Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1199: Ancestral Devil's Pit

Chen Zheng was not afraid of the rashness of the future masters, but only for the layout of future wars. He is not a ruthless and innocent person, if one day is naive against the artificial little doll, he will solve it in the simplest way.

Of course, Xiaohua wants to turn his back on the premise that he can break free from the cantilever of the universe. On this point alone, I am afraid that a little doll can't do it. It's not that Chen Zheng looks down on the little dolls of man-made, but that the extraterrestrial artifact such as the universe cantilever is too strong. However, the universe cantilever has the rule of complete reincarnation, and even more than one major reincarnation.

Chen Zheng pointed at the little demon girl, Qinglian phantom disappeared.

"Master Patriarch, the Nanluo Xianting Chen Clan, stealing the secret method passed to him by his grandfather. Although Nianluo, the first Xianchen Niantian and Chen Qiandi, were all destroyed, but the Chen Clan is still there. ...."

Feng Niang thought a little, and now slightly bowed his head and whispered.

"Nan Luo Xianting Chen Clan? Let the blue bird go!"

Jade Bird looked cold and asked for help.


Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"The blue bird has wiped out the dust clan!"

When the blue bird worshipped, it turned into a green mountain, and crossed a large area in the blink of an eye.


"That blue light is!"

"Qingguang seems to be in the direction of Xianjing, Xianjing is the royal family of the Chen... that blue light just now was nothing!"

In the ancient city of Qinglian, many monks saw the blue light, and subconsciously began to guess, suddenly thought of a little, his face changed, and his eyes were horrified!

"The Dust Clan... it's over!"

In a restaurant, Cang Xuanzong's old man Li is drinking wine with the middle-aged man of Zijia. At the moment, his body trembles and whispers!

"Provoked big people who shouldn't provoke!"

The middle-aged man in Zijia also whispered!

Then in this restaurant, all the monks were silent, all looking at the direction of Nanluo Xianjing. Many people had a strong impulse in their hearts at the moment, that is, go to Nanluo Xianjing to see!


There is no guts in thief!


The second day.


"Xianjing was robbed, the dust clan was destroyed overnight!"

"The blue bird, the patron saint of the dust clan, came down last night and wiped out the dust clan! My mother, it is said that the Sakura Dragon Devil Palace was destroyed by people not long ago, and now Nanluo Xian Ting is also destroyed by people. Has something happened? Is it the first ancestral devil to be destroyed next!"


A message shocked the ancient magic pit!

It is not only in the territory of Nanluo Xianting, but the demon or man-devil in the Northern Spirit Realm was also greatly shaken, because not long ago, it can even be said that in less than twelve hours, the Yinglong Demon Court and Nanluo Xingting They were all destroyed!

"It's a werewolf!"

"What do we mean by werewolf? Isn't it ruthless?"

"Sorry to be wrong, this is too ruthless, directly destroy Nanluo Xianting! Is that person still in the ancient city of Qinglian?"

"It's gone, I don't know where I went!"

"The ancestral devil pit must be the ancestral devil pit! Yesterday, the king of the land mentioned the magician. There is only one magician in the ancient devil world, that is, the immortal devil sleeping deep in the ancestor's devil pit!"

In the ancient city of Qinglian, I saw the monks of that scene yesterday. There was a lot of discussion at this moment, and all eyes were looking towards the direction of Dengxianlou, but Dengxianlou had already been empty.

at the same time.

Outside the ancestral pit.

"The magic pit has changed!"

"Retreat! Everyone retreat!"

"What is that, is there an ancient demon of the ancestor level to be born!"

With a cry of exclamation, the figures retreated like crazy!


Mo Mang flash!

Originally, there was a black deep hole before the ancestral devil pit. At this moment, the black deep hole was completely blocked by the majestic devil qi. At the next moment, the huge devil qi condensed a huge demon face, facing the outside of the ancestral devil pit. Those who seek opportunities are a roar: "The ancestral devil pit is completely closed, and no matter whether it is a human or a demon or other races, it can now roll! Within ten breaths, I don’t want to see anything alive in this seat. , Otherwise don’t blame the ruthlessness of this block! This ancient devil is taking the sun, and by the orders of the immortal magician, guard the entrance to the devil pit!

The ancient devil shines!

That huge demon face calls itself the ancient devil!

At this moment, we must expel all the creatures outside the ancestral devil pit!

"Why...wasn't it good before, didn't it give an opportunity in the ancient devil pit every once in a while!"

Someone can't help asking!


The huge demon face stared at him!


The monk was too late to scream, and it disappeared on the spot, leaving no trace!


The rest of the creatures saw this scene and instantly disappeared!



Almost at the same time!

A clear voice came from the southwest!

The next moment saw a huge blue bird coming from the wind!


Those retreating creatures raised their heads at the moment and saw the huge blue bird that covered half of the sky, first stunned, then stopped all, and instantly thought of a little!


The blue bird of Nan Luo Xian Ting!

The royal family of the Nanluo Xianting Chen family happened to be destroyed last night!

At this moment, the person who is driving the bluebird is to destroy the behind-the-scenes hand of Nan Luo Xianting!


But how do you feel something is wrong!

The barefoot woman in the red dress on the back of the blue bird seems to be the ancestral lady!

But another young man cultivated... How to cultivate a talented wonderland!

As for the other little girl, it is negligible!

"What combination is this?"

"The ancestral lady is the black hand behind the scenes?"

"do not know!"


Between the guesses of the public huge blue bird landed in front of the ancestral devil pit. Chen Zheng took the little girl like a walk in the court, under the huge magic face and the eyes of the public, step by step.

Seeing this scene, the Cultivator was even more puzzled, and secretly said in his heart, why is the Wind Lady also an ancestral demon, why is she following the young man in the Celestial Realm like a maidservant at this moment?

"It's him, it should be him! I'm from Cang Xuanzong. I got the news from Shimen. I knew all about what happened in the ancient city of Qinglian yesterday. He took Tianxianxiu as an example and destroyed Nanluo yesterday. Nine days of Xianting's first fairy dust!"

A disciple of Cang Xuan School was present, and at this moment lowered his voice.

"Tianxian destroys Daozu? This...I listen to it as a joke, how is this possible!"

"Is the rumor about the ancient city of Qinglian still true?"

All kinds of sounds!

Cultivation is more doubtful!

Some of them have learned from the Zongmen that what happened in the ancient city of Qinglian yesterday, but now that they saw the young man with their own eyes, they are hard to believe that a heavenly immortal can really kill Daozu!


The creatures of this level are just cannon fodder in the ancient devil pit!


That is already the most top level creature!

Heavenly ancestors annihilated

That's really exaggerated!

If it is not what you saw!

It's really hard to believe!

"Why did you come!"

In front of the ancestor's devil pit, the huge demon face swept across the blue bird, swept the wind lady, swept the little demon girl, and finally stared at Chen Zheng.

"Come to cut the immortal mage."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and responded.


Those creatures who had previously withdrawn to a distance heard!

Instant uproar!

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