Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1048: Mrs. Yan: Excuse me!


   A smirk!

   A woman came out of the rolling waves!

   is different from other ancient demonized women. This woman barefoot fell on the deck of the amethyst Yingluo ship!

   "Mrs. Yan!"

   Inside the cabin!

   Purple and blue brows are locked!

   Although he was only a deacon in the Amethyst Saint Clan, he was also an ancestor, but even an ancestor only looked at the woman who had fallen on the deck, he also felt that the blood in his body began to burn!

   Yingluo boat!

   This is the treasure!

  Treasure has extremely strong defense!

   So even if it is terrifying, the thunder and thunder and lightning is terrible, it can't shake the Yingluo boat for half a minute. The women who were transformed by the ancient demon before can only hook the boy's soul outside the deck!


Mrs. Yan is different!

   This woman ignored the defense of Yingluo Ship!

   fell right next to the young man at this moment!

   Sure enough!

   The rumors are true!

   There was really a saint who had been told by Mrs. Yan in the river of longevity. She was sucked up by Mrs. Yan and repaired, and she finally fled in embarrassment!

   "Mrs. Yan..."

   Now in the cabin, the only woman who is less affected is the woman wearing the veil, because she is a woman. But when she looked at Madam Yan more, she also felt a little unbearable.

   Then she looked at Chen Zheng and saw that Chen Zheng was still unmoved, and she couldn't help but secretly said, is it true that as the Dou Xian Patriarch said, this son is not interested in women?

   "Where is the younger brother, the younger brother will come to Changshenghe for the first time. Is the younger brother going to the amethyst ancestral ancestral land? Will the younger brother go to the happy hall of the slave house for a short time?"

  Mrs. Yan opened her mouth, and four little brothers started.

   The sound of obsession!

  Hook your soul!

   is at least three levels stronger than the obsessive voices of the girls transformed by the ancient demon!


   Inside the cabin!

   Purple and blue open mouth is blood spewing out!

   His ancestor couldn't stand this charm at the moment, he sat directly on the floor, shutting the outside world with his eyes closed!

Although Mrs. Yan can ignore the defense of the Yingluo ship, this woman knows that she can’t afford the Amethyst saints no matter how strong she is, and she dares to take the kid outside at most, so as long as she stays in the Yingluo ship, as long as the Yuanshen cut off the outside world , If you don’t go to see the woman, then naturally nothing will happen!


The veiled Yingge sees that the deacon of the Amethyst Saint Clan has resisted the charm of Madam Buyan, and her heart is shaken. She looks out again. Madam Jianyan has been attached to Chen Zheng like a snake spirit, subconsciously. Just one, I was a little worried about Chen Zheng.


  Chen Zheng still did not move like a stone carving!

   "Eternal Elysium... Woman, did your master not remind you, some people should not provoke."

   And the next moment!

   Yingge heard Chen Zheng's voice!


What does    mean?

   At this moment, except for Chen Zheng, only Yingge was conscious, and Yingge was stunned when he heard this sentence. And the ancient demon and ancient demon who appeared in the Changsheng River were shocked to hear this sentence.

  What does this kid mean?

  Listen to the tone of this kid to know the master of Mrs. Yan?

   But this kid is a human race in a true fairyland!

"..." Mrs. Yan had already been attached to Chen Zheng. At this moment, her body shivered slightly, and she immediately withdrew a step back. The charming face became very cold and looked at Chen Zheng again. After a few eyes, he tentatively asked: "The younger brother recognized the secret of slavery cultivation at a glance. It seems that he has seen the master of the slavery. The younger brother is from Tai..."

Madam   Yan did not finish her words, leaving a word.

   "Why don't you ask your master."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"..." Mrs. Yan stunned, looked at Chen Zhengshu again, and then closed her eyes. After a few breathing hours, Mrs. Yan opened her eyes violently, her face fascinated After coming down, he took a deep breath and bowed to Chen Zheng: "The slave family already knows who the son is, and I have many disturbances today. This is Ying Luo Guo, who has grown in the Changsheng River for 100,000 years. The son can take the amethyst saint ancestor. Dangduo congratulations, although Luo Luoguo is not a great treasure, but after taking it, a woman can keep her face for 100,000 years! My son...If you want to know some other things, wait for you to come back from the Amethyst Saint Family After that, you can come to the Happy Hall of the Nu Family to sit."

  The sound of the words fell!

Madam    Yan gave a little salute to Chen Zheng!


  Mrs. Yan jumped up and took the other women transformed by the ancient demon, and fell into the stormy waves!



   Jingtao is here!

   Thunder and lightning are here!

   Those ancient demons are also there!

   "Boy... How about I exchange a piece of Celestial Fine Crystal for your Luo Luo Guo?"

  After a moment of silence, the ancient demon spoke.

"I hid a unique Taoist implement, and I exchanged it for the Luoguo fruit! That unique Taoist implement is named Dari Haotian Hammer. With Haotian Hammer, you can do everything under the saint. Hammering! Maybe you used to be a great power, but now you are just a real fairy. Ying Luoguo is useful for women, not much for you. Haotian Hammer is just for you!"

   There was another ancient demon opening, and he took out a unique Taoist tool with one stroke, saying that he wanted to change Chen Zheng's Ying Luoguo.

   "You shouldn't be interested in the secret method. I can exchange it for a different treasure, which contains a small thousand-world spirit field. You have that different treasure and you can farm it with you!"

  Another ancient demon spoke again.


   It was also at this time that Zi Lan opened his eyes in the cabin, seeing that Mrs. Yan and the ancient demon had all left, full of doubts. When he saw the powerful ancient monsters in the river of longevity, he was even more puzzled when he was doing a deal with Chen Zheng.

   Just a while ago, when the Yuanshen cut off the outside world, what happened? That kid could resist Mrs. Yan’s charm?

"Not interested in."

   At this time, Chen Zheng said lightly on the outside deck.

The ancient demon looked down at, and the ancient demon with the breath of the peak ancestor suddenly gritted his teeth: "It is better to go to the amethyst ancestor, right, you definitely need A strong servant helps you get some things. I am the pinnacle ancestor. I dare not say that you are rampant in the amethyst ancestral ancestor land, but it’s okay to help you get through the barriers! Lord, for ten thousand years...I will listen to you within one hundred thousand years! You can rise quickly if you have a servant like me! Think again, if you have my help, you go to Amethyst The holy clan ancestral land was seen by the Miss Tianjiao, you are the son-in-law of the amethyst holy clan, it is not generally developed, it is going to heaven!"


  Zilan heard this sentence and snorted!

son in law?

   quite the son-in-law of the amethyst saint?

   Those ancient demons are really thinking too much!

   That kid is not eligible to be the son-in-law of the amethyst saint even if he became an ancestor!


  Mrs. Yan even gave this kid a 珎珞果, but it was weird!

   "Son-in-law? That's impossible."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"It's a bit of self-knowledge!" Zilan sneered. He thought Chen had the self-knowledge, so he said in an elder tone: "Boy, I kindly remind you that Ying Luoguo's greatest use is not to stay in the face, Ying Luoguo is to live forever. Shou Yuan Fu Guo born in the river. The Ying Luo Guo in your hand can grow at least 100,000 years old. Some of these ancient demons are about to reach the end of their life, and they want to change the Ying Luo Guo in your hand!"

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