Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1145: Boy, your magic weapon is good!

To the east of Guichendao.

There is a vague land filled with magical energy. There is a dull mountain standing on the void, and a huge demon stands on the top of the dull mountain. This is the famous Tianmo Mountain in the world of the Futu.

The world knows that Heavenly Demon is difficult to tangle, and even knows that Heavenly Witch, the Lord of Heavenly Demon Mountain, is a primitive Heavenly Demon Girl, so basically no one in the world of Futu will actively provoke Heavenly Witch, nor will he come to attack Heavenly Demon Mountain.

But now!

There is only half of the giant golem on the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain, and the upper half is like being cut off by some terrible magic weapon. On a normal day, there is no possibility that there is a warship suspended above the Heavenly Demon Mountain. At this moment, there is also a huge war The boat is floating!



Tianmo Mountain shakes!

It was two old men blasting out giant palms, bombarding Tianmo Mountain wildly, covering the enchantment of Tianmo Mountain, which was originally as solid as the magical energy of rolling, and there was only a thin layer of nothingness at this moment!

"Sky Witch, I made it up to see you as your blessing, not to mention this area of ​​the world of Futu, even if it is in the land of the Heavenly Devil, I am going to catch you, and the original Heavenly Devil must obediently hand you over! Women do not dare to be interested, only interested in interracial women between heaven and earth, and choosing you as my first woman, you should feel more honored!"

On the huge warship above, a 15- to 16-year-old boy dressed in a golden robe looked down at the moment and looked down at Tianmo Mountain Road: "Don’t be brave anymore, no one can save you. Your disciple will be released! I know that you just sent one of your disciples out of the secret method. You want that disciple to invite someone to save you, right? Oh! I could have stopped your disciple, but She didn’t stop her, but she did it on purpose! Your apprentice invited the saints from this world, and I don’t mind slaughtering a saint!


This tone of expression is really a lifetime!

Not at all like a 15-year-old boy!



At this time!

The giant palms of the two old men slammed again, and the layer of thin enchantment that shone down to cover the Demon Mountain was destroyed!

"Haha! The enchantment has been broken, Xuanhuang is old, except for the Sky Witch, all the men and women are killed! Sky Witch, this is the result of toasting and not eating and drinking, and it is also my first lesson! "

The young man on the battleship immediately burst into laughter, then looked cold, his eyes indifferent!


The two old men, called Xuanhuang Erlao, were ordered to plunge into the dark palace in front of the half-colossus at the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain, and at this moment, a loud noise came from above!



"Damn! What's wrong with this tower!"

Hundreds of exclamations in an instant!


Then there was the sound of shattering and screaming!


A huge pagoda hit the huge warship with terrifying blood, and the huge warship was smashed on a single face. Originally, there were more than 500 people on the warship. Only a few dozen people left in a blink of an eye. , The rest were all smashed into blood mist!


"Master, are you okay!"

Xuanhuang two old horrified, swept up, blocked in front of the young Jinpao!


"This pagoda is the treasure!"

"It's because the saints in this world shot!"

Dozens of people swept across the vast pagoda, perceiving the majestic blood and gas, and their faces gloomed down instantly!

"Treasure? Sage? Hum! Really looking for death! Xuanhuang Er old gave up, let me suppress him!" Jin robe boy's childish face was full of anger at the moment, ordered Xuan Huang second old to block in front of him He stared fiercely at the pagoda, his hands were sealed, and a divine light shot out of his eyebrows. The young boy in Jinpao grabbed the stone slab and shouted again at the pagoda: "The people inside rolled out on their own. I will give you a chance to show your face. I will send you on the road when the face is done!"


Inside the pagoda, a light laughter came out, and then the light flashed, and four figures appeared! These four figures are one man and three women, it is Chen Zheng and Bai Muer, Bai Mei, Diao Chan three daughters!

"Huh? One man and three women?"

"A fairy? That woman in red is a witch of heaven!"

"The other two women... seemed to have little success except for their good looks? No one of them was a saint! It’s not a saint who would dare to take the treasure to hit Master’s Qitian warship, but it’s really brave. Big!"


Dozens of eyes stared at the past!

In fact, there are more than dozens of eyes. At this moment, in the huge palace at the top of Tianmo Mountain, Tian Witch, Yin Xue, and all the disciples of Tian Mo Mountain have all looked at it!

"Bang Biao Biao, uncle, you are here to save your niece, the niece is so touched and happy! The niece is not a reward, just meet in person!"

Heavenly witch's loud voice sounded!

"Uncle? Are you the uncle of the Celestial Witch? Why haven't I heard that the primal Celestials have brothers!" The Jinpao boy frowned, his eyes flashed coldly, and then snorted: "No matter what you come from, you have destroyed the treasure. My Qitian battleship, then you should die! Your face is now exposed, and you should be on your way! As for my name, your celestial ants are not qualified to know, and I will not tell you! "

With a cold hum!

A raised hand!

Jinbei Juvenile sacrificed the ancient slate!


The ancient slate blasted Chen Zheng with a more ancient atmosphere than the eight floating towers!



Xuanhuang Erlao sneered!


At this moment, the young man snorted again!

In the eyes of Xuanhuang Er and Juvenile, no matter what the men and women are in front of them, no matter what the treasure of the pagoda is, they will be suppressed by the stone slab in an instant!


The slate is much bigger than the treasure head!

"Your treasure? It's just an eternal creation, but my magic weapon is the ultimate creation! Oh! You guys should be the first to hear about eternal creation and ultimate creation!"

The slate had already slammed in front of Chen Zheng, and the teenager hummed again, his eyes full of disdain!

"Your magic weapon is really good."

At the next moment, Chen Zheng smiled at the young man, and lifted his right hand to grab it at random. That ancient stone slab with a huge force, and fell into Chen Zheng's hand!


Up and down Tianmo Mountain!

Crowds were stunned!

Catch... Catch?


A fairy!

Grab it and grab the terrible magic weapon!


The teenager was stunned for a yelled suddenly!


Chen Zheng's stone slab instantly released a majestic force. He seemed to want to get rid of Chen Zheng's hand. He smiled lightly and wiped it at will, and the majestic power disappeared at once!


Jinpao teenager opened his mouth with blood spouting, covering his heart at this moment, glaring at Chen Zheng: "You bastard, dare to erase my brand!"

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