Chapter 752: Strong Enemy Strikes

“Yeah! Brother, if you don’t help, both of us will be hacked to death. Could you please help me to rescue brother.”

Ye Yun looked at these two guys, still unwilling to use his own ultimate power.

Immediately sneered, but this was something he couldn’t do. After all, these two people came to help the owner. If he wants to betray his right now, then they will be criticized by these two people, and then they will be in the ears of own every day. Talking, this is his most annoying thing.

“I’m here, don’t rush, if it’s just a few assassins.” He looked at the two men in front of him and said helplessly, and then heard the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand directly rushed towards and rushed over.

“Huh!” Moqi took a long breath as he watched Ye Yun rush towards him. If Ye Yun doesn’t come, they probably won’t be able to withstand this wave of attacks. Although they have a hole card, they are Under this wave of assassins’ rotation attack is invalid, and under the wheel of war, no one can be sure that there will be changes in this Realm’s assassins!

At this time, Ye Yun directly used the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand to split the two people in front of him, and then rushed to the front of Moqi.

“Why the guy in the road warfare has died, and these guys are still so desperate, don’t they know that they are dead?” He looked at Moqi questioningly, and then released the Nine Heavens Jasper Knife in his hand and directly blocked it. The attack of two people in front of him.

“A hundred billion times increase.” Ye Yun’s voice remembered, and then the light and shadow surged towards 4 weeks like a wave of light from a knife!

After hearing what Ye Yun said, Moqi actually smiled bitterly.

“I can be regarded as seeing your pervert today. If the road war did not play its Realm Realm in time, then now you are a corpse. I very much doubt whether your pervert is also Realm Realm. We pretend to be ordinary cultivators here.” He looked at Ye Yun and said silently.

Right now, Ye Yun is so powerful that he even died in the road battle to break the realm. Now they dare not really look down on Ye Yun.

“Okay.” Ye Yun said indifferently at this time, and then the Nine Heavens Jade Knife in his hand directly attacked everyone around him.

“You two bastards, don’t take care of you first, just take care of me.” Horned Elder said helplessly, and then he fleeing desperately, the long sword was cut directly behind him, and the blood was also biao. All over the floor.

Moqi really sneered at this moment. Right now, this horn Elder is against himself. Although this is above this desert, this horn Elder cannot be killed, but there are two holy beasts killed in this desert. People, what’s so great.

“If you want to shoot, then the price may be high, I don’t know if your character Elder can afford it.” He looked at the character Elder who was busy escaping and said with a smile.

“Asshole! When is this all the time, and now I’m still talking about the price.” Horn Elder said silently while looking at Moqi. Now he has been chased by others, if it is Moqi that he is not willing to help the owner. , Then it is clear to cross the river to demolish the bridge.

“There is Ye Yun you! Right now we are all here to help you, we can’t help you die.” Jiao Elder shouted to Ye Yun again.

“Fart!” Moqi sneered as he listened to Elder’s words.

“Okay, stop arguing for the two of you now, do it!” Ye Yun looked at these two weird flowers still regretting, and immediately sneered, and then walked very fast under her feet, holding a knife and pointing to the corner of Elder’s eyebrows. Rushed over!

“Fuck! I can see it, it turns out that the two of you have been squeezing me out of the holy beast clan!” He looked at the sudden Jiuxiao Jade Sword and roared.

“Shut up! Bow your head!” Ye Yun roared anxiously, and then the law ground on the knife surged, exploding the light curtain law!

“When~!” A sound of metal humming sounded above the Jiuxiao Jade Knife and another long sword. At this time, Horn Elder was sitting on the ground watching the charge in front of him, but he was not stupid at this time. In a turn, he stood behind Ye Yun.

“Fuck, it’s so miserable, it turns out that this old guy is going to kill me.” Horn Elder looked at the black clothes on the door of the whole body, and the people wearing the appearance of the Ming family roared on their heads.

Ye Yun looked at this guy with a funny face. Now this guy is wearing black clothes. At this time, he didn’t go to kill Mu Yao. This is a problem.

“Why don’t you have a way to heaven? The Underworld has no way, are you free to vote?” He looked at the black man in front of him and said with a sneer.

At the moment, the man in black is still above the road fight, but seeing the shrewdness of the sword, it has already caused a ray of blood to flow out of his palm, but at this time, he is forcibly wrapped in the law of life. , Don’t let that strand of blood flow out.

Also, when this guy appeared, the Jiuxiao Jade Sword just shook, which only means that Xiaofeng almost didn’t notice it!

“No.” The man in black sneered, his eyes still looking at Ye Yun!

“Your rules are really strange to me, it shouldn’t be from the Heaven, Earth and Business Alliance.” Ye Yun looked at the guy in front of him and asked, and then he looked at this guy.

“Little devil, you have a keen sense, but you are really going to die under my hands today, killing our Magical Beasts clan people, and you will never survive.” The man in black looked at Ye Yun in front of him and said coldly. Immediately, layers of sharp small blades appeared on his sword like a thorn tree!

“Hehe.” Ye Yun sneered immediately after hearing this guy’s words.

“It seems that Tu Wuxian is with that idiot, but it doesn’t matter. Since you dare to appear in this secret realm, then I must stay with you.” He looked at the man in black coldly in front of him. Said, Random is also a step towards retreated, the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand, gradually began to rise with the power of the law!

At this time, Mu Yao found that something was wrong here.

“Who is the man in black at the moment? Do you need support?” Her voice was still anxious, and the sword in her hand was ruthlessly attacking the hatred in front of her from time to time.

“No need!” Ye Yun looked at the Magical Beasts in front of him and said with a sneer. The Magical Beasts at the moment had already unfolded its black robe, and the black wings behind the cart were already slowly unfolding.

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