Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1165: Shivering like a ant!


   What does that mean!

The ancient gods in the Ancestral God City listened, but at the moment, looking at the ghost image of the female behind the little demon girl, they also felt a transcendent breath, and I don’t know why. A thought that needs to pay homage to that woman!

This feeling!

   is really strange!


  The flash of divine light, the female phantom with the same appearance behind the little demon girl, entered the body of the little demon girl, the pure white and flawless eyes of the little demon girl also returned to normal, and the small face returned to the somewhat dull state before.

The ancient gods were silent, and after a moment of silence in the golden mask, they suddenly looked at Chen Zheng again: "Yan Yu is my disciple. I made the ancestor God Shouyuan come in advance through Yan Yu. This is also the reason why the ancestor God confessed himself! Since I can let the ancestral **** Shouyuan limit come ahead of time, there are ways to resolve the ancestral god's Shouyuan limit! Maybe you can unlock the ancestral **** Shouyuan limit at the peak, but you can't do it now, so I and I You come to a deal! You let me take this little girl, I can guarantee that this girl will be raised like a biological daughter, and I can help the **** of ancestors to resolve the Shouyuan grand limit now!"

   "Shouyuan Great Limit!"

   "The ancestor of the ancestor God's Shouyuan Great Limit turned out to be you...!"

   "If the Shou Yuan's robbery is resolved, wouldn't Lord Zu Shen continue to control Zu Shen City!"

   A group of ancient gods looked dark first, and then their eyes lit up! I thought that the ancestral **** would fall in the near future, because the life limit is very difficult to continue life, and there are only a few kinds of holy things in the world that can continue life!

   Now listen to this mysterious guy who claims to be Jin Zun, Lord Ancestral God is still saved! Just one thing, can this guy really believe it!

   "You are too worthy of yourself."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly, lifted a pale blue mysterious light in his right hand, and flew into the body of the desolate **** who had been dying on the ground.

   In just a few blinks, the **** of God who had no strength before opening his eyes opened his eyes at this moment and also got up from the ground. When the **** of abandonment saw Chen Zheng for a moment, a face stunned, and then he suddenly fell on his knees and said: "God of the **** of abandonment meets the Lord!"

   A group of ancient gods in the ancestral **** city, this moment was silent for a few moments of time, and they almost bowed to Chen Zheng in unison: "Well see the Great Commander!"

"The power of the avenue... You used to control the power of the avenue, but it's useless to save a little desolate god. This little desolate **** can't change any situation whether it's life or death!" Golden Mask Man I glanced at the desolate **** and stared at Chen Zheng again: "The terrible murderous thing my my uncle has transformed, at most half of the incense stick time, will break free from the seal of Shenmodu, and you can only suppress it when you were at its peak. Sealing him and killing him will not kill you. Now you are afraid that Tianxianxiu can’t even suppress him! I also know that my uncle can’t kill you, but what about the ancestor God God and other creatures? If you let me take this girl, I will not only help You resolve the calamity of the ancestral **** Shouyuan, and I will help you suppress my dear uncle and help you strengthen the seal!"


  The **** of wildness showed doubt, and he was awake, not knowing the identity of the golden mask person.

  Chen Zheng caught the little demon girl, and the little demon girl flew to Chen Zheng, and the little demon girl grabbed Chen Zhengyi's corner subconsciously.

"Are you really not giving face to this seat at all, this seat is also the golden lord of the half-step era, and it is also the lord of the pilgrimage! Although this seat can't kill you, you can't kill this seat, this is this seat Dao will follow you afterwards, where you will follow wherever you go! Even if you practice with a woman, this seat can be watched aside, this will sticks to you like a plaster, and you can do nothing. This seat! Think about it, take a little girl for the life of the ancestors, and for the life of the souls of Qingtian ancient stars, how can you make money!"

  Golden mask man Shen Sheng shouted with a deep voice!

   lying trough!

  A group of ancient gods heard this sentence and couldn't help but swear!

   This Nima!

   This guy who claims to be a golden person is also an identity person anyway!

   Actually so shameless!


  Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at Jin Zun, but only shouted lightly.

   "Daddy is here!"

   A milky milky voice responded instantaneously. I saw You Mang flash, and a stone egg appeared! When the creatures saw this scene, they were dumbfounded for a moment. This Nima called the chieftain a daddy as a dad. Is this stone egg the daughter of the chieftain!

   As soon as the little demon girl saw Stone Egg, she was a little timid hiding behind Chen Zheng, and she seemed to feel the extraordinaryness of Stone Egg immediately!

   "This is... the daughter of the Great Commander?"

  Fragrant God was stunned for a while, and couldn't help asking. If it is really the daughter of the great commander, it is equal to the elder lady of the ancestral city. If the ancestor **** master knows that the great commander has a daughter, he will definitely be very happy.

   "There are still fakes!"

  The sound of milk and milk gas in the stone egg sounded again, and then flew to Jin Zun in a swish!

   " are you!"

  Jun Zun felt something was wrong, Shen Sheng asked!

   "Did you want to resist as a barely qualified food? Huh! Dare to ask if you are eaten, really add drama to yourself!"

   Milky voice Milky voice sounded again.

   "Food? Barely qualified? Do you want to swallow this will! Hum! You want to swallow a stone egg? Joke! Heavenly laugh...!"

Although Jinzun felt something was wrong, he didn't think a stone egg could swallow his own incarnation of volition, so he laughed when he opened his mouth, but he still swallowed the stone egg, and Jinzun was swallowed in an instant. !

this moment!

  The **** of waste and other ancient gods opened their mouths instantly!

   Eat... Eat?

  Is this golden egg really eating the golden mask?

   "Huh? Dad, Dad, this barely qualified food tastes good!"

  The sound inside the stone egg sounded again, and then it turned into a ghost and flew into Chen Zheng's roar! "

   At this moment, a roar came from above the ancestral city, and the ancient gods such as Wild God raised their heads violently. When they looked up, they saw a distortion of time and space, and then a figure came!

   Golden mask!

   is another golden mask!

   The second incarnation of Jinzun comes!

"Who is that? Who is that! What kind of life is born in the stone egg, this seat needs to know who she is! And this time you don't let her devour this seat anymore, without this seat you can never save Got the ancestor! Without this seat, you can’t suppress my uncle!

   Jinzun's second will incarnation stared at Chen Zheng growl!

   "Have you heard of too prime?"

   Chen Zheng said lightly. After saying this sentence, he plundered into the depths of the Zu Shen City with the little demon girl. The desolate **** groaned slightly, and turned into a divine light to catch up.

   "Too prime?"

   "Who is that?"

   "Do you want to command the daughter's name?"

   Other ancient gods whispered doubts.

   As for Jinzun's second will incarnation, after Chen Zheng asked casually, he was froze in place, and he was trembling at the moment!

"Too prime... congenital five gods... another god... who are you... how can you be followed by two gods... .. who the **** are you..."

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