Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1006: Intriguingly abandoned Heavenly Emperor!


This big world is so **** abnormal!

this moment!

There is an urge to cry when you win the road!

I was pressed by several brothers in Wuji Qitianzong, and by some elder brothers in Zulong Shengzhao, and finally took the task of retrieving the Xianwu total volume. I want to come to the world of majesty!

This Nima!

Haven't done much prestige yet!

How do you feel like you are about to play yourself!

The thoughts of Dao Daozi flashed insanely!



Another thought came up!

No way!

Can't escape!

But I promised the master that I would definitely take the Xianwu total volume back!

But what if I don’t run away!


do not care!

Please, Master’s will!

Although shameful!

But you can still live!

Can also get back the Xianwu total volume!

"It's too much to bully!" Ying Gou Dao breathed out his breath, his eyes swept fiercely on the faces of the women, and finally stared at Chen Zheng, yelling loudly, "Master, save me!"

"Humph! The garbage will only call this trick!"

The indifferent voice of the goddess of heaven in the godless tears sounded again!

"Wu Ji abandons the ancestor of the Sect of the Heaven Sect, let me open the eyes of the rabbit. Um? This breath! Awesome!"

The Beast Rabbit smiled, and wanted to make fun of it, but when he felt the breath that was coming, his expression instantly became very serious!

Here comes the amazing guy!

This moment is more than a rabbit. Except for Chen Zheng, the appearance of the rest of the people either cooled down or sank!


The will of a strong man who stood above the saint came!


A streamer flashes!

A figure descended on the Yanyang Temple!

"Master, save me, it's not that the disciples are too weak, but that this great world is too weird. There are several banshees in this great world! That banshee Dao Xiuxiu has the ancestors' power, and the sword is still open. The sacred dragon seal given to me by the Father Emperor! This banshee awakened the blood of the Divine Martial Arts, which is the same bloodline power as Master and you and the master! This banshee claimed to be selected as the heir to the celestial queen, and was also selected as the bliss Immortal Sect's next Sect Master! That's right! And this female demon, she is the reincarnation of You Tian Tian Nu!"

Seeing this figure, Yinggou Daozi prostrate at the foot, and howl like crying!

"The banshee is indeed qualified to be called banshee, and it's not easy." The admiring figure swept over Bai Nishang, Wu Qingyan, Long Jingyao, and Shen Wu tearless faces, commented and looked again. Chen Zheng was surrounded by Chen Zheng, and then looked at Chen Zheng: "Win the hook, you have missed this little girl and this one. This little girl has swallowed the sword body, although the swallowed sword body is not the first sword body, it can be swallowed There is no upper limit for the growth of the sword body. And this son, who looks very similar to the emperor, is the real demon. The true immortal Xiuwei does not destroy the flesh and the Yuanshen. I am envious of this flesh."


Win the Dao Dao dumbfounded!


The ancestors of Shenguang and Wuzu are silent!

"Humph! Abandon Heavenly Emperor!"

And in the body of God without tears, the will of the heavenly female goddess sounded again, as if she knew the coming figure!

The figure of "Yudu Tiannv" came to hear this cold hum, then glanced at God without tears, and then smiled: "If you are the highest state of the Yudu Tiannv, my Wu Ji abandoned Heaven Sect Master may be afraid of you, But now you are in this state, and my incarnation is not afraid of you."

"You can try it!"

Youdu Tiannv will respond indifferently again!



The ghost of ghosts floating behind God without tears!

At this moment, you will release the gloomy atmosphere of Youxuan!

Only the advent figure's eyes moved and fell on Chen Zheng's face again. After looking at Chen Zhengshu's eyes again, a mysterious smile appeared: "I probably know which one you are reincarnated. No wonder your flesh and Yuanshen So special. I chased a woman for less than a million years. The reason why the Xianwu total volume was put into this big world thousands of years ago was an agreement with that woman. She once mentioned a man and said that the man is an ancient The only man ever moved her."


Everyone's eyes also looked at Chen Zheng!

"Master Master, even if this kid is really a terrible soul reincarnated, but he cultivates into a true fairyland, he is far from an opponent of Master! If Master suppresses him and seals him, you will not get the heart of Mrs. Tianji Master! You have chased Mrs. Tianji for millions of years, this is the best opportunity! Suppress this kid, Mrs. Tianji will definitely be in your arms!"

The win hook trembles, and then clenches his teeth!



The advent figure raises his hand is a bang!

Winning the hook Daozi didn't even have time to scream!


At this moment, there is only one remnant soul left to win the Tao!

He has been completely dumbfounded!


He even wiped his body directly!


Why do you do this!

"My disciple is ignorant of the heights of the earth, please forgive me." The advent figure will win the remnant soul of Gou Daozi and smile at Chen Zheng: "Taixu Wuji abandoned Tianzong Sect Master, abandoned Heaven Emperor, and abandoned Taishan Mountain in Taixu, waiting for the son to return . After the son returns to Taixu, please come to Tianshan for a visit."


The words fell!

The figure is disillusioned!


The incarnation of the will called Emperor Qitian left!

"Huh? It seems to have the smell of food! Hey? Really has the smell of food! Dad Dad! If you have food, you must wake up Susu! Susu needs to eat a lot to grow up!"

At this time!

Chen Zheng's pocket!

A milky milky voice sounded!

God without tears shivered when he heard this voice!

She is not actually afraid!

But she is afraid of the heavenly female will in her body!

Youdu Tianvu will hear the voice of milk and milk gas directly hidden in the deepest part of God without tears!

"I will call you next time."

Chen Zheng responded with a smile.

"Um! Dad is so good to Susu!"

The sound of milk and milk gas sounded again.

Except for the few people who had seen the tears of the Cangsheng God who had seen Tai Su Shi Egg, the rest of them were all confused at the moment, not only wondering what Chen Zheng was, but even wondering if Chen Zheng had a daughter?


It seems normal that Chen Zu has a daughter!


This daughter feeds on the spiritual will of the saints!

Would this be too scary!

"So who is Mrs. Tianji, and your concubine of Chen Zheng's first life?"

The Yanyang Temple is quiet for a A questioning voice from Chen Zhengyuan’s **** sounded again!

Everyone was startled again!


The evil beast rabbit replied subconsciously.


How can it be!

Everyone glanced at the rabbit, and all looked at Chen Zheng!

"Mrs. Tianji, maybe it is the wife of a certain prince or the emperor."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"Lying trough! Isn't that a wife! Listen to what it means to abandon Heavenly Emperor, that wife loves Chen Zu you!"

The beast of the evil beast opened his mouth!

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