Chapter 558 Wantong Secret Shop

Ye Yun felt some doubts in his heart.

Because he has some disgust towards Xiaojie Xianting in his heart, and at the same time, he has some curiosity about Xiaojie Xianting in his heart, because he also learned from Xiang Lou and Ling Danshu that the legend In the hands of Xiaojie Xianting, he holds a very terrifying secret.

And Xiaojie Xianting is also extremely powerful, so the reason why Xiaojie Xianting wants to hide is because they have an extremely powerful secret, which is really possible to revive the world.

The reason why Ye Yun wanted to see Xiaojie Xianting was not only for curiosity, nor was it just for revenge, nor was it not just for seeing Xiaojie Xianting not pleasing to the eye, the most important thing was for you to Xiaojie Xianting. The curiosity of the secret disease in his hands, he really wanted to get it, and he felt that if he got the secret, it would also have a great effect on him.

He kept occupying Yunxian Xucheng, and still didn’t find any news. Ye Yun had never left Yunxian Xucheng after riding his bike for a day. When Ye Yun walked to the gate of Yunxian Xucheng, he was about to leave Yun. When I was in Xianxu City, I suddenly saw a shop.

“Wantong Secret Shop.”

The name of this shop is called Wantong Secret Shop, and it looks extremely simple. It opened at the gate of Yunxian Xucheng. When he saw this Wantong Secret Shop, Ye Yun was also a little surprised. In his opinion Wantong Secret Shop is extremely ordinary, even inconspicuous. If you didn’t come to this place yourself, you would obviously not be able to find Wantong Secret Shop.

As for Wantong Secret Shop, he opened his shop in this place, and I don’t know why. In Ye Yun’s view, opening the door of Yunxianxu City is obviously an unwise decision. At the gate of the city, almost no one would notice Vantone’s densely paved area.

But what makes Ye Yun feel a little joy in his heart is Wantong Secret Shop, which seems to be able to investigate information, and there is also a sign on Wantong Secret Shop with a distorted handwriting that says: “All the information in the world Wantong You can find all the secret shops, if you can’t find them, just overturn Wantong secret shops!”

Wantong Secret Shop actually said such a big thing, and Ye Yun was also extremely shocked in his heart, and he was also extremely curious in his heart. Then Ye Yun walked towards Wantong Secret Shop. After a while, Ye Yun had already reached the door of Wantong Secret Shop, and then walked into the inside of Wantong Secret Shop.

The inside of Wantong Secret Shop is also very ordinary, and it can even be said to be a little shabby. Even when Ye Yun walked into Wantong Secret Shop, he frowned slightly because he was inside Wantong Secret Shop. Did not feel the presence of anyone.

“Strange, is there no one in Wantong Secret Shop? Hey, boss, where are you?”

Ye Yun discovered that there was no one in Wantong Secret Shop who would have any doubts in his heart. After all, Wantong Secret Shop was still open at this time. If there is no one inside, wouldn’t he be afraid of a thief coming here?

And when Ye Yun yelled, something that shocked his heart suddenly happened. There was a wave of fluctuations in the surrounding space, and he immediately responded to this voice: “Who Ah, oh, it turns out that a customer came to Wantong Secret Shop. What kind of information are you looking for?”

Accompanied by such words, the surrounding space began to sway, and Ye Yun was surprised to discover that from the space next to him, a strong man at the pinnacle of creation had come out.

In fact, Ye Yun has learned recently that even in the Primordial Realm, the powerhouses of Realm, the pinnacle of creation, are very rare, and can even be regarded as a hero.

Even the powerful late stage of the creation can be regarded as an absolute master. This is also the reason why the three forces did not find Ye Yun until the end and gave up, because they can’t look for Ye Yun recklessly, otherwise. If you get Ye Yun’s misunderstanding, you will run away.

“There is actually a master of the pinnacle of creation here. It seems that this Vantone store is not simple. Maybe you can really inquire about some information about the fairy garden in the small world.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart and then stood in front of this strong man: “Boss, I want to give him a message.”

“I know you want to come over and open the information. To tell the truth, the masters who entered our Vantone Secret Shop did not come to open the information or did it?”

“Just tell me, what kind of news you want to check.”

The boss said to Ye Yun. After hearing what the boss said, after a moment of hesitation, Ye Yun started to say directly: “Boss, what I want to inquire about is the news in the small world fairy garden, do you know? Regarding the news in Xiaojie Xianting.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the powerhouse of Realm, the creation pinnacle that seemed to be dragged, suddenly changed his complexion and looked ugly. Then he pulled Ye Yun. Body: “Where did you learn about the Xiaojie Xianting? In fact, even in the Primordial Realm, few strong people knew about the Xiaojie Xianting. And I was actually extremely strong and possessed It’s a unique dream to get news from Xiaojie Xianting.”

After hearing the boss’s words, Ye Yun was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect the boss to change so huge after hearing the news that he asked Xiaojie Xianting.

“Boss, let us enter the room and talk about this matter.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words this time, the boss didn’t make much rejection. Then he walked towards the inside of Wantong Secret Shop with Ye Yun, and after a while, he walked to an extremely rich market. In Yuan’s room, there are many Restrictions around this room.

Immediately afterwards, the boss took Ye Yun into the room. When entering the room, the boss sat down first, and then handed Ye Yun a cup of tea. Ye Yun looked at the cup of tea and the few people’s water. , He picked up the cup of tea, and after gently winning, he found that this cup of tea was also extremely good.

“Good tea, good tea.”

After listening to Ye Yun’s words, the boss also smiled slightly: “Ye Yun, can you tell me now, where did you get the news from Xiaojie Xianting?”

The boss looks extremely anxious, and Ye Yun is now starting to tell: “Boss, don’t care where I got the news about Xiaojie Xianting, I just want to know about Xie Tingting, so Just tell me what you know about Xiaojie Xianting and where exactly is Xiaojie Xianting.”

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