another point she also saw that the little demon girl was very extraordinary. At the first sight of the little demon girl, she wanted to send the little demon girl into the fairy palace, but after she had no results, she understood that the young man in the fairyland was Qiankun Mountain. The backbone of these people!

"The overlord of the era can't hurt me. The half-step detachment may hurt me. You ask me what I think is a tyranny. I think it can be a tyranny if I can hurt it. Do I have a problem with the definition of tyranny?"

Chen Zheng asked back.


A few people in White Wolf are a little ignorant!


The fairy in white, Qin Yin, was stunned and could not speak for a while, but more was uncertain! In front of him, it was said that the overlord of the era could not hurt him, and it was possible to hurt him in half a step beyond the border. Is this true or false!

If ordinary people say it, Qin Yin will not believe it, only think that a fairy fairy is blowing, but she secretly urged the secret method in an instant, trying to see through Chen Zheng with the secret method, but her thoughts almost collapsed, In other words, she has actually gone between life and death!

What is the origin of this child?

Qin Yin was silent for a while!


At this time!

Among the giant mountains rising from the ground!

Suddenly came a loud noise!

"Be careful!"


"what is that!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a cry of The next moment saw the blood glance, the monk's wailing sounds one after another, and then a **** phantom emerged, and the **** phantom emerged from the previous world's **** bird. The shadow is almost exactly the same, the only difference is that the ghost of the blood-colored **** bird at this moment is terrifying and terrifying, as if to destroy all beings in this world!


The white wolf glanced in the direction of the giant mountain, and his eyes flashed in horror. It saw an ancestor from the outside world, and one face was ripped apart by the ghost of the **** **** bird!

"Miss Qin let these creatures seize Dao Guo, in fact, there was no Dao fruit in the mountain of martyrdom, but a seal of the evil **** beast. Qin girl let these monks deal with the evil **** beast. These monks are afraid that they will all be martyred."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"You... all know!"

The fairy in white dress Qin Yin shivered slightly.

"I can't hide Chen Zu's eyes." Qian Kun's ancestor whispered. At this moment, the black light flashed on his body and turned into a human form. He took a deep look at the white fairy Xian Yin: "The figure who came to Qiankun Mountain a hundred years ago is you. , I don’t know what you want to do, but since I’m the master of the universe, I won’t make it an infernal world.”

"Qiankun Xiangong...The reason for changing the world is because a big person is sealed in the world of Qiankun. Qiankun Xiangong wants to wake up that big man! And that big man is related to the ancestor who founded Qiankun Xiangong. It is very likely that he is a descendant of the blood of the patriarch. The palace master wants to know who the patriarch is!"

Qin Yin gritted his teeth and said it!

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