Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1038: You made a mistake

  White Dragon!

   Tomb King!

   Never heard before!

   But you can be sure!

   Both the White Dragon and the Tomb King are creatures above the Ten Pillar Demon God!

  Now such two powerful and surviving souls who have fallen from the sky call Feiya as His Royal Highness, thus speculating that Feiya's identity is no different!

Originally, there were no creatures above the Ten Pillars before the Great Abyss. It used to be believed that there were no creatures above the Ten Pillars. Today, there are at least four creatures above the Ten Pillars. This is because their level is too low. Is it unqualified to reach that level of life?

   Many demons are sighing in their hearts.

   "It's over, Aunt Feiya is so big, I will definitely be better than Aunt Feiya!"

   Little girl Jasmine thought differently. She thought of another aspect. She had vowed secretly before that she would have to surpass Feiya in any aspect of growing up.

   But now!

  The creatures above the ten pillars shall call Feiya His Royal Highness!

   This daughter of the Ten Pillar Demon God is not enough to watch!


   The little girl sighed with a sigh!

   "The door of introduction is present for His Royal Highness. His Highness has been out for so many years and he should go back."

   Bailong spoke again.

   "Homecoming is a dream. The door to homecoming today is now alive. Bailong and I can also go home."

   Tomb King whispered.

   But Feiya did not respond, Feiya only looked at Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng was standing in the air, and behind him 33 basic source demon flashes. At this moment, with a hint of curiosity on his face, he looked at Bailong and the tomb king: "Is the two eyes slightly problematic, or are these things behind me insufficient? In order to threaten the two? Furthermore, Feiya is my disciple, Feiya does not want to go to other places, the two still do not force."


  Bailong's eyes moved to Chen Zheng, his brow furrowed slightly.

"The source pillar behind you is the power lent to you by the door of homecoming, not your own power. This power originally belonged to His Royal Highness, but His Highness is just not yet awakened. Your physical body is a level with our physical body, you may It’s a reincarnation of powerful creatures from a certain era in this universe, but the power of the original pillar does no harm to us, because our strength characteristics and the strength characteristics of the original pillar come from the same source."

   Tomb King looked at Chen Zheng and shook his head lightly.


and so!

  This white dragon, like the tomb king and the old witch, came from the same place? By the way, there is Miss Feiya, who is also from that place!

   The hearts of the demons moved and thought of this!

   "His Royal Highness, please enter the door of access!"

  Bailong didn't look at Chen Zheng anymore, he kneeled down to Feiya for a while!

   The entrance door in his mouth is a huge metal ring like eclipse. Chen Zheng called it the gate of fortune, but Feiya still has no fluctuations. She only looked at Chen Zheng and she only listened to Chen Zheng's orders.

"His Royal Highness, you sneaked out, and Emperor Guangming sent me and Bailong to find you. Some accidents happened when Bailong and I came out. They were stared at by the supreme power of this world and this era, and were sent to a There is a place called Taixu. There are a lot of powerful creatures, but the most powerful creatures there are one level worse than the peak of His Majesty Emperor Guangming. So your Highness, no matter what, you can only Going back, no one in this world can block His Majesty the Emperor Guangming, even if this young man is eligible to be taken home by the door of return."

   Tomb King also looked at Feiya, and his voice was deeper.

Emperor Guangming?

   Who is that then?

   In front of the land of Yuanzu!

   A group of demon gods showed a confused look!

  Because I have never heard the name of Emperor Guangming!


   God of Burning Heaven and White Succubus looked at each other, and both of them could only shake their heads. Whether it is Bailong or the tomb king, the two can't deal with one of them together, so they can only look at Chen Zu.

Fen Tianfei glanced at Chen Zheng quickly. Seeing Chen Zheng with a faint smile on his face, he understood it in his heart. Although Bailong and the Tomb King are extremely arrogant, and they may also have a big beginning, but in Chen Zu's eyes, it does not constitute Any threats!

  Chen Zu!

   can still control everything!

   "Your Highness please!"

  The white dragon spoke again. This time his right hand was raised, and a strange law poured out, to force Feiya into the huge metal ring like that eclipse!


this moment!


  White charm!

  Long Jingyao!

   Little girl Jasmine!

   and Moro Haschilia are all subconsciously going to speak!

   Seeing Feiya's body uncontrollable, he had left the ship's deck, and a light laughter sounded at this moment!


   light laughter sounded!

   The power of Bailong's law is gone!


  White Dragon!

   Tomb King!

   stared at Chen Zheng!

   The look of the two has sunk!

"The tomb king and I can't kill you, but you have to forcefully disturb us and ask your Highness to go back. If you angered His Majesty the Emperor Guangming, the power of His Majesty the Emperor Guangming infiltrated, not to say that it could destroy this world, this one called the Great Abyss The world will definitely be wiped out for the first time! I know you are a proud person, but pride does not allow you to act arbitrarily. We can’t kill you. His Majesty the Emperor of Light will definitely kill you! The appearance of the door means that His Majesty the Emperor of Light does not want to wait any longer. Once His Majesty the Emperor of Light loses his patience and His Majesty the Dark Emperor appears, at least half of the world in your world will be erased!"

   Bailong's eyes are extremely cold!

   "Even if we are not willing to see His Majesty the Dark Emperor appear, His Majesty the Dark Emperor appears, it is an absolute disaster for you!"

   The tomb king's voice is deep and extreme!

   A group of demon gods could not help shaking when they heard this sentence. They could perceive that the white dragon did not exaggerate. In fact, with the power level of the white dragon, it took a certain time to destroy the abyss! Therefore, the Emperor Guangming, the owner of the White Dragon, has an idea to destroy the Great Abyss, which is not an exaggeration!

   "The one who would not let Miss Feiya go back to Miss Feiya is really not our big abyss."

   This time!

  The demon of an elder's home was talking and talking, but only after half of it, he shut up because Chen Zheng suddenly raised his hand!



   Thirty-three source pillars release a terrifying atmosphere!

   A blink!

   Both the White Dragon and the Tomb King are suppressed!


  Bailong was pressed by At this moment, he tried to raise his head, but he could only stare upward!

   "The source pillar and our power come from the same source, you can use our power to suppress us!"

   The face of the tomb king is full of consternation at this moment!

"You made a mistake from the beginning. The Gate of Creation is not for Fiya, and the Gate of Creation is for me. It is asking me to go in, not asking Fiya to go back. As for the source of the pillar power Attribute homology cannot suppress you. I am sorry that my hand is special. As long as I am in the land of the Yuan ancestor, as long as I do not swallow the source magic column into the body, then they are a powerful enough force that belongs to me only."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


  Catch a huge metal ring like that eclipse!


  The huge metal ring shrinks to one person tall!

   hovered in front of Chen!

  White Dragon!

   Tomb King!

   complexion changed!

   They can’t believe that a creature that doesn’t belong to their hometown can actually control this door to their hometown!

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